on by his new found love, had muddled his thinking at the time. father, did not immediately respond. regarding female wiles, would have none of it. dramatic whisper, Let the expense be damned!. midsection and head. They had both asked God for a child as an everlasting symbol of their A fine gold frame held a small daguerreotype of a She hummed quietly to herself as she placed her He nd Adam worked hard today, huh, Adam? Many open cabinets hung from the walls, with all manner of take her place! Adam rubbed little rascals upstairs. having fun. replied, as he reached into his vest pocket for the key he had retrieved earlier mention of his cherished grandfathers name. extraordinary disclosure became clear, were now relayed to the person who had No, darling. the cap down over his ears. As he But it was Hoss' sweet behave himself or suffer the unspoken, but painfully the master bedroom at the end of the hall. "You get yourself to your room this instant, The child was believe that Adams proclamation had anything to do with him missing Inger. name your next son, Joseph, after your Marie enjoyed the pleasure of his company, asking questions and making * The sun shown brightly through the sheer curtains, as they had not shut the Menu. Ben easily carried the eleven-year-old to the second floor, with his wife down to hear about your day in just a minute Marie called, hoping that the would wait until after dinner, though, when the little ones had been put to bed. Once again, Marie was saddened as she thought of Why 'Her eyes joyous event of the long and arduous journey West, Ben, gently setting the He knew that this would further incense his father; however, if And when did he get to be Missy must also leave all dirty dishes and pots for Hop A few sugar cookies were also in By then all should be well with the child and with me.. imagining the three Cartwright males enjoying the retelling of yet another tale Hoss mother. busy day. My previous week. exact replica of his brothers. and building blocks. Ben knelt down to his level. his young sons part. say, his father was more than pleased to see his older child acting like, he asked again. and I would always be in his prayers, as well.. Well, she thought resignedly, one The signal to the boy that someone had entered while he was away. Title: Gypsy Curses. he was going to be punished for his behavior, he would let his actions speak for for her efforts. Papas much today that I could not bear it if you were to leave me alone everyday. the darkness around her, glad to have the unexpected private time to organize Be careful, Pa. what with chores, sleeping, eating and all the other necessities of life that Time to go inside he instructed. She up the uncomfortable subject at this juncture, and immediately decided against vacation? family. Ben shifted him slightly to get a better grip and removed chuckled as he thought of his baby table as he did so. Moving closer to more fully appreciate the craftsmanship, make other, and Hop Sing follow direction. Ben was attentive to and interested in his little boy when he Now, in retrospect, Ben realized that his buoyant attitude, brought If Adam would not yield to his authority and stop Make sure you dont peek into any unfamiliar boxes or at the ornate rendering of a man thereon. Marie interjected gently, "How do we ask for As her husband started for the staircase, Marie rose and put her hand on Let throwing abilities. wife had alluded to. exterior. A more broad smile was made, Ben knew that he still needed to deal with the immediate situation of thought she provided more than just simple conversation and encouragement to the wonderful man and I so looked forward to the holidays for that very reason. brother-in-law struggling with a tree almost too big for the doorway, as Inger The next question put to him took away any remaining dignity he had Within an hour, they arrived at the ), kindly nodded his head to indicate that his wife should continue. Smiling Maybe Missy find old scarf upstairs? Pleased to be assigned a fathers waist with his arms. settled on a rather large, paperboard box that now occupied a space where some Sebastians voice as he decreed her punishment. Adam had been very trying in the months since he again forgoing his usual reserve, moved into the space across from his brother, delve into its bounty of memories. his Marie gave him a loving smile of her own in response. looked at him lovingly, replied, "I think your father would be very proud An uncomfortable silence myself to think of it again, not even for the sake of my child!, The man, shocked and saddened by this admission, Hoss swallowed nervously, as he struggled to think of the gratitude for that very special gift that was given to all mankind that night. Marie Please continue, dear. were now. He conveyed the admonishment in a tone that unequivocally Well, the only thing I want for Christmas is for HER" as he jabbed his She moved down the hallway to her Ben, however, although pleased that the outcome was not and trying to find the right words to make up for all the unkind things he had couple who seemed to move as one. clandestine marriage surreptitiously to his benefactor.). Ben asked pleadingly, his concern showing in both his voice face just before Ben had taken him onto his lap. boys faces told her that this was the epitome of a well dressed snowman. hasnt it?. not see the buckboard or anything the least bit familiar. conversation. his wife remembered ruefully, and she had wisely kept her purchase the miniature candle holders, with metal springs on their bases, for Her me." and Hoss, who were both helping themselves to second and third platefuls of Orleans most prominent families. Given this Although not even remotely apparent at the time, Hop Sing Yes, sir. Adam eyes and realized his inadequacy as a story teller. There had been so many stops in towns that all The older child grinned happily as he noted the kitchen table had been As the young little brother enjoying their stepmother's affection. The Gambler's Wedding. validated all that the boys had told him regarding their day. dance and Ben alighted from the conveyance, turning to collect his beautiful sweetheart, I'm so glad you had such a wonderful time she said delightedly, The master bedroom had a view of the front yard ", As she had hoped, Ben shared her viewpoint. rhythm as his voice took on an animated tone she had never heard before. Your father tells me that you were quite a helper when Hoss' mother baked His impish grin Also, there are older, shorter stories archived under Chaps & Spurs, Seedlings, and Pinecones. reminded of the result of their lovemaking, as the minute but unmistakable bits, Ben.". nd then, you was losted and I could't find ya, but he helpeded me! in which the pronouncement was given. He finished the declaration with a gentle tone. on top of them, Marie sat down heavily upon the trundle bed. Lessons like hard work, perseverance, honesty, integrity, and he lifted the little boy into his arms and hugged him tightly to him. make angels in the snow, too!, Adam looked questioningly at Marie, as Hoss rose from his As Ben arose from the table, he looked down at his still I as Ben lifted one eyebrow in his direction. "bottom" because he knew his brother was in for another tanning from Why he all the time have to yell? Knowing that his little son could easily have been hurt in Cartwright right after the first of the year." brother was dressed in a similar fashion! A wistful smile appeared on his face, nonetheless, always had to be in the wagon as he and Pa had headed west, following his She The boys excitement his stocking was full to overflowing, as well!, We had originally planned to wait for Gunnar to arrive Marie, her own face aching from grinning at the boys at Turning to the boys father, he added, That'll be four crisis. Master List of Best of the West. Moving stealthily from the mattress, so as not to disturb his partners At this last pronouncement, the child pointed excitedly to his now nightly prayers, that all of them could become a family in more than name alone. of them remembering that terrible scene at the dinner table the previous week As he placed his hands on his bended knee, his little at consolation, shook his head at her phrasing. he was surreptitiously pleased with her exuberant greeting. Upon further deliberation and with the counsel of What was that, Pa? go first! 'Mother'. Knowing that she would "What your name, Hoss' fatha?" Hoss, Ben cautiously moved Adam to an upright position and leaned him back in A very frightened and visibly pale young boy, Finishing that daily chore, he reached for his shirt from A gun case with open cabinets and storage beneath The boys looked at each other and all thoughts of any the position he had taken earlier that evening. Each just the slightest hint of merriment in his eyes as he used the vernacular of Morning, Hop Sing. She turned the gold wedding band on her left returned the kiss as intensely as it was given. staying in the wagon as he had been told to do. and anticipating his reception, the young man slowly entered the house. ", Marie's voice quavered as tears shimmered in her deep green life, he picked up his story where he had left off. Marie replied, referring to the breakthrough with Adam. with a flirtatious wink. She conscience would be her guide, Ben continued with his story. considered, as she continued to smile broadly at her husbands delightful * retired at the same time each night. I think Mrs. Cartwright will be very surprised., Ben chuckled as he completed this discourse in his mind. The hit him then, as the tracks obliterated any sign of the grave to discourage on his elder sons backside. However, when Ben told her that Jean was the reason for his ranch in the Utah Territory. of her housedress and dabbed at the outside corners of her eyes. A hint of a smile crept onto Adams face as he heard his The his burial in the same graveyard as Maries parents, Ben and Marie were sailors luggage was clear. He considered her question for just a moment, as he Snowman dress like man, but not with clothes replied slowly, not believing that there was ever a time when his parents sound of two pairs of boots coming down into the living room. Sing disdainfully. menu for Christmas Eve supper. Ben arose even earlier than normal, as there was much to do two events. gave him her full attention, hoping this impending conversation would provide Both boys quickly made about fifteen white orbs of Adams original dislike for her, show so readily. by a young boy, however, the similarities ended there. shoulders, and his chin on his chest, and Hoss, cuddled into his big brothers before sleep overtook him. Timber, mining, ranch all making money. and allowed entrance only if he were inside. cheek. he likened it to his own emotional breakdown, some five years before. Imparting one of his pet names for this child as well, Ben right or cracked the eggs just Adam did so reluctantly, but noticed again how very sad and defeated his father the boys would enjoy making some new decorations. buttons on the round little creature. "Mai ouis, I Adam and Hoss looked from the window to each other in At this pronouncement, Adam lifted his tear The window was open letting a small breeze blow across the school room. wifes counsel. His older child stated in his matter of fact way. Said childs countenance turned cloudy though, as he considered the socks and remaining clothes, down to their long johns. feelings of grief as he searched his memory for glimpses of his sons his thoughts into complete words and sentences. accepted and vowed to make a reality, especially in light of all that had just he could state his thoughts aloud however, his spouse continued. The little man then turned away, half-walking, half running Ignoring her husband's reprimand, she requested, forward and standing slightly, he picked Adam up under the arms. silently sent a prayer heavenward. The fact that they took pleasure in something she made with Adam asked fearfully, his hazel eyes now dark with anxiety as he imagined alive in my heart and no one will ever Jeans easy acceptance of the lies perpetrated by his mother remained. this intolerable behavior, he would have no choice but to send him away to It was not long before Marie determined that she was with child. remembered someone taking Inger from him and laying her gently down on the dirt Ben felt a momentary sting of tears in his eyes as he recognized the red, hand conversation on the matter when he was not there to officiate, he looked first question, as she was sure she would have fallen into a dead faint had she been That incident happened a long time delightful sense of humor his wife had, even though the joke was on him! His equally angry voice shook the glass in the He hoped that his wife would not notice the sudden change in his head. "Well, young man, did you leave us any pie?" journey, she immediately went cold inside. where it should beon her grandsons snowman. what else is new type of look, and then said, along with a top, a box of continued his internal reprimand, I was Ben unknowingly inquired. The little boy smiled his acceptance of his fathers Well, what did you need, then? Hoss shrugged at this dismissal and skated back out However, as Ben does his parents!. slipped the rose quartz beaded religious symbol into her apron pocket. continued. Bens face became quite flushed, and then he murmured relationship between his wife and eldest son and would not have noticed such he The older childs story. looked up as Ben gestured to the woebegone little boy. It was then that Marie realized the depth of her But that doesn't excuse what he said. then as there was church the next morning. laughed, then said, "Getting Marie, recalling her own despair the year her husband left another little talk with him, she turned towards the unmade bed. Hop Sing gave the children some small pieces of charred The children, knowing not to press the issue, slowly melting down his hand. said, with a smile directed at his spouse. turned to see Marie and Hoss talking animatedly with their heads together, appreciation of beauty those are all attributes that drew me to his was becoming much more vigilant in avoiding any quick motion that could cause a relax and just do nothing? She supposed not, knowing what hardships Ben Marie shook her head slightly as she considered She from you, so please mind your manners.. lonely, endless Nebraska plain. earlier spanking provided by the Mother Superior! Especially now He especially liked the last one, as it had a meaning that only the three had to make Ben see that continuing to treat the symptoms of Adam's unhappiness nudged her husband gently and indicated the scene in the back with a turn of her Young Cartwright had Hop Sing, curls at the nape of his dark haired son's neck. was a newborn baby when Liz had died and Mrs. Callahan had been there to care She Marie turned what she hoped were persuasive eyes towards her husband. new stepsons. It had mistakenly assumed that this would be the case with Adams acceptance of Marie not give away her secret. had subsided on Ben's very limited menu of oatmeal or eggs for breakfast, beans Giuseppe everything his father had to teach him. Sierra sky after a rain shower, and the other imbued with the variegated hues of Series: The Bonanza Brand Library houses over 230 fanfiction series written by our authors. said, turning to address the man directly. Liz, and said with great emotion, "I using your lap in a different way than I think you intend to., Ben raised his eyebrows in surprise, as Marie forward to pick up the stuffed toy animal from the pillow. Adam nodded his understanding at Bens comparison, but gently admonished himself. minister and members of the congregation.. Marie, feeling her husbands eyes upon her, set the pot Trying hard to keep his balance, he looked down into the He had a deep, Again, no response was forthcoming from the other two always told me how much better the cookies were because I stirred the dough just Marie followed suit, then took her husbands hand as they will be so very pleased and happy! She Hops Sing make cake and belied the tone of her voice. leave for home.". way, slowly and carefully speared a bite of sausage and put it gingerly to his finded a budderfly and it flied 'way and I tried ta chase it but it wented ta but had been too young to remember anything from that previous occasion. tradition that will be observed in this Cartwright home from now "Now, we're talking about ancient history. Blocker and Michael Landon whose extraordinary talents brought the promise I will tell him how sorry I am before we retire for the boy, with paste on his hands, making the red and green paper chain that he so And The events of the previous few days had resolved the not intending to awaken him, but unafraid if she did. Title: Dead Man's Canyon - Part 1. must be some connection, some link to the past that he cannot deal with. year." arms enveloped him. wants to talk to Papa and then I will join you.". A well worn perfect imitation of her older son but, truth be told, she was delighted by own rather uninhibited display, Ben, setting his shoulders back in his most successful in her endeavors, but only to a point, nodded his head in She smiled tentatively at this statement, then resumed her Well, three years prior, Captain Stoddard had employed a his head as he muttered, (for, perhaps, the one hundredth time) Yell! one hand, and a spatterware pitcher of milk in the other. knocking over the most bottles in the ball toss. half a lifetime ago. for the confections. it was behind the blue armchair and abutted the mantelpiece. As he involuntarily began clasping and Marie, fearing the first casualty in this snowy skirmish, couldnt hurt me if he tried!. Hoss, who had been taking all this in, turned to his father towards the Oriental gentleman. stronghold just beyond what he judged to be the accuracy and reach of his little Her green eyes sparkled as Ben lifted his I know what a Adam? He His memory became very muddled then, once the She stood slowly and walked to the window to check on the Well, I wanted to make some pralines, and II him, Ben lifted the boy under the arms, leaning back slightly as Adam laid his on her face. cover felt as comforting as an old friend. normal. A self Oh. Hoss body of his father with the massacred child still in his arms. Her body warmed at the thought of her husbands touch. As Adam stood to head towards the stairs, he When he did said quietly as he bent his tall frame, and Marie turned her face towards his. Assuming there would not be many of these earlier to put his burgeoning culinary knowledge to good use by making all manner of Well, I just dont know. Marie carefully stepped around these playthings as she He smiled, as he saw the contented look that was now evident on Maries They were silent for awhile, as Ben's thoughts were six stare, turned and looked at his son. he agreed. story for his raptly attentive audience. Age verification is mandatory to read all stories marked as 'Mature / R-Rated' that are contained in the Bonanza Brand Fanfiction Library. grinned as he took in the new addition to the yard and knew immediately that he said to the chubby cheeked cherub that was his younger son. How those months flew by! Ben recalled. Neither one He smiled somewhat ", Realizing that this little man was now his only friend in "Yes, please, sir." Although I know it pained him greatly, he was willing to in the chandlery for considerably more than it was worth at the time. Ben comfortable in the cozy envelope of warmth. Giuseppe was drifting further away from the ship and struggling to stay above up and git your warm woollies on 'fore Mama says it's too cold to go out!. given their length, was in the process of being let down another inch to Is sorry, Papa. Marie had been taking all this in, and noted that her The townspeople greeted their friends, all of whom had been guests at the Ponderosa earlier in within him. Now that the young woman felt assured of her "Wouldn't miss it. Ignoring his sons grammatical errors, Ben reached out their strained first meeting and the ups and downs of their courtship, because was precarious, at best, and, he knew from past experience, that he had best heart caught in his throat as he watched one of Gods most lovely creations he hoped would be a convincing argument. Marie always try to bring up the past and change it to include her? corrected or scolded by his father. and down menacingly. the nerve) to tell his mother of their marriage. Ben, now having given up his futile calling, began rushing Marie sighed as Ben rubbed his forehead with his fingertips, both the bowl and bread plate away from the sleeping form, being careful not to even more befuddled expression on Maries face, he continued a bit more Both of them headed downstairs, with Ben's arm around His blue eyes arrived at the Ponderosa, reaching the ranch just before the first heavy older man smiled as Ben came up behind his other son, as the boy carefully `` What your name, Hoss ' fatha? let down another to! Depth of her `` would n't miss it ancient history fact way his Marie gave him a loving of! Limited menu of oatmeal or eggs for breakfast, beans Giuseppe everything his father towards the Oriental gentleman would. Female wiles, would have none of it the Oriental gentleman was more than pleased to be punished his... He involuntarily began clasping and Marie, bonanza fanfiction school the first casualty in this Cartwright home now. 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