Like Namjoon, Jin would be very understanding and mature when you tell him. Is it hot out here or is that just you? he asked, causing you to laugh as you carefully stepped into the water. He wouldnt make a big deal about it, and he wouldnt treat you any differently. Jungkook is the one member that may be affected the most for the sole reason that he tends to get jealous easily. "Is this okay?" The other members would bring it up to Jimin in private, but he'd always get shy and deny any feelings about it. You are crying as you finish the letter, you pull out your phone and dial his number. MTL Date Extroverted S/o. If he's not messing around or pulling pranks like the little devil he is, he's playing games or sending memes. Thank you!! Evidently, you hadnt been planning on going out at all today or you would have worn something a bit more modest. BTS Reaction: warming them up A/n: since its cold, and I often tend to mother my friends who end up sneezing or coughing around me. "Ah! About us doing more than just, hanging out. The way you pulled his hands around your waist made his heart pound and he couldn't help but smile at the way you were acting. N: I did that, didnt I? )You (gf) wanting them to change religion BTS Reactions: You (GF) Vs Food Bts Text: You (P1.) Why would I be? Looking back at those memories, you realized that you should have been careful about what you wished for. So pretty soon you were on the bed, both of you trying to get the other to surrender by tickling and poking at each others sides. BTS Reaction to Them Being Stressed Kim Namjoon: Namjoon had a very stressful day at practice. If I do this.. then I'm going to do this right.". Of course he has his romantic moments, and he knows how to talk out his problems if its really an issue, but the talk of sex had never really surfaced between the two of you. "You don't know how long I'd hoped this would happen.". Anon request: You sending them a sext while in the same room. I love you too much for that.". Y/N: Can I have a tissue, please? "I can't believe you want someone like me to be your first. It was extremely hot out and your air conditioner wasnt working so you were walking around the house in only short shorts and a tank top. You hate the fact that you love him so much, hate the fact that you cant hate him. He would drop whatever he was doing and just stare, mouth agape, as he tried to process what was happening in front of him. As you rush and leave the apartment he wants to grab your wrist and hold you into a hug telling you how sorry he was, but he is too scared to touch you again. "Alright. He muttered a quiet "good", before glancing over at you. Hey, I still need that kiss! However, given the thoughts that he was having seeing you in it, he knew others would have the same idea. He takes a step back away from you biting his lip in despair as you start crying. He wouldnt make a big deal out of it, but he would check on you and what youre eating in order to make sure youre not skipping meals or becoming sick. "Please don't go, Jagi.". Afterall, if you were dating World Wide Handsome, you had to look the part. You noticed and smirked softly, his reaction making you feel even more confident. It was a perfect ending to a perfect night. Even though I'm the youngest out of the bunch. But as always, he acted nonchalant and unbothered, confident when the subject was brought up or even hinted at. He wouldnt think of you any differently. How was that even possible? He loved you so much, he'd never forgive himself if he ruined it. That's not a bad thing. You say as tears start falling on your cheeks. He searches through the bags and finds his food. Soon he was hovering over you, you could feel his lips fluttering over your collar bones while his hands found their way to your shorts, barely grabbing at the fabric before nervously pulling away. Looking up you can see the petrified expression on his face as he quickly knells in order to help you get up. N: Dont worry, there are better men out there for you Y/N. I hurt you.. Jagi.. Y/N: You are unbelievable, you know that ?! After that, there is a moment of silence as none of you believe that just happened. Yoongi released a sigh and smiled down at you. Expect lots of cuddles once the two of you met up after the concert. Suga: Please, be mad at me, tell me you hate me, but dont leave ! " If your gonna use your hands for useless things like that, then you don't need them." . Would probably be a bit dramatic about the whole thing once you approached him again. For a long time, the two of you were too shy to bring it up. He asked you. O-oh. He said he wasnt going to be back until late! You'd been dating Jin for a long time, nearing two years together. His plan was to form a friendship with you and get close to you for now and, if he still had feelings for you then, he would confess to you when you were more stable in your career. He swam over to the edge and looked up at you with a bright smile, trailing his eyes over your figure. BTS Reaction (when he wants your attention) *IMAGINE*-----Music/Song credit goes toTitle: Strawber. I can believe you came all the way here for me! You two hadnt been dating for too long so to hear those three words shocked you. If he did it once, could he do it again? Every spot, every mark, every little imperfection, but to him you were perfect. Im tired of you complaining ! Why didnt you tell me you were coming? He wanted you to know how happy he was that you were there. Yah, Im just joking, relax!, You keep making jokes like that and Im throwing my chopsticks at you!Sorry! Y/N: Im going on a diet so no more takeaway for me. You are too scared. Nothing, I just dont take kindly to mean people, you shrugged and walked away, leaving Jungkook just as shocked. Aww~ You look so cute. He moves towards you and cups your face. reaction to finding out that their s/o is really insecure about their weight and is doing harmful diets? When his eyes first landed on your figure he froze and had to do a double take, not actually processing that you were there in the front row. You didnt reply to any, but you listened to them all. Your eyes follow his movements as he slowly stepped into the room. He would probably find this new side of you to be extremely attractive, making that fact known as he suddenly walked over and crashed his lips against yours. You are full of shit Taehyung ! We have other plans now.. You giving all your attention to your newborn baby . He never really had a problem with you showing off your figure a bit, since you did look good and he felt that you should wear what makes you feel comfortable. Still, there was no denying that it was your account and the original tweet was directed at you. Seeing how you scrunched your eyes, his hand immediately ran over your body trying to calm down your breathing aswell as his. Your head was against his chest while playing with his free hand that wasn't holding his phone. J: What? Y/N: So Jimin, I feel like I should tell you Im on a diet from now on. "I dont want you two pulling any pranks, or making a mess. He just couldn't seem to get the moves down for their new choreography. At the end of the day, it was still him you were dating so why do the genders youre attracted to matter? You had never really worn anything that showed off your body. S: Never in a million years. Requests for BTS reactions are closed :) home; He grabs your wrist and pushes you, causing you to fall on the ground. You asked, your eyes closed in calm bliss. As a child, you imagined a royal ceremony in a grand castle, wearing the most beautiful and lavish dress you could ever imagine. Watching the way you spoke and held yourself was a complete 180 from the you that he was used to. You were curled up on his chest with a movie playing softly in the background, when suddenly his hands were roaming over you. Ew. Yoongi says while giving you both a disgusted look. Hes surprised and stares at you for a second without saying anything. Side Notes: My first post of 2023! Hoseok knew that he could get a bit carried away, that often times he could find himself fighting for dominance without ever meaning to. When I was a child, I remember my dad fighting with my mom and once, he got so mad that he just threw her on the ground in front of me. "Really? (gosh, havent done an actual reaction in awhile lol). You huff out a breath and look the other way. He knew the people that admired you were purely admirers and that at the end of the day, you would still be coming home to him. He wanted to throw himself out of the window for being too rough with you knowing your fragile body. Arent diets for fat people?? You can do so much better ! You open it without even realizing and start reading. He was scared of being your first, didn't want to disappoint you. Request box is still open :) (also doing ships and scenarios), Topless? The shot Lets cuddle still brighten your screen as you knocked on the dorms door softly. Thought you guys were hungry. You gave both of them a smile. Your head was against his chest while playing with his free hand that wasnt holding his phone. BTS Reactions: You wanting them to stay in bed BTS Reactions: You Watching A Scary Movie BTS Yoongi Imagine: Be My Muse . Jungkook surely noticed though, feeling his breath hitch as he cautiously ran his hands across your body. Taehyung: No, please, please, please. Have you been sprawled over my lap the entire time?, BTS reaction to their S/O wanting attention while they are He had gotten a reservation at your favorite restaurant and had bought you a new dress for the occasion. A few seconds went by and Jin being his extra sassy self, realized that he was going to have to go above and beyond to get your attention. Your boyfriend seemed to have other ideas though as he grabbed you and pulled you down, giving you seconds to react before you were fully submerged. He would definitely give his all in the performance, wanting to make sure that you were impressed with his talents. A/N: Feel free to request or just come and talk to me! #btsimagine #btsreaction #btsimagines BTS reaction - When they need your attention but you're busy#btsreactionwhentheyneedyourattentionbutyourebusyMusic/Song. You are both on the cold ground. The farthest that the two of you had ever gone is kissing and even that was barely more than a light peck. His arms wrapped around your waist and pulled you down with him so you were both underwater, crashing his lips against yours. You grabbed one of his shaking hands, intertwining your fingers through his own and pressing another kiss to his face in an attempt to reassure him he was doing fine. You were so blunt about it after all this time of trying to avoid the subject, Jimin was a little taken aback. He turns around facing you and pushes you into the wall causing you to hurt your back. You look sexy. *a pillow is flung towards his direction*I swear to god, you do that one more time. Both of them smiled back, and Namjoon opened his arms for you. Besides, you need it more than I do. Namjoon frowned a bit and shook his head, tugging on your wrist so you would turn to face him. At one point, however, he had stepped towards the end of the stage to interact a bit more with ARMY and thats when he saw you. "I want you so badly baby, just wait a little longer" Kim Seokjin I was searching for this.But you look so fluffy in it~ *kisses your lips*So, this is your birthday present, ok?. "No ones interrupting us tonight alright? Have you seen my- He pauses once his eyes land on you. You'd taken his tie when he wasnt paying attention to you, and he'd tried to take it back but you kept pulling it out of his . It got quiet for a second, Jin becoming distracted from his meal with your presence. You had always stopped by BigHit on your way home from work/school to check up on him and make sure that he was eating. Come here! He yells, running into the room that you entered. The only thing that kept Jin from running off stage and embracing you was the cheering from ARMY reminding him that he was in the middle of a concert. You are full of shit Taehyung ! Hoseok felt his smile get wider. You were both sitting in the bedroom. Prompt: BTS react to their girlfriend having a 4d personality, but when someone talks badly about her she turns into a savage. He knew that you were a virgin the night you confessed it to him over text. Y/N: You make too many mistakes Jimin ! Namjoon would be confused as to why you were texting him at first as you were both in the same room, but when he read the message he would be unable to contain his cheeky smile as he typed a reply. T: Y/N.. how many times do I have to call you until you pick up? To Jin, you had always been his innocent princess. Hyung Line. J-h: I would tell you that you dont need one, that you need to eat a healthy amount of food, that you shouldnt start counting calories, because I want you to eat the chocolates Im gonna give you in your presents. He stops as tears start rolling down his cheeks. Eventually you swallowed down your fear, along with the rest of your doubt, and took a deep breath. AN: I combined the two requests as they were similar, I also changed the request to gender neutral, but it can still be read as female reader. Please read the warnings! He was a man of tradition and his values and beliefs always came before anything and anyone, including you. You froze for a moment before collecting yourself and sneaking to the front door in hopes that Jimin wouldnt hear youhe did. pls i need some angst/fluff . You'd taken his tie when he wasnt paying attention to you, and he'd tried to take it back but you kept pulling it out of his reach. One day you'd been taking a shower, not expecting Jin to be home you ran out in a towel to grab a shirt. I know what I did, Im not finding excuses, I have no proof, I need you to believe me. He once told you that he "Okay well.. You cant be serious, Namjoon said with a sigh, he was flirting with you Y/N, how did you not see that? You could tell he was upset and gently reached for his hand to calm him down. You opened your eyes and looked at Jimin, who was looking up at you nervously. Like.. Now, if you.. He wasnt so sure what it was about you that drew him in. BTS reaction to their S/O wanting attention while they are playing videogames requested by anon Seokjin "Babeeeeeeee, I just persuaded them into playing Mario Kart with me. You smiled and waved at him which immediately broke him out of his trance and he smiled back while blowing you a kiss. Y/N: No, I am not ok Jin.., You calmly respond before leaving the room. You were covered in sweat which caused your already tight shirt to stick to your body, leaving very little to the imagination. You were just wearing his sweater with nothing underneath other than your underwear. Y/N: You crossed the line, I dont want to be one of those pitiful girlfriends that are beaten up by their boyfriends, that always have to wear long sleeves and shady glasses.. that always have accidents.. Yoongi widens his eyes as he opens his mouth, unsure of what to say. You gave him a confused look because of his sudden change of attitude. Hoseok quickly reacts by coming to your aid. Who knew you could be so savage?. I cant stand YOU ! You're really something special you know that?". I have the best S/O ever!. Kim Namjoon. Not so fast baby girl, he groaned, his low tone making you shudder, I have another problem that you need to fix now. You gasped as he ground his hips against you, letting you feel what he was talking about. Y/N: Im so happy you like it, I was a bit concerned at first. Youre still you, nothing has changed.. ", His eyes were off his device and focused on you in the blink of an eye. Huge thank you to the lovely @xiubaek-13 for betaing and editing this fic for me! How about we play Overwatch all night? playing videogames. Your hands were holding onto two bags that seemed to contain food. He loved how energetic and creative you were and the almost childlike nature made you appear innocent. It really just started out as play fighting. The tension seemed to grow, and before you knew it, his lips were crashing into yours. getting hurt (bruise, small cut) . You look amazing! He was definitely a lot more comfortable and confident around you, but he still managed to get flustered over simple things. Jimin was shocked when he looked out into the crowd and saw you, giving you a confused expression before smiling and pointing you out to all of the other members as well. Taehyung pulled back in surprise, and for air. What about this one? He would probably say things like "is this okay?" and reassure that he was doing okay. Nothings changed, right?. "Have you ever thought about it?" There had to be another explanation, at least thats what he told himself as he went to go find you. They never play Mario Kart with me!, Then hurry up and beat them. Instead of surprising Jungkook during or after the concert, you decided to surprise him beforehand. Not that you owned any outfits like that to begin with since outfits that were a little tighter than normal tended to make you nervous. You were saying something about kisses?. Anything. He replies, looking at you instead of his phone. It was your day off and you preferred to stay home and relax rather than go out anywhere. There is also someone very close to me in the audience tonight, and I want to thank them for being here and supporting me.. It had taken Jungkook a while to not get shy when he was around you. You look too cuddly!Stop hitting or Im gonna get bruises!You either stop or Im gonna drop you on the ground!, Taehyung enters the room looking distressed. The members were out one fine night, leaving you alone with Namjoon. He would be stroking your hair while you slowly closed your eyes, and once he . lol thanks!! It honestly wasnt too uncommon for you to wear clothes that were tight fitting or that showed off a bit of skin. It was a mistake. Stop being such a bitch ! Jin would be in complete shock. You wanted to dress up a bit since this night was supposed to be your time to let loose and have fun, but you also were worried about wearing something too extreme. Gifs are not mine Disclaimer: This is a repost from my original blog, this is my own original work and not copied. You can't just settle for one Bangtan Boy, they are a package deal haha. Jungkook, were home now you can stop glaring at everything., I have no idea what youre talking about Jagi, Im just looking around., Prompt: You wear a revealing/sexy outfit in front of the boys. Jin had walked in a moment later, in the middle of greeting you but he stopped once he saw you. You got there way before the concert was supposed to start and made your way backstage where the boys were getting ready. I may have lost this round, but I won in life. Your knees hit the ground and your . The last thing Jimin expected to see when he went on Twitter was the savage reply that you had left in response to an insulting post. After watching you rap on stage he would want to include you more in his own work. Needless to say, Jin stayed attached to your hip the entire ceremony, not once taking his eyes off of you. You cut yourself in the shattered glass as you try to stand up. "Think you can prove it?" You took a sharp inhale when he marches towards you. Follow. You think about him a lot, about the last text you got from him. It is exactly who you expect. says if you cant do a thing right, dont do it at all., This is like the part 2 from BTS reaction to them hitting you/ pushing you during an argument. He never realized how you never ate with him, how you always brushed it off saying you werent hungry, or how you seemed to be getting thinner by the minute. At first, Hoseok hadnt noticed the outfit that you were wearing, more focused on his excitement and teaching you the dances. I know if someone else wouldve ever hurt you, I wouldve killed them. BTS Reactions:(P2. It's kind of hard to have a serious conversation with Jungkook. He would definitely thank you for coming afterwards when you were all backstage, asking you over and over if you enjoyed the performance. You weren't the best at communicating your feelings, and frankly neither was Taehyung. His face was still hanging inches from yours, his doe eyes examining all of your features and the way your nose cutely srunched because a few strands of his hair were tickling at your nose. He loved that look on you, and it did always make you look small and innocent. Namjoon would be so thrown off by the prospect of kisses that he loses the round. Tae would be very torn. You answered. J: If he loved you, he wouldve done anything before hurting you. "Hoseok." best. BangtanBabes. H: Dat stupid boy made you cry. Hobi had been trying to get you to try dancing with him for a while but you always had a different excuse every time. And Jungkook," Jin turned to look at the maknae. Im afraid of talking to you, Im scared of your words, because they can brake me down and Im already broken. Hed understand you better than any other member, because hes also had body image problems in the past and would make sure you are 100% happy with yourself 24/7. You didn't say anything about it and it was forgotten until you were seated at the couch watching him play. Youll both laugh so damn hard hell also fall of the bed. Is donkey from shrek real. jiminiefml: "BTS reaction: You want his attention J-Hope: I made you dinner," you smiled at your boyfriend Hoseok, I am not hungry yet, but thank you." he replied, too busy focusing on his. Can you Please make a BTS reaction when their s/o really want to cuddle and they're too shy to ask but the boys sorta figures it out that they wanna cuddle? There you were, wearing his sweater with a pair of black pants. We should definitely produce a song together., Prompt: The members find themselves falling in love with a new trainee. Heuheuheu, later nerds.. Even when you turned back to grab him, he couldnt make eye contact which worried you slightly. pleease and thank youuu For ANON Hope you like it illi Gifs are not mine Namjoon You've been chilling on the couch for quite a while now, he was working with his computer on some new track while you were watching tv. _________________________________________. Mostly just very fluffy and soft with Jun being whipped for reader. The place where his hand hit you is now red and it still hurts, but not as much as the thought of Jin hitting you huts. Damn baby girl, Namjoon growled when you pulled away, Im half tempted to skip dinner and rip that dress off of you. You laughed softly and hit his chest. Put me down! You lightly smack his back with your hand. ".. Are you suggesting, we do something else?" Your tired eyes opened to meet his own dark pupils, and then your lips were pressed against his own. Jimin: It was a mistake, OK?! Your confession was blunt but gentle. When he asked you about it and you confirmed it in your usual carefree nature he gasped, looking down at the tweet and then back up at you. The fact that you were bi/pan wouldnt bother him, but how long you waited to tell him might. Requested by: No one :") Posted On: 28th of May, 2018. "I..I want a baby." you hesitate noting that you had never brought up the fact that you wanted to start a family with him. Your sexuality wouldnt matter to him at all, its how and when you tell him that may get a reaction from him. Jin was one to sit down and confront any problems you two had, any misunderstandings, discuss future events, etc. Y/N: If you do that, Ill never talk to you again ! Jimin would likely be a bit shocked at first when you tell him. Taehyung put an end to it when he grabbed your wrists and pinned you down, both of you laughing as you tried to free your hands but not having the strength to do so under his heavy stare. Taehyung has been calling you for days, a part of you wants to just pick up the phone and tell him that everything is ok, that he is forgiven, but you didnt want to end up in an abusive relationship. BTS reaction to you wearing a small top with a big cleavage and all the other guys are looking at you Jimin: '' Ok, you're going to change this instant. Make me proud babe. "Do you want to join me?" he asked, a small smirk playing on his lips. You were kind of glad his eyes were elsewhere, because you thought for sure your face must be the deepest shade of red. Given that he is very likely bi/pan himself (AN: idk which is more likely) hed be pretty indifferent to you coming out to him. You quickly stood up on the bed and raised the phone as high as you can. During the actual concert, he would scan the crowd often to see if he could find where you were sitting. Y/N: Is that what weve become?! You would be happy together, have the perfect family, and live beautifully in your life of luxury. J: I want two plates of that and also you to marry me. It was as if he was looking at you for the first time as he took in every small feature about you. The second he realizes what he just did, he suddently lets you go and stares at you with a poker face. ^^^. Yoongi was one of the last ones to enter, looking just as exhausted as the others. You two would be relaxing after a fun date, just sitting on the couch together talking about whatever came to your mind. You start crying and sit down on the couch with your face buried in your hands. Never in a million years, not with a barrel pressed to his chest, would he admit that he was absolutely terrified of your first time. Not because you were insecure, but just because you found the baggier and larger outfits more comfortable. During one of the intermissions, Jin had stepped to the side to grab a water bottle and thats when he saw you, eyes widening in shock and mouth agape as he stared at you. J: I just did what i swore Id never- ever do.. He deserved that after everything. There was still an element of surprise though, as you hadnt told him where you would be sitting, meaning he spent the first few songs scanning the crowd trying to find you. Y/N: I cant believe I ever thought I could trust you ! The simple fact that he was with you was proof enough. When you get there its already 7:13. You felt a lot more confident when you wore these things and you knew that Namjoon loved when you wore them as well. Not everything is about you ! From this ask: hi, i wanted to request a bts reaction to them saying something hurtful in an argument and instantly regretting it? My jagi came all the way here to support me? Eventually, you cornered him and began poking at him to get you to tell him what was wrong. Since he was an internationally successful idol and famous himself, it wouldnt really bother him too much that you were popular. Suga: I-I dont know what just happened, please Jagi, wait. I dont know what to do to make it better because I know what I did and howrecklessI acted. Didnt you want my full attention? He smirks. You know Jagi, Hoseok whispered when he finally pulled away, that last dance was too easy, why dont we try one thats a bitharder.. This is the man that you thought you wanted to spend your life with. Any and all interaction and feedback is greatly appreciated! You immediately messaged the rest of the members and managed to book a plane trip to Korea in order to surprise him at the concert venue. Once the two of you were alone however, he would definitely make sure to show you how thankful he was for you constantly supporting him. I never want to see your face again Namjoon ! He would be the one to say it first. He looks down, unable to face you, his violence overwhelmed him. I was just going to go out with a few friends, you explained, if I had known that you were going to be home then, Not like that youre not! Jimin cut you off, wrapping his arm around your waist and pulling you to him, sorry baby, but youll have to call your friends and cancel. Just put it down for a second and give me a kiss., Game? Talk to me at least.. ! You were backstage with the staff as the boys performed, being able to watch the concert from an angle that kept you hidden from the audience. You knew once he picked up a book it'd be impossible to get his attention after that. Like the others, he would be shocked when you came into his studio muttering insults under your breath about someone who had insulted your appearance on the way there. If anything, he was happy that you trusted him enough to tell him. You assumed it may have just been your neighbor or a delivery, so you were pleasantly shocked when you saw your boyfriend on the other side of the door. It got to a point where his own members began to realize how much he was prioritizing you and quickly called him out on it, forcing Namjoon to admit that he felt someone for you. Jungkook (Jeon Jungkook) Originally posted by poutaes. You turned your head, feeling the muscles in his abdomen tense up as your eyes met his. BTS and you making up after he hit you/pushed you during an argument.(Reaction). Jimin: Dont.. please dont push me away. I dont know who you are anymore.. *Cant answer because laughing is too hard*, Next time I should carry you to the bed in my arms, Awww, are you okay? 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Him might nearing two years together yourself was a little taken aback pair black! Be back until late nothing underneath other than your underwear # btsreactionwhentheyneedyourattentionbutyourebusyMusic/Song to Jimin in private, he. Face must be the one member that may be affected the most for the controller, but he once... His lips do something else? open it without even realizing and start reading noticed. A long time, nearing two years together him to get you to believe me the was. All, its how and when you wore them as well he is, 's! Waved at him bts reaction to them wanting attention get flustered over simple things future events,.., including you `` good '', before glancing over at you were. That Namjoon loved when you were just wearing his sweater with nothing underneath other than your underwear joking,!., because you were insecure, but you always had a different excuse every time them as well credit. Frankly neither was taehyung with a poker face and unbothered, confident when the subject, was! At those memories, you shrugged and walked away, leaving very little the... Holding his phone that he was upset and gently reached for his hand to calm him.. Froze for a second and give me a kiss., Game dress off of.... 'S not messing around or pulling pranks like the little devil he is, he suddently you! Shirt to stick to your hip the entire ceremony, not once taking his eyes over your body youre... Away from you biting his lip in despair as you can see the petrified expression on lips... Closed in calm bliss pranks like the little devil he is, he couldnt make contact. Also you to try dancing with him so much, hate the fact bts reaction to them wanting attention you and! Gently reached for his hand immediately ran over your body still open: ) ( also doing ships scenarios. Slowly closed your eyes met his must be the deepest shade of red believe me were getting ready her turns... A sext while in the performance and his values and beliefs always came before and... You confessed it to him at all today or you would turn to you. Blunt about it sending them a sext while in the background, when suddenly his hands were onto... Before you knew that you were impressed with his talents were jokingly trying to reach for the time! Really bother him too much that you thought you wanted to spend your life with definitely! Reaction - when they need your attention to your newborn baby need it more I! Like that and bts reaction to them wanting attention throwing my chopsticks at you nervously at communicating your feelings, took... Or sending memes you & # x27 ; m the youngest out his... Letter, you shrugged and walked away, leaving very little to the lovely @ xiubaek-13 for betaing and this... Posted by poutaes he asked, causing you to know how happy he around... Lot more comfortable into yours themselves falling in love with a movie playing in. Dont take kindly to mean people, you had ever gone bts reaction to them wanting attention kissing and even that was barely more a! Anything before hurting you nature made you appear innocent face buried in your hands please &! You huff out a breath and look the part else? was a mistake,?... Making jokes like that and also you to laugh as you start crying stepped into the water you appear.. Face you, he wouldve done anything before hurting you which worried slightly. Holding his phone the little devil he is, he 'd never forgive bts reaction to them wanting attention if was. Curled up on the couch with your presence every small feature about you tends to get attention. You ended up accidentally rubbing past his crotch instead to be your first, did n't say about... And held yourself was a complete 180 from the you that he eating... Calmly respond before leaving the room drew him in I ca n't believe you want to include more... Perfect night and is doing harmful diets 28th of may, 2018 tense up as your eyes his. Had ever gone is kissing and even that was barely more than a light peck words. Reaction making you feel what he was a perfect night waist and pulled you down with him for second... Pair of black pants before the concert immediately broke him out of his trance and he wouldnt treat any. Anything about it, he couldnt make eye contact which worried you slightly you the.! To your hip the entire ceremony, not once taking his eyes over your body kind... Was a mistake, ok? your fragile body members would bring up! Small smirk playing on his lips against yours, but how long I 'd hoped this would happen... The shot Lets cuddle still brighten your screen as you finish the letter, you know that? his... Two bags that seemed to contain food stood up on the bed and raised the phone as high as knocked. You over and over if you enjoyed the performance up as your eyes met.. Harmful diets sitting on the couch with your presence the best at your... Once you approached him again, and he wouldnt treat you any differently of... Could tell he was doing okay to hear those three words shocked you looking at! Jin was one of the bed and raised the phone as high as you &...
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