Post player stays on weak side but can flash to post. Also, 3 or 4 could receive the ball and take three-point jump shots if open. , Are you a basketball coach looking to help your athletes run faster? Next, 3 could receive the ball from 4 and take the jump shot if open. Copyright 2023 Breakthrough Basketball, LLC. If Villanova doesnt have an advantage in transition, they typically start their half court possessions with a pass from the slot to the wing. The name says it all, as this offense consists of 4 players spread out behind the three-point line and 1 post player inside the lane. If defense underplays (sags), pop out. If no scoring opportunity is available, the ball can be reversed. Positionless Offense - Although there is a post player inside, any player on the team can fill any of the five positions on the floor. Should always be high/lo and opposite one another. Receive 72 drills, 32 plays & 7 shooting workouts! PayPal verified and trusted by coaches worldwide since 2001, How to Use Your Post Player in the 4-Out Offense. Coach Walberg originally name this offense 'Attack, Attack, Skip, Attack, Attack'. Fill to the open corner once inside the three point line. In this article, you will learn the strengths and weaknesses of this motion offense along with the basics of the 4-Out 1-In Offense to find out if its the right game plan for your team. No dancing.). As an Amazon Associate, I may earn commissions on qualifying purchases from the website, Two (2) cuts to the basket and moves to strong side low post. Moreover, 3 should cut back to the right side corner while 2 fills the top area and 1 fills the vacant left side wing. The second good point about this play is the number of different elements that are included. From there, 3 could take the open jump shot or pass the ball to other teammates who could take open jump shots or score near the rim. The 4-out 1-in motion offense can be run by any team. Here are several set plays for the 4-Out "High" offense: Topside and Counter, Flash, Jet-Back, Slip, Swing, Fist, Pitt, and the Weave-Screen Plays. Don Kelbick's Motion Offense - A Comprehensive Guide to Implementing a Motion Offense, One (1) makes initial reversal pass to Five (5) who makes a quick pass onto Two (2). The 4-Out 1-In motion offense (also known as 41 offense) is one of the most popular basketball offenses in today's game. Affiliate Disclosure : I may earn a commission on qualifying purchases made through the links below. Read the screen (curl, straight cut, back cut/reject, or flare). This can lead to more turnovers than a more 'perimeter passing' offense like the 5-out motion. Also, if a player, and more specifically, a post player, is one of the teams best screeners or one of the teams best players in terms of scoring from the low post, then those particular players should try to execute those actions whenever possible. By doing this, players will have better opportunities to cut to the basket or dribble into the lane for potential scoring opportunities. Its up to the player coming off the screen on what to do but be sure to remember that one player must fill the spot on the perimeter and the other has to cut. Anticipate the shot. Within any offense, the inclusion of a variety of tactics is very important because as long as the offense is well put together, then it is these elements that provide trouble for the defence to deal with. The 4-out 1-in motion offense consists of 4 players on the perimeter, and 1 player inside. To begin, 1 dribbles toward the basket via the on-ball screen set by 5. When this happens, 2 cuts from the corner to the weakside slot position to create space in the corner for 1 to fill. Players should take high percentage shot attempts and players should not force low percentage shots. Next, 1 dribbles toward the basket near the left side and then 5 rolls to the basket. Also, as that action happens, 3 cuts down to the left side corner. This ebook explains all the details of running a motion and gives you lots of ideas for rules to make your own: suggest checking out the ebook because that will clear everything up and there's just too much to write here to do a good job of explaining how it works. Otherwise, if X5 slides over to help protect the basket, then 5 could receive the ball from 1 and then score at the rim. A main reason for this success is their 4 out 1 in motion offense, which is a staple of their efficient offense. This leads to more free-throw opportunities and puts the opposition in foul trouble. Your post player isn't capable of creating a shot for themselves ora teammate. Also, the player near the low post block could be representative of the teams center, generally denoted as the number 5. Stuart Manwaring - players without the ball work together, e.g. Following that, the wing player that drives into the lane could either take the mid-range jump shot, try to score via a floater/runner in the lane, or execute the kick pass to another teammate. Next, 4 could possibly score via a mid-range jump shot or layup at the rim. This alignment provides good spacing for all players on the court while allowing for short quick passes left or right and into the keyway to the post target. When perimeter players pass and cut, they can now have the option to back screen. If the corner defender starts anticipating the fill and cheats up, back cut behind the defender and seal. However, if coaches are not available, it is possible to utilize team managers or simply additional players as well. 5 makes . The 4 out 1 in motion offense is a basketball offensive strategy that creates scoring opportunities via a variety of sequences such as basketball cuts, basketball screens, and dribble drive action. The Dribble Drive Motion Offense starts in a 4-out 1-in setup. On this dribble penetration, the same rotations apply as in option A. For our examples, the post play starts on the weak side. From that point, 5 could receive the ball from 2 or 3 via a post entry pass and then 5 could score near the basket with a low post move as the third scoring option during transition. If 1 is not able to pass to 5, then 1 could dribble once more into the frontcourt. After the low post player receives the ball from a player on the wing, that same wing player should cut as opposed to just standing still. Keep great spacing - To run the 3-out 2-in motion offense at a high level, there should be approximately 12-15 feet of space between players at all times. Your email address will not be published. If a post entry is made, Villanova likes to flow into Split Action to create a scoring opportunity or occupy the help or choke defenders so the post player has room to freely operate. On this pass, 1 will clear out to the weak-side corner as 3 moves up to the slot position. 4-Out Motion can be ran by any team. What is an example of the initial formation for the 1-4 high offense Look for lay ups and get at least 10 passes before we look to shoot outside. However, you can use the 4-out, 1-in set as a zone offense, although the rules are different (see 4-Out, 1-In Zone Offense). Next, 1 dribbles toward the lane via the on-ball screen set by 5 who also rolls to the basket. The 4 out 1 in motion offense is typically initiated with two players in the slot areas near the top, two players on the wings, or the corners in some instances, and another player near the low post area. The offense is really simple. - on ball reversal, change sides to form a triangle unless a teammate is entering the lane. Generally speaking, players should be about 12 to 15 feet apart from each other to create good spacing. Rick Torbett - the 19-foot arc is your read-line, as soon as your defender steps on or over the line then rear cut, don't wait for a pass. Players 1 and 4 are in the slots on the periemter, Player 1, or your point guard, has the basketball, Players 2 and 3 are filling the wings on the perimeter, Player 5, or your post player, is on the weak side low block, 1 passes from the slot to 2 on the wing and basket cuts, 3 and 4 will both cut fill towards the basketball using a blast cut or v-cut, After the basket cut, 1 replace 3 on the weak side wing to fill out the perimeter, 5 rubs off 1 to flash to ball side low block, 3 passes to 4 and then cuts towards the basket, 3 cuts back out to the ball-side wing because there are no spots to fill on the perimeter, All other players stay in the same position because all spaces are filled, 4 passes to 1 and cuts through the paint to the rim and fills the weak side wing, 2 cuts back door because theyre being overplayed by the defense, If 2 doesnt receive the pass back from 1, they pop back out to the same wing position, 4 cuts back door because theyre being overplayed by the defense, As theyre cutting, 4 looks to receive a pass from 3, If 3 doesnt pass the ball then 4 replaces weak side wing, 1 and 2 then move to fill the slot spots towards the basketball, As theyre cutting, 4 looks to receive a pass from 1, At the same time, 3 fills towards the basketball replacing 4, If 1 doesnt pass the ball then 4 fill the open spot on weak side wing, 2 receives the basketball and drives baseline, 5 steps into the middle of the lane to create a passing angle, 3 slides down to the opposite corner to create a passing lane for a kick out, 1and 4 read the defense to find open spots on the perimeter, 2 receives the basketball and drives to the middle of the floor, 5 rotates under the rim to create a passing angle, 3 and 4 slide down to create a passing lane for a kick out, 1 stays in the slot spot to be able to get back on defense, 4 receives the basketball in the slot spot and drives to the baseline, 3 slides down to the corner to create a passing lane for a kick out, 5 moves up the lane to create a passing angle, 1 and 2 read the defense to find open spots on the perimeter, 4 receives the basketball in the slot spot and drives to the middle, 2 and 3 both slide down to the corner to create a passing lane for a kick out, 5 stays on the weak side block ready for a possible dump pass, 1. One of the reasons for its popularity is the versatility it gives any team at all levels. If Villanova cannot attack in transition or get to an early post entry, they like to flow into their go-to action, a slot ball screen. If 3 cannot get downhill or hit 5 as he rolls to the rim, he can look to kick it back to 1 as he lifts for a shot, drive or post entry. For the 4th progression, the player coming off the screen must always curl to the basket and the player setting the screen must always roll back to their original position to fill the open spot. Generally, we like to run the 4-out motion offense against man-to-man defenses. By using progressions, you make the offense easier to understand for your team. This motion offense creates more space around the three-point line for perimeter players, and also gives the offense a target inside. The 4-Out 1-In motion offense (also known as 41 offense). This option only works if your post player is the best player on your team and the game plan is to feed them the basketball every possession. Alternatively, the reversal can be initiated by a skip pass to Two (2) if Five has rolled to the basket follow the screen. If neither of these options are open, 1 looks to pass out to the perimeter to 2 or 3 as they slide up from the corner. The fifth progression is another option for your players after they pass the basketball to a teammate which is an on-ball screen. While it will rarely be open, the slot (1) should cut hard to potentially receive the give-and-go pass from the wing to score. We're going to avoid all the fancy terminology and keep things as simple and effective as possible. Generally speaking, the post players should try to stay opposite of each other on both sides of the court. Again Five (5) has the option of setting a screen for Two (2) on shuffle cut to basket. Two (2) continues the reversal to Three (3) and then moves to set an on-ball screen. Afterwards, 2 could receive the ball from 3 and take the three-point jump shot if open. Two players in the slots at the top of the key (1 and 4). Two players in the corners (2 and 3). One post player in the weak-side short corner (5). Great ideas, and absolutely a great website to reference to! The spacing on the court makes it an easy offense to get the ball into the post player who can either score or find an open shooters. The 4-1 Offense High On-ball Screen includes tactical elements like on-ball screening, shuffle cuts, staggered screens, and continuity on both sides of the floor, which means the defensive players, must constantly be in motion and be technically perfect in their rotations. If a player on the wing attacks towards the middle of the key, the first thing they should be looking to do is score or pass to 5 for an open layup when their defender helps. Your team strengths are attacking the rim so you want to keep the driving lane open. The 4-out 1-in motion is run using a set of rules that help players in making their own decisions based on reading the defense. On dribble penetration, players off the ball need to move, open passing windows, look to rebound, and then fill open spots. This is a simple example of the 4 out 1 in motion offense that demonstrates a slot to slot pass, which leads to pick and roll action. Next, 3 dribbles into the middle of the court via the on-ball screen set by 5. If 1 does not receive the ball from 5, then 1 could cut through to the left side corner. 0 grains (starting) - 18. 1 passes to 2. This ball screen action is typically triggered by a ball reversal. In reference to traditional basketball positions, the players near the slot could be representative of the teams point guard and power forward, typically denoted as the numbers 1 and 4. Williamson's season-best was back in November in a home win over Georgia (24 points). . With the action generally starting with a slot-to-wing pass, Villanova tries to achieve an early post entry most possessions. Your player can either curl off the screen or the straight cut depending on how the defense plays the screen. Notice that O4 back-screens for O2 to occupy the weak-side, helpside defenders. 3 sets a back-screen for 4. If 5 does not receive the ball from 2, then 4 receives it instead at the top. On the pass to the wing, the 5 man rotates from the weak side dunker spot to the strong side block and ducks in for a potential post entry. The 1-4 Patterned Motion Offense is a fantastic basketball play for teams to utilise. One (1) dribbles towards Four (4) and executes either; an on-ball screen following a pass or hand-off with Four (4). These are general rules for the players, primarily derived from insights within The 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense by Jay Wright. A slot-to-wing (1 to 3) pass triggers a thru cut from the slot through to the weak side wing. 1. As another possible option, if 1 is able to drive very close to the basket, 1 could possibly score via a layup or dunk as mentioned before. "Topside" and "Counter" These two plays may work well against teams that full-front our post player. To start, 2 receives the ball from 1 and then 5 receives the ball from 2. The critical part of this offense being successful is motion and if your team fails at attacking, cutting, and screening then your team may get stagnant and start watching the ball more than moving to get open. For example, one post player could be near the slot or the perimeter in general and the other post player could be near the low post block or high post area on the opposite side. 5 Basketball Drills to Rebound Like a Pro! Also, if a slot player is a guard, then that same slot player should typically avoid setting screens for post players. At the same time, post players should generally try to minimize screening actions for other post players, especially near perimeter areas of the court. Simply subscribe to our monthly newsletter and receive: 72 Basketball Drills & Coaching Tips - 136 page eBook, 21 Basketball Tips & Tricks for Players - 20 page eBook, 32 Winning Basketball Plays - 96 page eBook, Over 200,000 players, coaches and parents subscribed. It is based on insights from Man-to-Man Side Ball Screen Offense with Quick Hitting Plays by Billy Donovan. You can make your own rules that fits your team and situation. Alternatively, if 1 is not able to drive closely to the basket, then 4 could cut to the top, receive the ball from 1 via the pitch back pass, and take the jump shot if that is open. plus three free eBooks with over 270 pages of our favorite basketball drills and plays! With all the movements going on within this offense, the defense will constantly be trying to recover to close out on their player. 5. However, it should be noted that these rules are not absolutely rigid and can therefore be modified to one degree or another, depending on coaching philosophy as well as team personnel. This alone puts the idea of the shot in the defenders mind, opening up the ability to attack off the catch. Otherwise, 2 receives the ball from 3 and then 1 cuts to the empty right slot to receive the ball from 2. The 4 out 1 in motion offense is for personnel that can play 4 players outside and have 1 player in the post. This is an example of action within the 4 out 1 in motion offense that features a hand-off near the high post followed by a side ball screen. 0 per round 123 In Stock Add to Cart Quantity - 250 Rounds Manufacturer - Fiocchi Load - 2-3/4" 7/8oz. For pros to the 4-Out 1-In Offense click here. Their ability to drive the basketball begins with their guards and wings ability to play off the catch. Next, 5 could receive the ball from 1 and score near the basket, primarily via a low post move. The reason you fill the corner is because the closest spots to the ball should be filled. If the defender is one step away, the player must use a v-cut to get open. Required fields are marked *. To begin, 4 executes a shallow cut into flat ball screen as previously. Also, as that happens, 4 quickly cuts down and out to the left side corner. This is an example of a quick hitter within the 4 out 1 in motion offense that includes scoring opportunities near the basket or near the perimeter. as I have seen on your website for the 5-0 m.o. There has been a lot of discussion about Marquette's offense recently and one of our contributors, Bryan "MU Crisco" Nolasco put this piece together to try and give us a be. Perimeter Players there are 4 spots around the 3-point arc you will be responsible for filling in this offense. Five (5) then rolls to set shuffle cut screen. From there, 1 could become the fourth scoring option during transition and take the mid-range jump shot or drive all the way to the basket for a possible layup or dunk at the rim. It is based on insights within Breakdown Drills for the 4-Out 1-In Motion Offense by Jay Wright. 1 Basketball Offense 4 Out 1 In Motion Offense . Off this play call, 2 cuts to the wing and receives the pass from 1. Draws Fouls - With players consistently attacking the rim, there are a lot of opportunities for players to draw fouls. Next, lets say that 1 decided to dribble drive towards the basket, particularly from the left slot, if no other options were available. If a slot player receives the ball from another teammate, then that same slot player could dribble drive into the lane if a pass to the wing is not available or if an on-ball screen does not occur. Following that, 1 could pass to the perimeter shooters or 5 could receive the ball near the basket instead. If he cannot get downhill and draws the screeners defender to help, he can hit 5 as he rolls to the rim. Laker cut and fill opposite. The name says it all, as this offense consists of 4 players spread out behind the three-point line and 1 post player inside the lane. For example, if a player is one of the teams best perimeter shooters, then that same player should always look to take perimeter jump shots when open. The post player can be a traditional low post, post up player or a post player who can step to the top of the key and shoot the ball. If the defender guarding the post entry passer decides to choke or help down on the post player, he gives up an open catch and shoot three (assuming the post entry passer sets a solid screen). Elements that are included avoid setting screens for post players should try to stay of... Also, if a slot player should typically avoid setting screens for players. Points ) good point about this play call, 2 cuts to the left side corner near... 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