The miners had already built up a fearsome reputation as the shock troops for organised labour and during his time as leader of the Yorkshire coalfield, Mr Scargill had rarely been out of the news. The Essay Writing ExpertsUK Essay Experts. Would JD care to say why he writes in such a vindictive and aggressive style? [29] Thatcher, Margaret. Arthur Scargill: We Could Surrender or Stand and Fight. The Guardian. Seumas Milne portrays the Marxist view that the government went over the top with the preparations in order to see the miners strike fail and bring down the unions altogether. London: Fontana, 1992. This is supported by Margaret Thatcher herself; His (Ian McGregor) impression was that the police were failing to uphold criminal law and that the pickets had been able to prevent people going to work[38]. He regularly attended Workers' Educational Association (WEA) classes and Co-operative Party educational programmes, and in 1962, undertook a three-year, part-time course at the University of Leeds, where he studied economics, industrial relations and social history. Scargill, Arthur. Milne, Seumas. " RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} !-f Look for the .htaccess file in the list of files. [33] Milne, Seumas. The Alliance for Workers' Liberty is an organisation fighting as part of the labour movement for a socialist alternative to both capitalism and Stalinism, based on common ownership and democracy. Read online at, Submitted by AWL on 18 September, 2019 - 11:48, Letters: Hands off Clara Zetkin and Rosa Luxemburg, Holodomor: the Ukrainian famine of 1932-33, Tubeworker (London Underground) (bulletin), Off the Rails (national rail workers) (bulletin), Off the Rails (national rail workers) (blog), Notts Off the Rails (Nottingham rail workers) (bulletin), On Guard (Sheffield rail workers) (bulletin). Historian, John Campbell, described the battle at Orgreave; They were beaten back by even greater numbers of mounted and heavily armoured police[41]. The students, lesbian and gay rights movements also supported the miners as they could relate to their struggle. BATTLE FOR BRITAIN; on the 25th Anniversary of the Miners Strike, NORMAN TEBBIT, Reveals Why He Believes Defeat Would Have Been the Death of Democracy.. In 1961, Scargill was elected a member of the Woolley NUM Branch Committee. He also represented the Barnsley Co-op at Cooperative congresses. It is possible that you may need to edit the .htaccess file at some point, for various reasons.This section covers how to edit the file in cPanel, but not what may need to be changed. (1978), CONTESTING THE MARKET: PAY EQUITY AND THE POLITICS OF ECONOMIC RESTRUCTURING, Eigart, Deborah M., We're here to answer any questions you have about our services. She even admitted to appointing Peter Walker as Secretary of State for Energy because of his negotiating skills and said he was also a skilled communicator, something in which I knew would be important if we were to retain public support in the coal strike[29]. Change the settings back to the previous configuration (before you selected Default). Following these results, Thatcher urged Ian McGregor to fix the problem, she describes how time and time again he (Ian McGregor) and his colleagues were outmanoeuvred by Arthur Scargill and the NUM leadership[36]. Accessed October 10, 2018. Beyond Service: State Workers, Public Policy, and the Prospects for Tous les rsultats Google Recherche de Livres». However, we have to be careful when using this source as evidence as Scargill may have been trying to justify his actions to save himself criticism. Because of Scargills actions, the strike was illegal, poorly supported and doomed to failure given the level of government preparations. Some historians have provided interpretations and explanations of the defeat. Free resources to assist you with your university studies! This sparked an individual ballot of members, in the autumn of 1984, whereby the ballot obtained an 80% plus vote for strike action, a decision which, if implemented, would have been sufficient to save pits and jobs, and win the dispute which had been brought by the National Coal Board[35]. Parcourez la librairie en ligne la plus vaste au monde et commencez ds aujourd'hui votre lecture sur le Web, votre tablette, votre tlphone ou un lecteur d'e-books. : A Review of Literature on the 1984/5 Miners' Strike.". It turned into a confrontation with the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher in which the miners' union was defeated. If this doesn't work, you may need to edit your .htaccess file directly. A debate on workers' control. "Analysing the British miners' strike of 19845.". Lawson also takes the mainstream media view that everything Thatcher did during the strike was to maintain law and order. [57] Scargill supported the 2022 United Kingdom railway strike, joining an RMT picket line in Wakefield on 21 June 2022. Arthur Scargill: We Could Surrender or Stand and Fight. The Guardian. In 1965 he was elected Branch Delegate from Woolley to the Yorkshire NUM Area Council, and in 1969 was elected a member of the Yorkshire NUM Area Executive Committee. This varies by browser, if you do not see a box on your page with a red X try right clicking on the page, then select View Page Info, and goto the Media Tab. Therefore, the argument that Scargills leadership could have been one of the reasons that the miners strike failed is partly true as we know that due to Scargills decision to not call a national ballot he ended up losing key supporters such as the Labour party and many members of the public who couldnt support the strike as it was unofficial and didnt favour Scargills violent tactics. [29], In 1998, Scargill and his wife, Anne, separated.[30]. He stepped down from leadership of the NUM at the end of July 2002, to become the honorary president. [54] He gave a rare television interview to ITV News at that time. In 1990, Scargill was accused in a series of Daily Mirror articles of mishandling money donated for the striking miners during the 19841985 strike, with many of the sources being those who had previously worked with him in the NUM such as Kim Howells, Jim Parker and Roger Windsor. However, Thatcher, herself, has discredited this view saying He (Arthur Scargill) was making wild claims that the CEGB had only eight weeks of coal stocks. Scargill said himself that the real reason that the NUM areas such as Nottinghamshire, South Derbyshire and Leicestershire wanted a national strike ballot was that they wanted the strike called off, believing naively that their pits were safe[7]. Woods, Alan. His legacy is one of shame and ignominy. ", R.R. Page 345. Exciting, witty Arthur Scargill brought coalmining to a close in Britain far faster than would have happened had the NUM been led by some prevaricating, dreary old-style union hack. . After looking at the evidence, I believe that the Marxist view is more valid than the Mainstream media view in the fact that it is clear that Thatcher and her government went above and beyond in order to bring down Scargill and the miners. Page 57. Accessed October 10, 2018. the Miners Strike could have won. [24] Letwin, Shirley Robin. Scargill was born in Worsbrough Dale near Barnsley, West Riding of Yorkshire. [4] UK | Politics | Head to Head: The Miners Strike. BBC News. He also stated regarding Brexit that "we should just invoke the first clause of Article 50 and that means we could leave the EU tomorrow". [21] Ridley, Nicholas. The Labour Party was opposed to membership of the EU to begin with wasn't it, so what happened, are its current membership more enlightened. March 10, 2004. Vast majority of people work retail or asBarristersselling fancycoffee to people on the way to work in offices, most of them on single hour contracts working in retail parks or business parks built on the ground of old mine, steelworks and potteries that used to employ tens of thousands of men and now employ the best part of 100. Scargill was often accompanied by his then wife Anne Harper to speak at picket lines and to media appearances; Harper was simultaneously involved in founding and leading the National Women Against Pit Closures movement. Study for free with our range of university lectures! There are those on the would-be left who will willingly attempt to defend people accused of rape, individuals who beat their partners, those who think there is vast Jewish conspiracy against Corbyn, and elements that think trans people are mentally ill. Scargill seems to have almost no one to advocate for him. For other uses, see, Early political and trade union activities. However, Lawson then goes on to say The violent tactics used by the NUM pickets reopened the issue of Who governs Britain?. Yet he still gives credit to Thatcher and her government for their actions during the strike which legitimises his view. We also know that lots of support groups popped up to encourage the miners on in their fight. The End of an Era Diaries 1980-90. [9] When Bullough (unwell at the time) attempted to rule Scargill as "out of order", he was voted out by the area's delegates and a strike was declared across Yorkshire on the issue. Barnsley: Wharncliffe, 2002. This is unfair as after the NCB accidently announced pit closures, the strike gained momentum very quickly forcing Scargill to just go along with it. However, it can be argued that the government limited its role in upholding law and order in a dispute between the NUM and the NCB. (1980), Scargill, Arthur, London: Verso, 2014. Therefore, this portrays the feelings of the majority of the miners who were on strike as they realised that this lack of support could determine the outcome of the strike. However, Margaret Thatchers intentions in this source have to be questioned as this book was published in 1993 after Thatcher resigned as Prime Minister in 1990, therefore she may have been trying to justify her actions and downplay the use of police in the miners strike. [15] However, Scargill's statements in the years after becoming NUM president divided left-wing opinion with his support of the Soviet Union, most notably when he refused to support the TUC's positions on the Solidarity union in Poland or on the Soviet shooting down of the Korean Air Lines Flight 007. Put the custom structure back if you had one. The .htaccess file contains directives (instructions) that tell the server how to behave in certain scenarios and directly affect how your website functions. McIlroy, J. Essay Writing Service. For more information, see The National Review (June 15, 1984 and April 5 . Logger.logCoid("61c4e44a-8d58-45d2-8bc5-5fc2bd749aae"); The easiest way to edit a .htaccess file for most people is through the File Manager in cPanel. But my father never forced me to be involved in politics at all.[5]. Page 346. Page 161. Page 342. On the appointment of Ian MacGregor as head of the NCB in 1983, Scargill stated, "The policies of this government are clear to destroy the coal industry and the NUM". Strike: When Britain Went to War. In Defence of Marxism. Accessed January 06, 2019. [18] Still the Enemy Within (2014). IMDb. His post-1985 decision to try and build a political organisation the so-called Socialist Labour Party turned out to be a disaster and created nothing more than a pathetic, personal bandwagon which spluttered briefly before the wheels fell off. [he fails to see that] the working class is a world class. ", Gildart, Keith. Scargill led the union in the 19841985 miners' strike. The judge Sir Sydney Templeman held that it was unlawful that union members were disciplined by the NUM disciplinary panel, which Scargill chaired, for appearing as witnesses testifying against Scargill in a libel case. EconBiz.Logger.enable_visibilityState_tracking(); [33], In July 1990, the NUM executive voted unanimously to sue Scargill and general secretary Peter Heathfield. We may criticise some of the tactics he used in the 1984-5 miners strike, but we cannot dispute that he gave real leadership and was serious about wanting to defeat the Tories. September 09, 2018. Scargill's first mistake was refusing to call a National Ballot . [18], Miners were split between those who supported the strike and those who opposed it (see Union of Democratic Mineworkers). Paul Hampton and Martin Thomas respond to Eric Lee on Clara Zetkin. References to this book. Barnsley: Wharncliffe, 2002. [9] At the subsequent enquiry, he used notebooks of underground working from the 19th century, retrieved from the Institute of Geological Sciences in Leeds, to argue that the National Coal Board could have prevented the disaster had they acted on the information available. [8] Nigel Lawson, who takes a clear mainstream media view on the Miners strike and even admits the left-wing majority on the NUM executive insisted, however dubiously, that Rule 43 of the union allowed for a strike without a ballot[9] showing that although many people didnt agree with it, including him, it was actually permissible. Brexit: Labour movement debate, not talk with Tories! Tony Benn. Wikipedia. [17] Still the Enemy Within (2014). IMDb. July 31, 2013. Authors: Scargill, Arthur; Kahn, Peggy: Publisher: Leeds [u.a.] Page 13. (1983), Restructuring the employment relationship, Gallie, Duncan, Arthur Scargill emerged from semi-retirement from politics to speak at a meeting of the Communist Party of Britains wretched little pro-Brexit front organisation Leave Fight Transform (LeFT) in Brighton on 11 September, alongside Eddie Dempsey (the man who said Tommy Robinson supporters were right to hate the liberal left) and other assorted xenophobes, nationalists and social conservatives. This is true as we know that Thatchers government backed down from a confrontation with the trade unions in its first parliament in 1979-83 as the government felt like it needed more time in order to stock pile coal in preparation for the next inevitable strike. The Myth of Workers' Control Issue 5 of Occasional papers in industrial relations Author Arthur Scargill Publisher University of Leeds, 1980 Original from Cornell University Digitized Apr. [5] However, we have to keep in mind that Tony Benn opposed the radical restrictions put on the striking miners as he thought they were unfair. Articles like the above, years later are actually a compliment to Arthur. [36] In September 1990, the Certification Officer brought criminal charges against Scargill and Heathfield for wilfully neglecting to perform the union's duty to keep proper accounting records. Scargill, along with veteran left-wing Labour MP Tony Benn, campaigned to free strikers Russell Shankland and Dean Hancock from prison. Page 341. He had a powerful speaking capability which garnered much passionate support from those who watched or saw his speeches. Some scholars have concluded that Scargill's decisive tactical error was to substitute his famous flying picket for the holding of a national strike ballot. The properties will tell you the path and file name that cannot be found. I think people would be astounded if they knew that."[42]. Aucun commentaire n'a t trouv aux emplacements habituels. In fact, stocks were much higher[27]. Margaret Thatcher began a media campaign in order to win over the public and demonise the miners. Disclaimer: This is an example of a student written essay.Click here for sample essays written by our professional writers. (1988), Trade unions and politics : thatchers assault on the unions ; the unions response, Kahn, Peggy, Just click. It can be argued that both Marxist and Mainstream Media view give credit to the fact that government preparations were a factor in the failure of the miners strike but they have opposing views on to what extent. In 1973, Scargill was elected to the full-time post of compensation agent in the Yorkshire NUM. Accessed October 10, 2018. "[40] Scargill complained to the Advertising Standards Authority who criticised the advertisement as "highly distasteful". Page 39. After a Labour Party conference speech on energy policy by Richard Marsh in July 1967, Scargill said: I can honestly say that I never heard flannel like we got from the Minister he said that we have nuclear power stations with us, whether we like it or not. Scargill had the ability to do great things; Pity he got in the way of his own opportunities, and could not see Communism as a failed ideology that blighted every country in which it held sway. . The media characterised the strike as "Scargill's strike" and his critics accused him of looking for an excuse for industrial action since becoming union president. It was a defining moment in British industrial relations, and its defeat significantly weakened the trade union movement. [16] Wakefield, Arthur, and Brian Elliot. [55], In 2017, Scargill spoke at an event in Cardiff setting out how British manufacturing could be rebuilt after Britain had left the European Union. Arthur Scargill (born January 11, 1938) is a British trade unionist. Person/Body (Historic): Kahn, Peggy. Therefore, Tony Benns argument is more convincing than Eric Evans as he takes into account the failures of the miners as well as giving credit to the amount of support the strike had as well. Thereafter Scargill led the NUM through the 19841985 miners' strike. National Archives: Margaret Thatcher Wanted to Crush Power of Trade Unions. The Guardian. It is also possible that you have inadvertently deleted your document root or the your account may need to be recreated. However, they have conflicting views on to what extent these preparations were made in order to bring down the unions. In fact, other factors such as the governments intense preparations came into play. Neil Kinnock even compared Scargill with a general who wanted another Gallipoli[3]. This confirms the fact that Thatcher and Ian McGregor often didnt see eye-to-eye, an example of this is the issue with the NACODs strike. In conclusion to my little rant, unions were formed for the betterment of its members, not to be used as a personal vehicle for selfish political dogma. vufindString = {bulk_email_success: "Your item(s) were e-mailed",bulk_save_success: "Your item(s) were saved successfully",close: "close",loading: "Loading",sms_success: "Message sent. In January 2014, the Prime Minister, David Cameron stated, "I think if anyone needs to make an apology for their role in the miners' strike it should be Arthur Scargill for the appalling way that he led the union. Therefore government preparations was definitely a factor in the failure of the miners strike but to what extent, can be argued. [9][11], A few months later, the president of the Yorkshire NUM died unexpectedly, and Scargill won the election for his replacement; the two posts were then combined and he held them until 1981. The Anatomy of Thatcherism. The failure of the miners strike in 1984 has been seen by many as the result of bad leadership of the head of the NUM, Arthur Scargill, the lack of support for the strike as well as giving credit to the governments preparations. This was seen as violent and was deemed illegal. If not, correct the error or revert back to the previous version until your site works again. The movement faced a huge confrontation from the Conservative government of Margaret Thatcher, and the union was eventually defeated. Accessed January 06, 2019. The Miners Strike Day by Day: The Illustrated 1984-85 Diary of Yorkshire Miner Arthur Wakefield. Their support would have been vital if they were to win the strike; this is presented by Cabinet minutes which show that Thatchers priority was to settle the dock strike as quickly as possible in order to allow the government to concentrate on winning the miners strike[15]. Absolute nonsense on all accords above. The Institute for Workers' Control was formed in 1968, building on a series of conferences over several years, to act as a research and educational body, to encourage discussion and communication between workers' control groups and trade unions, and to publish important materials on industrial democracy and workers' control. However, if it had gone the other way the Yorkshire area would have come out and other areas would have to decide whether to give support. Riddled with Stalinist politics and practice and some of the worst sectarianism imaginable, it has no meaningful existence today. It only demonstrates the individual and threat he was. ", Howell, David, et al. March 10, 2004. To export a reference to this article please select a referencing stye below: If you are the original writer of this essay and no longer wish to have your work published on then please: Our academic writing and marking services can help you! That violence strengthened the stature of the Coal Board and the Thatcher government. Joining the NUM at the age of 19 in 1957, Scargill was one of its leading activists by the late 1960s. He was also on the hard-left of the Labour Party, often disagreeing with Neil Kinnock who couldnt support the strike due to its illegitimacy after Scargills failure to call a ballot. Accessed January 06, 2019. These days he only gets to speak at the crankiest of Stalinist events. Both the Marxist view and the mainstream media view gives credit to government preparations showing this was definitely an important factor in the failure of the strike. The strike ended on 3 March 1985 following an NUM vote to return to work. [51] Scargill criticised Poland's Solidarity calling it an "anti-socialist organisation which desires the overthrow of a socialist state", which Scargill saw as deformed but reformable. Harpercollins Publishers, 2012. This is because had the NUM come out nationally in favour of the strike, Nottinghamshire area would have won permission for its own ballot and remained at work. Written authorization is required for the purchase of tea and coffee. This was a complete reversal of the policy that was promised by the Labour Government before it was put into office this represents a betrayal of the mining industry. Ian White talks exclusively to Arthur Scargill, 84, on 50th anniversary of the Battle of Saltley Gate in Birmingham Amazingly the electorate resent being told they're either racist or stupid or both, if the remain campaign had been more mature in it's approach, almost certainly a different decision would have been reached. 11: Memoirs of a Tory Radical. On the 20th of July 1984, Thatcher gave a speech to the 1922 committee where she deemed the miners as the enemy within going on to say We had to fight the enemy without, in the Falklands. [34] Scargill accepted Lightman's statement that many of his actions suffered from a lack of professional advice, which he was unwilling to be bound by. Another important factor in the failure of the miners strike is the amount of support that it had. According to the Morning Star Scargill said that every single MP who wants us to go back into Europe should be opposed. That would be the majority of Labour MPs, then, Arthur? For the purchase of tea and coffee law and order was elected a of... On Workers & # x27 ; control popped up to encourage the miners strike. `` student. Who watched or saw his speeches more information, see, Early political and trade union activities, joining RMT! With a general who Wanted another Gallipoli [ 3 ] however, lawson then goes to. 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