3. Working up mile by mile until you reach 10 miles per day will reduce your risk of overuse injuries. Walking daily has been shown to increase good cholesterol (HDL) and decrease bad cholesterol (LDL). Its about being willing to take the first stepin the direction you want to go. 4) HELPS TO CLEAR YOUR HEAD:- If you maintain a . Risk to your mental health: It can also get you too focused on the numbers if weight loss if your sole goal. I lost 12 KG in 3 months. Learn more about my weight loss programs HERE. But I've kept my step count up by parking and walking instead, even if it just means crossing the expansive Costco parking lot to hit up Lowe's, rather than driving from store to store. SUCH a great journey and I appreciate you sharing it with the blogosphere. Of course, with all the benefits mentioned above, there are drawbacks and potential risks that come with walking 10 miles a day that ultimately don't make it a great approach for losing weight. When youre walking, you can listen to music, listen to videos, debates, the news, or simply enjoy the scenery. Time: The amount of time it takes to walk 10 miles a day is a big factor. 2. Walking for 10 miles a day is more than enough to lose weight, particularly if it is followed by dietary changes. But everyday responsibilities can get in the way, making a 10-mile walk a not-so-time-efficient way to burn calories. If you wear a heart rate monitor with GPS so that you can measure your walking speed and heart rate, you can get a more precise estimation of your energy expenditure. Learn your local area, explore parks and other outdoor locations, and establish some pleasant walking routes that will keep you engaged and excited to walk. Earlier this year, YouTuber and ultra-runner Vince Luu set himself the goal of running 10 miles every single day for 30 consecutive days, inspired by the physical fortitude of David Goggins.. So far I have lost 43 pounds since June 1. document.getElementById( "ak_js_1" ).setAttribute( "value", ( new Date() ).getTime() ); This site uses Akismet to reduce spam. If youre on a tight schedule or have other complicating issues, breaking up your walks is a good strategy. However, walking regularly has a definite and proven effect of lowering blood pressure over the longer term. It can also reduce your risk of developing conditions such as heart disease, type 2 diabetes, osteoporosis and some cancers. I love this! I keep a food diary and exercise 6 days a week, at least 3 times a week with your videos. It goes along with our fast pace society and desire to do more, more and more. I havent really moved let alone worked out in many years. If you always think about how much you dont like walking, it will feel miserable for you. STRENGTHENS BONE MASS. When I started going for long walks (6-8 miles), I found that all of these problems disappearedthe advantages were numerous. For the last 3 months, I've been walking 10+ miles a day 4-5 days a week doing food delivery. Thank you for this story . We explain the, Walking lunges are a functional exercise that can be used to take your lunges to the next level. Aim to walk at least five days a week. Walking is widely recommended by doctors and psychiatrists to help uplift mood. Consult your health care team to see if walking is the right exercise for you and any precautions necessary for your individual circumstances and adjustments to your medications or diet. Walking does not provide sufficient intensity for higher level athletic improvements. If you weigh more, your body has to make more effort to drive you forward as you walk, thus increasing the number of calories burned. I have started trying to walk 4-5 miles a day and am desperately trying to lose these 35 lbs Ive gained during pregnancy and almost nothing has worked after 4 years!! That amounts to around 820-850 calories for a 10-mile walk. Do you think that age matters when walking to lose weight? Improves gastrointestinal motility and blood flow in the gastrointestinal tract. Walk at an easy pace for another 4 to 5 . Walking 10 miles a day takes a long time. Youll burn tons of calories, youll strengthen your legs, you feel like a million bucks, you get to enjoy nature and destress, and once you start a long walk you know for the next 2 hours its your time to be left alone. Just 30 minutes every day can increase cardiovascular fitness, strengthen bones, reduce excess body fat, and boost muscle power and endurance. Ideally, find a surface thats a little more forgiving than sidewalk pavement, particularly in the early stages of your walking program. Walking 10 miles burns 7001,200 calories and can help support weight loss goals. Congrats on that stellar weight loss Morgan! I have been living with AVN, I am 35 years old. However, if you have weight loss in mind, the American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) recommends around 250 minutes or more. Duration of Walks. I am chopping my hair this Friday and donating it in memory of my niece who passed from cancer. then in my late 30s I started the menopause! Here you get low calorie recipes for weight loss that balance hormones. People with two of the most common forms of cancer can cut their risk of dying from the disease by as much as 40% simply by walking for a mile a day, Macmillan Cancer . been leading a sedentary lifestyle). This ishow I lost 80 pounds walking. 5:30 am get up stretch grab a water bottle and walk outside 3-4 miles. You cant target a specific area with a workout. Those negative thoughts about my lumps and bumps were gone, even if the lumps and bumps weren't. The good news is that even if you dont have a way to capture this data, you can estimate the calories you burned walking 10 miles a day using the metabolic equivalents (METs) for walking at different speeds. Thanks for stopping by!FAQ/SAVE YOUR DOLLA BILLS : My Sunless Tanning Product:Loving Tan | use keltieoconnor' for a free Deluxe Applicator Mitt with purchase SeatGeek discount code (if you need to buy tickets, use it, save money, make me the next David Dobrik plz thanks):Keltie at checkout to save $20 Electronics I Use:Apple Watch Series 4: https://amzn.to/2X2trTu Canon 70 D: https://amzn.to/2WZ1Szk PowerShot G7 X Mark I: https://amzn.to/2Y9myRS Subscribe Here! I believe tomorrow will be the first day of my new life we have our first phone consultation and l am willing and ready. Monday: Rest. To build up to 10 miles, start by walking a single mile. Repeat the interval four times. Muscle and bone loss is of particular concern for older adults. Trust me, I WANT to run but my shins hurt,ankles hurt and Im out of breath in 25 seconds so its a real downer when I just need to take it slow until my body can lift itself with a better weightI want to lose it faster! The only problem is sometimes I get bored. Before reading I was wondering if I could lose the 85lbs I gained over the last 2 year by eating right and walking. Balance and increasing your activity gradually is key when it comes to working out, which means not being overly ambitious when you start a new exercise program. And that four stone was four stone I didnt intend to lose, so bonus for me! Using these METs values, you can calculate the number of calories burned walking 10 miles at various speeds and weights using the following equation to determine energy expenditure: Calories Burned Per Minute = METs x 3.5 x (your body weight in kilograms) / 200. Avoice insideme said youshould walk.. Adapt your walking schedule as needed to fit the distance into your day. I really like them especially "The Big Burn - 2 miles of intervals" and "A Closer 2 mile . I talk about how I eat things such as sushi, bread, carbs, ice cream, sugar, coffee etc and still maintain my weight. If you consistently do the same cardio regimen (i.e. I came dead last but crossed that finish line anyway. In fact, research suggests that intermittent walking breaking up longer walks into shorter walks is as effective as longer continuous walks at improving health measures (6). will burn 810 calories when walking at a pace of one mile in 15 minutes for 10 miles. According to the American Council for Exercise, you can also begin to feel depressed and irritable and lose your self-esteem and motivation. Seeing how good walking made me feel when it was top of mind each day has given me the tools to recognize when I'm not feeling as great and I need to take steps (often literally) to make myself feel better. I Had three hip replacements, and now it spread to my knees, within the last two years. I suffered a lot of impact with my knees especially from the car accidents so right now High impact is not an option. "It typically causes weight stability and maintenance. Sunday. Love this! Here is basically the schedule. Moreover, walking 10 miles a day at a more leisurely pace of 3.0 miles per hour (20 minutes per mile) will require 3 hours and 20 minutes to cover the distance. I live in the UK and I need to lose 40 pounds of weight. Not only did it change my body, it changed everything about me as a person. Saturday: Walk 50 minutes at a fast pace. I recommend you start with listening to the episode on self sabotage: https://skinnyfitalicious.com/why-you-self-sabotage-weight-loss/ and also the episode on dropping self judgement: https://skinnyfitalicious.libsyn.com/63-dropping-self-judgement. 7. At that pace, it would take 2.5 hours to walk 10 miles, for a total of about 878 calories for the 155-pound person and 1,048 calories for the 185-pound person. And, to top it off, walking coupled with eating healthier has led me to lose four stone! Megan you are awesome! IT must be SHARED again. Feb 11th 2023. Im glad you liked it. Walking just 1 mile a day for 100 days changed this woman's life "One mile a day can make a difference," said Christie Pham, who says she feels like a new person after completing a. Tuesday to Friday: Walk 45 minutes at a moderate pace one day and 50 minutes the next day. Watch my testimonial here: Donnas Montreal Kyni Testimonial (in front of 2000 +ppl) https://youtu.be/grCe88c9WFk, Donnas 2 min Kyni Testimonial https://youtu.be/-g02wFaZwYs. The key with walking is that you have to be someone who hasnt been active (i.e. Even on my days off I still followed my treadmill routine. If youre new to walking, you cant walk for long distances right away. For example, in terms of progressive goal setting, working up to walking 10 miles per day could be better than working up to 2 hours of walking per day (3). How Many Steps Do You Need to Take a Day to Lose Weight? Approximately 40-60 minutes of walking per day or at least 300 minutes of walking per week can help you lose weight. Sometimes not knowing what the future holds is exciting because there are so many possibilities. Along with building an aerobic base, improving your health in general, and helping maintain a healthy weight, one of the main benefits of walking 4 miles a day is that it's a doable exercise goal for most people, even if you've been inactive for some time. I also gained about 50 pounds. If you're walking at 4 miles per hour, which is considered very brisk (that's a 15-minute mile), 10 miles would take you 2.5 hours. However, you must limit running to just three to four days a week. At that time, I didnt run, cycle, swim, lift weights or do any of the things I do today. I hadnt been active in over decade due tomy avascular necrosis,but something pulled me toward that path. What you see and experience on such a long walk can stick with you forever. One night after a particularly stressfulday, a coworker suggested I go to the beach to think. Great job. The more you weigh, the faster you walk, and the steeper the incline (if any) you ascend, the more calories you burn walking. Rebecca Thomas began her major weight loss journey with a walk. Start out warming up with a five-minute, slower paced walk. While walking has amazing health benefits, walking 10 miles a day is not the best approach for weight loss. You can walk for 30 minutes in the morning and 30 minutes in the evening. Furthermore, walking can help lower blood pressure and heighten your mood, and in no time, sleep can also be improved, leading to increased energy levels. This is a big goal and a big time commitment, and it will take some strategy to be successful. A 30-minute walk may reduce blood pressure by as much as medication Health 20 February 2019 By New Scientist and Press Association A morning walk can help lower blood pressure Erik. Walking 10 miles a day helps improve the hearts wellbeing. 2. Will I Lose Weight by Walking 1.5 Miles a Day? How to Get a Great Workout with Brisk Walking, Daniel Bubnis, M.S., NASM-CPT, NASE Level II-CSS. Keep reading to find out why. By setting this goal just before my trip, I put myself in a situation where it was possible to make it a priority there were no dishes to wash or movies to see, and spending time on Netflix instead of going out to explore felt like a crime. draft 2, Everything You Need to Know About Rainbow Light Prenatal, 10 Best Organic Beetroot Powders Reviewed. who walks at a speed of 3.5 miles per hour will burn around 300 calories every hour. I think walking often gets discredited, but its an AWESOME exercise, and Im so glad you shared your experience! Walking a weight loss very helpful always to lose weight. A 155-pound person walking at 4mph burns 351 calories per hour, and a 185-pound person would burn 419 calories an hour walking at the same pace. Walking Goal: To walk for 30 minutes, with at least 20 continuous minutes at a brisk pace of 15 to 20 minutes per mile (3 to 4 . Physical activity has also been shown to help increase the size of the hippocampus, while a sedentary lifestyle decreases the hippocampus, contributing to memory loss. Getting this right can help alleviate stress on your ankles, knees, hips, and lower back. This made me want to cry. Also dive into the topic of fear foods and how I eat them. Ive noticed my endurance is a lot better as well. You are an inspirtation.. Have a great day bakingrunner.blogspot.com. When I cant run anymore, walking will replace it . Thanks:). I walk at least five miles a day, every day, and it has completely and utterly changed my entire life. *. Below, weve created a chart that uses these METs values for common walking speeds and conditions to calculate the approximate number of calories burned walking 10 miles a day for different body weights. Walking 10 miles a day helps to strengthen your memory especially when it comes to the memory of older patients. Therefore, this plan is going to start from scratch and build up to five miles a day. Build up to walking 5 miles a day gradually. Walking 10 miles a day will also increase your respiratory capacity. I dont under stand. I feel like I am starting my new life right now. Studies have shown that low-intensity exercise plays a preventive function in gastrointestinal disorders. So, I resolved to move more simply by walking. For instance, walking 10 miles across flat terrain could take a lot less time than walking 10 miles through a forest or up steep mountains. This is quite reasonable you must continue exercising frequently over the long term to reap lasting health benefits. So, while one walk won't make much difference, walking frequently will. I'm a seasonal park ranger and freelance writer, so in spurts and cycles I've been in great shape, hiking every day, climbing mountains, and skiing hard. The specific number of calories burned while walking 10 miles depends heavily on your body weight. Which Is Better for Your Health: Walking or Running? Depending on how much you eat, you may reach the desired calorie deficit range without having to significantly change your eating habits. Since I was a teenager Id tried losing weight over and over again, andfailed miserably. https://skinnyfitalicious.com/why-diets-fail-webinar/. According to the American Heart Association/American College of Sports Medicine, every adult should do moderate-intensity workouts (such as fast walking) for at least 30 minutes a day, five days a week. ", Psychological Research and Behavior Management: "Compulsive Exercise: Links, Risks and Challenges Faced", Laura Chapman, NASM-certified personal trainer, Physical Activity Guidelines for Americans: "Active Adults", American College of Sports Medicine: "Starting a Walking Program", Cleveland Clinic: "What Is the 12-3-30 Workout? I think that people underestimate the power of walking, but its a pretty decent workouts! Over 18 months, I lost 80 pounds going from a size 14/16 to a size 2 to 4. And yes I am on medication for the depression but still struggle. If you have a high body mass index BMI, and you're carrying a lot of excess weight, your calorie burn rate will be much higher. Walking 10 miles a day is a good exercise that you can measure (plus, according to a small study, walking a set distance is often better than a set time when you're trying to lose weight,. I've noticed improved strength in my legs and a 10% loss in body weight, going from 165 to 148 during this time (I'm a 33 y.o. Healthline Media does not provide medical advice, diagnosis, or treatment. So thats what I did. Virtually none of these benefits really occur when you are doing intense runs or other forms of special regimented exercise because of the level of stress, extreme focus, risk of injury, need to plan and prepare, and/or need for a special environment or training program that comes from having to engage in such activities. This is a good aerobic activity for people who are obese or elderly. Hi I feel good I have just started walking from 25 days going gym doing exercise is not possible I feel shy as I m to big Your story motivates me, This is an incredible story, and I am so proud of you!!!! 13 min in the morning on my first 15 min break then 25 min during my 30 min lunch time and 13 min again during my last break of my work day. Your pace will matter less in regards to the total number of calories burned. Best Nike Shoes For 20233. Whether youre currently sedentary or just looking to add variety to your exercise program, 10 miles per day of walking can be an excellent way to improve your health, well-being, and overall quality of life. I wanted a nice round number to tell people when I explained what I was doing, and five miles is roughly the same as the recommended 10,000 steps. This is awesome and so inspirational! http://bit.ly/KeltieOConnorTopVideosLETS BE FRIENDS! Hello, I was just curious if you lost that 85 pounds? 1.You get used to it pretty fast : Unlike running, walking is easier, more comfortable and you can do it anywhere, you don't need a park or somewhere specific, you can walk in any public area without bothering anyone. However, for both younger and older adults, comprehensive fitness training requires some amount of resistance training to improve bone density and muscle mass. You can very easily put back half or all of those calories burned by mindlessly snacking or eating a heavy meal. Allow Time to Adapt. Keep moving! I am going to follow your lead and hopefully by August Ill also have lost 39 ibs. will burn 1125 calories when he walks at the same pace for 10 miles. Walking can help protect you during cold and flu season. Wow, congrats this is such an amazing story. Or taking a walk in the morning to jump start my step count, and then rounding it out with an after-dinner stroll or hike, depending on the day to meet my goal. Walking six miles, which is roughly 15,000 steps, took me about two to three hours, depending on how I broke it down. It is a practice. You can walk fast, and get great results. After walking, stretch your leg and calf muscles for 20 seconds to cool down your activated muscles. While walking that much distance can be daunting for someone who has just started, steadily walking 10 miles a day is a great goal to achieve. Save my name, email, and website in this browser for the next time I comment. Suddenly, my focus becamefueling my body with healthierchoices so I could do more of the things that inspired me like walking. Im never sure how runners will respond to this. So, how much do you have to walk to lose weight? Remember that the number of calories you burn will be significantly more if your walking route has hills. I'm a lover of all different sports, types of fitness, with a craving for adrenaline. If I go for 40-50 minutes I get all those feel good chemicals afterwards, I like working up a good sweat, and I feel like Ive accomplished something. Do you have any suggestions? Ive been walking about 7 or 8 miles a day 5 days a week but Im not losing weight. I have lost 95 lbs and now weigh 220. Im sorry to hear about your niece Daisy. Best approach for weight loss journey with a craving for adrenaline cool down your activated.... 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