In general, watermelon plants require between one and two inches of water every week to ensure that the soil remains moist without becoming saturated. They are safe to use around shrubs and perennial plants, but they are lethal to the seeds of annual flowering plants. Sow seed at a depth approximately three times the diameter of the seed. Growing watermelons successfully requires a soil that is sandy and has good drainage. Plant small seed, such as turnips and carrots, about 14 to 12 inch deep. Cut the seed potatoes into pieces weighing about 2 ounces. When the vines of the watermelon have reached a length of 6 to 8 inches, add a layer of organic mulch that is between 1 and 2 inches thick all the way around the plant. Straw or even cardboard can serve as effective ground barriers. Below are some things to consider when trying to figure out when to plant watermelon in alabama. Dig a hole 12" deep and 24" wide, fill with compost, manure, and several handfuls of sand. Once the seedlings are established, remove 2 seedlings and leave the best to keep growing. It is absolutely necessary to have a steady supply of water in order to cultivate enormous watermelons with a rich flavor; for the best results, use a soaker hose or drip irrigation. While this fruit seems exotic thanks to its giant size, it can actually be grown in many backyard gardens. Sugar babies. What melon is that, In reply to watermelons by kathy taylor (not verified). Like most crops, watermelons should be planted on a well-drained site, and should not be planted in a low spot that is susceptible to flooding or on land with poor internal drainage. Water the fertilizer in well. Alabama Vegetable Garden Planting Chart Trade and brand names are given for information purposes only. If you want to get the most out of your watermelons, you should pull any weeds that appear early on and then cover the ground with mulch. Seedless watermelons sound like a good idea, but have ruined the watermelon experience. Two transplants should be planted on each hill if the seeds were grown indoors or from seedlings obtained from a nursery. Mulching with black plastic or straw around the plants will serve multiple purposes: it will warm the soil, hinder. oval watermelon averages 2-3 fruits per plant. Melons in general thrive in the heat, and watermelons are no exception. Both honeydew and cantaloupe can be planted between the 15th of April and the 16th of June, and then again from the 1st of August until the 31st of August. Young watermelon plants can also be bought from nurseries. Dont bother to plant before the soil and air temperatures have warmed up above this point in spring or early summer because the seeds and plants simply wont grow. The best thing to do is start seeds inside and wait until the soil is properly warm and then transplant them outside. The straw will try to turn the length of the melon. ), Choosing Tomato Varieties for Your Garden, In cool climates with short growing seasons, start seeds indoors 2 to 3 weeks before your, In warmer climates with long growing seasons, sow seeds directly outdoors 1 to 2 weeks after your. Please sir may you be clear on me, i should not bather the weeds am a bit confused! There are many other good cultivars that are worthy of trial in the home garden. Our free planting guide calculates the best dates for sowing seeds indoors and outdoors, and for transplanting seedlings into the gardenall customized to your location. Please let us know if you have accessibility needs. Use all chemicalsfor insects, weeds, or nematodesaccording to directions on the label. The vines produce both male and female flowers. The best time to direct seed plant watermelons is when soil temperatures have warmed up to 70 degrees. Place the head in a container to catch loose seeds. As fruit is ripening, prevent rotting by gently lifting it and putting cardboard or straw between the fruit and thesoil. In central Florida, the watermelon season starts exactly one month later, from mid-January to March 15, while in northern regions of the state, a planting time of February 15 to April 15 is best. If youre growing in traditional rows, space them at least 6feetapart. Here you can find the latest products in different kinds of when to plant watermelons in alabama. When to Plant: A fantastic perk of growing vegetables in Alabama is that you can grow something at any of time of year. seeking the position of Bush Sugar Baby. Another excellent option is known as Sugar Pot, although in recent years, it has been challenging to track down the seeds of this kind. If you're transplanting watermelon seedlings outside wait until night time temperatures stay above 60 degrees. Not elongated. The beginning of the summer has gotten off to a sluggish start, but fortunately these cucurbits grow quite quickly under the appropriate conditions. Each watermelon seedling should be spaced about 2 to 3 feet apart and the hill should be about 5 feet wide. Be careful to provide your plants with an additional drink each week if there is not enough rain falling where you are. Once this starts to turn brown, your watermelon is ripe; however, if it becomes fully brown and dead, then you may have waited too long. This content printed from the website located at. I set the melon level and lay the straw across it on the highest part of the melon. The biggest thing to remember about watermelon is that they like heat so keep your seedlings inside until the soil is warm enough. Finally, check the tendril, which is the part of the vine that comes up from the stem and is curled. Taking 80 days to mature, this variety is about 10 pounds in weight. Thin the fruit to three melons per vine, as this will result in more nutrients (and thus sugars) pumped into each melon. By late summer, they should be just about ready to harvest! What you need to know about watermelon. Grow them in a sunny spot that has fertile, well-drained soil with a pH of 6.0 to 6.8. All Rights Reserved. Alabama ranges from USDA plant hardiness zones 7 to 8, which can be a little too cold for most kinds of avocados. They also need plenty of water, although care should be taken to not drench their leaves. If youre wondering what steps you need to take to grow watermelons, weve got you covered. Blossoms require pollination to set fruit, so be kind to the bees! When to Plant Watermelons In cool climates with short growing seasons, start seeds indoors 2 to 3 weeks before your last frost date. It works with this thump test even in the market. Amend soil with aged manure, seaweed,and/orcompost before planting. Peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, eggplants and parsley can now be planted all over the state. A fertilizer that is heavy in phosphorus, such as 10-10-10, should be applied at a rate of four pounds per one thousand square feet while growing watermelons (60 to 90 feet of row). The female flowers (which have a swollen bulb at the base) will stay on the vine and bearfruit. An inexpensive soil thermometer looks just like a meat thermometer but it reads down to a lower temperature. The scientific name for watermelon is Citrullus lanatus. Watermelons grow best in a tropical climate. In addition to starting your soil out well, you can also fertilize your watermelons as they grow. In Alabama especially, watermelon lovers need to be aware of the many pests that might try to make a home on your watermelon such as: spotted and striped cucumber beetles, squash bugs and aphids. Look at the color on the top. Plant watermelon into 12-inch-tall hills of soil that are spaced at least 6 feet apart. How Many Watermelons Does a Plant Produce? Sow seeds 1/2 to 1 inch deep outdoors or 1/4 to 1/2 inch deep in seed-starting pots indoors. For home growers in living zones seven and eight, lower parts of the midwest and parts of the south, your watermelon growing season starts in April. In order for watermelons to reach their full size, they need plenty of food. Watermelons can be planted directly in the garden after all danger of frost has passed. The Arbequina olive is ideally suited to Alabama's climate. Although the months of May and June are typically considered to be the finest for planting, the optimal time to sow seeds directly in your garden might vary from place to place depending on the environment. Time to Germination. Read and heed it for effective use and safety. (Note: Rhodes doesnt like this method because it can ruin the quality of thefruit.). In-ground gardens and raised beds are both excellent options for growing onions. An echo sound or hollow sound not ripe. However, watermelons do not store well so only pick them if you are ready to eat them over the next few days. Use the soil that was removed from the hole to create the mound and then sow your seed or transplant there. This helps to expose all portions of the watermelon fruit to the warming rays of the sun, which ultimately results in an improvement in the flavor, sweetness, and quality of the fruit. Water well with seaweed emulsion after planting. Everyone is welcome! It is recommended that each plant has 24 to 30 square feet to produce the best melons. Plant watermelons at a distance of three to five feet apart in nutrient-dense soil that is well-drained and has a pH ranging from 6.0 to 6.8. Don't let the mound dry out, don't move the long vines. No guarantee, endorsement, or discrimination among comparable products is intended or implied by the Alabama Cooperative Extension System. In reply to What I have learned growing by ane (not verified). A hollow sound and a yellow bottom are easy indicators that your watermelon is ready to be picked. You might use a natural or chemical pesticide, depending on how dire the situation is.4. Space your mounds to give your plants enough room to spread and grow. Good dirt with plenty of organic matter, like compost or manure, will start the seeds off right. Cut the head off the plant leaving about 6 inches of stem. When to Plant: A fantastic perk of growing vegetables in Alabama is that you can grow something at any of time of year. The Irish potato varieties include the superior, Sebago, red Pontiac and red LaSoda, which are planted in February and the first two weeks of August. The earliest that you can plant watermelon in Huntsville is April . Trade and brand names are given for information purposes only. If you choose to fertilize (and many do), make sure itdelivers more nitrogen than phosphorus and potassium, as this will encourage leaf and vine growth. The beginning of March and the beginning of August are the two ideal seasons to plant seeds for watermelons. Just watch out for rot that can be caused by too much moisture. Once the seeds begin to sprout, they may be trimmed down to the two to three seedlings that have the best chance of growing into healthy melons. Their roots are very fragile, so try not to disturb the soil when removing them frompots. Another good plant spacing is 1 foot (30 cm) apart. Seeds for corn, squash, cucumbers and the various beans and melons can now be planted. Before transplanting, make sure ALL danger of frost has passed as watermelon vines are very tender and sensitive. cucumber (64), cantaloupe (68), okra (73), pumpkin (75), squash (70), watermelon (72), beans (72), beets (45), cabbage (54), chard (54), eggplant (75), pepper (64), radish (45), tomato (55), turnip (50), and . Thin seedlings to 18 inches (46 cm.) Growers in north Alabama are about a month to a month and a half behind, says Schavey. A soil test is the best way to determine lime and fertilizer needs. You can utilize floating row covers in order to keep these pests away from the watermelon plants youve grown. There are a couple of very popular watermelon seeds that will yield excellent results. Set the seeds into the soil about an inch deep. If you choose to cultivate a variety that matures to a standard size, you need be prepared to water them a LOT and allow them lots of space to spread out in. Zone 7 Planting Schedule Zone 8 Planting Schedule Zone 9 Planting Schedule Space onion plants 6 inches apart in rows that are 12 inches apart. This will ensure that the watermelons grow to their full potential in terms of sweetness. If you use overhead irrigation, do so earlier in the day so plants can dry before night. For South Alabama, make spring plantings approximately 10 days earlier and fall plantings 10 days later. If direct seeding,seeds should be sown after the last frosts and when the soil has warmed to at least 18.4C (65F). Cooperative Extension System operates as the primary outreach organization While you might be tempted to turn the sprinkler on, too much water can waterlog the leaves, leading to rot. Each watermelon hill should be spaced 3 to 4 feet apart from the other, and each row of watermelon hills should be spaced 8 feet apart. Spacing. Watch the local forecast and err on the side of caution! Harvest often to get vegetables at the proper stage of maturity. The varieties Sugar Pot and Bush Sugar Baby are your best bets for growing cannabis in a container. I want to find a watermelon that i grew up on before they started this seedless no taste watermelon .. Carrots. Seeds are cheap, so get the best available. Plant when the soil temperature has warmed to at least 70F. It takes about 70 to 90 days for the plants to mature. If availability of transplants is limited in spring, it's really limited in late July and August, when you need to begin establishing these guys in the garden. For zones nine and above, the growing season starts mid-March. apart for adequate room in the rows. Sunlight is best, but supplemental light can be added. Watermelon vines that are healthy produce between two and four melons on each plant. See how the watermelon grow day by day.Description Caption Include. Now is the time to plant watermelons on raised beds that have good drainage and are supplemented with compost. Use only stocky, healthy, fresh plants. Then, make sure there are plenty of nutrients in your garden. See above and also they tend to develop root rot easily. Don't bother with seed starting. The ideal growing conditions for melons include soils that are sandy loam, drain well, and have a pH of between 6.0 and 6.5. This medium-sized, 8-13 lb. To be effective, the lime must be mixed into the soil before planting. It is possible to get the temperature of outside soil up to the required 70 degrees by covering it with black plastic. Ensure that the plants have adequate room. Chemical fungicides may be used to control some common leaf diseases of tomatoes, squash, cucumbers, and cantaloupes. A bed of straw will keep the baby melons off of the ground and safe. Knowing your first and last frost dates will help you start your vegetable seeds at the right time. In such case, your plants are suffering from a lack of water.5. 100 Days - Grow Watermelon in Pot | Seed to Harvest Tony's Exploration- Home & Garden 1.5M views 1 year ago How to grow Cucumbers vertically, extremely lots of fruit, Growing cucumbers DIY. The fruit will mature more quickly and taste sweeter if it is exposed to heat and sunlight. Cut the seed potatoes into pieces weighing about 2 ounces. While a continental climate is hot enough in the summer to grow watermelons, the winters may be too long to give them enough growing time. Alabama's climate allows us to grow carrots and many other root vegetables as both spring and fall crops. Early morning harvest, before vegetables absorb heat from the sun, is best for most vegetables. Instead, water just at the base of the watermelon stems. To control weeds, use a mulch. If watermelons do not receive sufficient sunlight, they will not develop blossoms or fruits on their plants. Seeds for corn, squash, cucumbers and the various beans and melons can now be planted. To remove the seeds, brush your hand over the seed head, knocking out the seeds. During long dry periods, soak the garden thoroughly once a week; dont just sprinkle daily. Carbaryl (Sevin) is another effective material, especially for bean beetles, tomato and corn earworms, cucumber beetles, and pickleworms. Stems should be cut with a sharp knife close to thefruit. Those modest yields from such large plants are nothing to get excited about if you dont have a lot of area to work with. While you might be excited to have multiple watermelons grow, its best to limit each vine to just two melons, so that they get the bulk of the nutrients. Some vines are capable of growing up to 20 feet away from their host plant! It typically takes about five calendar weeks for a watermelon to go from flower to ripe fruit. In general, watermelon plants require between one and two inches of water every week to ensure that the soil remains moist without becoming saturated. Alabama Vegetable Garden Planting Chart Vegetable Days to Maturity Planting Dates, Fall Swiss Chard 60 - 70 September Tomatoes 70 - 90 July*** Turnips 40 - 60 Aug. 10 - Oct. 1 Watermelons 80 - 90 June 15-30. You can sow watermelon seeds directly into the garden when the temperature is above 50 degrees F. Plant your seeds at least to 1 inch deep, placing 2 to 3 seeds 18 to 24 inches apart. When to plant watermelon: While many people are familiar with growing beans, peas, and tomatoes in their backyard garden, watermelons are not a familiar sight. For South Alabama, make spring plantings approximately 10 days earlier and fall plantings 10 days later. The Alabama Cooperative Extension System (Alabama A&M University and Auburn University) is an equal opportunity educator and employer. that ensures all people have access to information that improves their quality of life However, they can be grown in the right circumstances. Plant larger seed, such as beans, cucumbers, and peas, about 1 inch deep. 2023Yankee Publishing, Inc., An Employee-Owned Company Using the planting schedules below will help you get the most out of your garden. You can also pinch off some blossoms to focus the energy on fewer melons (though its a challenge to kill off a potentialfruit). Watermelons do best in loamy, somewhat-sandy, well-drained soil. Seeds will germinate in 4-12 days. In-ground gardens and raised beds are both excellent options for growing onions. How do you grow onions? Water is essential for a top-notch garden. **Cultivars listed in this chart represent a few of those recommended for Alabama. This is due to the fact that after the watermelon vines have reached their full development, it will be tough to get among the vines to pull weeds. Some people believe that a watermelon has reached its peak sweetness when either the vine has shrunk away from the fruit or the fruit has separated from the vine on its own. When growing watermelons, you will need to be even more vigilant about keeping the weeds at bay, particularly in the early stages when the plants are still young. Then, two weeks after your last frost date, you can transplant them to your garden. Consider laying black plastic over your planting area in order to warm the soil even more. The South's production season is similar to Georgia, starting in either late May or early June. In zones 7 and 8, sow watermelon seeds and plant seedlings in mid-April. I would be so thrilled to get some melons hanging like that. When Should You Plant Watermelon Seeds? The trick is to wait until the really hot weather has passed, but not wait too long or the plants won't have time to mature before the cold and dark of midwinter. Once they are at this crucial stage, pay attention as they only have about a two-week window to be picked. Chemical weed killers are not usually recommended for home gardens. Watermelon seeds germinate easily and quickly, and seedlings don't usually transplant well, so there's no need to start them in a pot or seed tray. As we mentioned earlier, watermelons require a fair bit of nutrients. If cut, they can last in the refrigerator for about 4 days. Essentially, create hills of dirt and then plant the seedlings in these hills. Weeding is necessary for every plant. 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