After completing a communications degree, she worked for a short stint in the Beehive of the last Labour prime minister, Helen Clark, who recalls noticing Arderns promise when she was on a team drafting answers for parliamentary questions. READ MORE: * Iwi-run coronavirus checkpoints are a nonsense but police aren't stopping them * Prime minister needs to be held to account over coronavirus claims * Anti-virus measures are too late to stop needless sickness and economic pain. We would be fools to believe political decisions are primarily evidence based. We are sitting on sofas in her office on the ninth floor of the Beehive, the circular building that houses the New Zealand government in Wellington. Do you liken yourself to Jacinda Ardern? And my bet is that no one would. That, very quickly, was clear to me, when I heard that a mosque had been targeted. The New Zealand Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern and most of those who graduated from the Marxist group the International Union of Socialist Youth (IUSY) are actually followers of Leon Trotsky (1879 -1940). I think people dont want us to be perfect, she said. So I asked if she had something I could borrow, because for me it was just a mark of respect. Answer (1 of 14): 1. Didnt that make her angry, I ask Ardern when we meet in Wellington. And there is little sign that, beyond emergency measures necessitated by the pandemic, the party is planning to permanently re-expand the size and scope of government. I look forward to hearing about the success of socialism in curing child poverty. Within hours, Trump was doing the opposite, throwing his weight behind a Fox News broadcaster who had questioned the patriotism of a Muslim congresswoman, Ilhan Omar, because she wore a hijab. This past week in New Zealand saw an apparently spontaneous series of self-outings by professed democratic socialists among the countrys Labour Party. Its just the way I feel about people that talk like machine guns. The level of detail that she has to absorb, and is able to retain, blows my mind. I look like Im pouting. OPINION: It is important to understand political ideologies because they provide a lens into the underpinning beliefs and values that guide political goals and decision-making. Understandably the global media paint the. Locals started leaving tributes here on 15 March; today they form a river, filling the pavement for 250 metres. The only thing Id say is that, as much as we inherited the Westminster system, we thankfully also have moved to an MMP [mixed-member proportional] system, she said. I will forgive lavishly, because this heart doesnt want any more life to be lost, he tells the crowd. Haere mai ttou me te aroha, me te rangimrie, ki te whnau nei, e ora mrire ai an rtau, e ora mrire ai an, ttou katoa. Of course she needed to project New Zealands voice, but her focus was on domestic priorities. Jacinda worked at a soup kitchen in New York. Following this mornings interview with Jacinda Ardern, hosted by Larry Williams in the absence of Mike Hosking genuine get-well-soon wishes to Mike Smith delivered an observation, an important and foreboding warning, to the people of New Zealand. She doesnt need to, she suggests. Towards the end of her Waitangi speech, she had quoted Michael Savage, the venerated Labour statesman who led the party to government for the first time in 1935: We dont claim perfection, but what we do claim is a considerable advance on the past. Its a line that Ardern had rolled out in at least three big recent speeches, and felt, in part, like a plea to dial down the Jacindamania a call to pragmatism. In other words, Richardson and her allies aimed not just to tinker with select programs but to transform hearts, minds, and what was politically acceptable. What words adequately express the pain and suffering of 50 men, women and children lost, and so many injured? Socialism is based on the theory that incentives don't matter! As President, Jacinda got to travel the world even more with meetings in China, Lebanon and Jordan, to name a few. No friend of free speech, she had little regard for public opinion and no respect for those with a contrary view. and served as president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. It felt very deliberate: was it? We will remember the first responders who gave so much of themselves to save others. What would it take to really reverse the Mother of all Budgets and its malignant legacy? But does this make the Labour Party socialist? Did they propose ideas that would stimulate the economy so businesses could thrive thereby creating job opportunities? A crescent moon hangs in the blue sky above. You may know her as the youngest and third female Prime Minister of New Zealand, the first head of government to take maternity leave and the powerfully empathetic responder in times of crisis. 4. About Press Copyright Contact us Creators Advertise Developers Terms Privacy Policy & Safety How YouTube works Test new features Press Copyright Contact us Creators . UPDATE 2: Chris sent us the uncropped original (click for larger view): Apologies to the Schnews that was actually a pretty good wee publication that came out of Brighton, England. In the past her invocations of kindness might have been dismissed as slogans. We didnt even know a confirmed toll. You just do what feels right.. And my response to that? Its a fair assumption to suggest that at the time of entering Parliament, an MPs political views and beliefs are set and are the motivation to enter politics in the first place. Prime Minister of New Zealand Jacinda Ardern completed a Bachelor of Communication Studies in Public Relations and Political Science at Waikato Management School from 1999 to 2001. . JACINDA ARDERN . Comrades this, comrades that. Prime Minister Jacinda Ardern delivered New Zealand's 2021 budget at Parliament on May 20, 2021 in Wellington, New Zealand. Were trying to do it ourselves and with our family, said Ardern. Oh, I get it now. And one of the first high-profile fights it picked with its newly gained political capital was with public-sector workers and the union that represents them, whom it tried to hit with a pay freeze. The government very cannily framed its budget as a reversal of 1991s Mother of all Budgets, one that would right the wrongs put in place by its author, the National Partys thenfinance minister Ruth Richardson, who designed maybe the most extreme case of welfare state retrenchment in the Western world. At Buckingham Palace with the Queen in April 2017. Thenprime minister Jim Bolger aimed to arrest New Zealands drift from work to welfare, end what he believed was permanent dependency on the state, and achieve a permanent and substantial reduction in the financial and human cost of welfarism.. For example, the meeting documents state the aim of the union is to defend and spread our core socialist principles. Theres so many of us great socialists on this side of the House, said Christchurch Central MP Duncan Webb. Previously the youngest Prime Minister, it appears she has run out of energy right when public opinion is turning on her beloved Labour Party. I would like to just do my job and be judged on being the prime minister of New Zealand, said Ardern. she was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. An assault on the freedom of any one of us who practices their faith or religion, is not welcome here. And it took aim at New Zealands old-age pension system, raising the retirement age from sixty to sixty-five and freezing payments for two years. Or does it need to be closer, like 10 per cent? It had just gone 2pm, and a wall of the meeting room was lit in horizontal lines, stencilled through Venetian blinds. No, she said, bluntly. Gun law reforms, intended to ban all semi-automatic firearms, were expedited, with cross-party support. And Im very proud to say to the good people of the Wairarapa that they elected a proud socialist as their MP.. We each hold the power, in our words and in our actions, in our daily acts of kindness. Once every 30 seconds. The sun was beating down and Neve, in a blue bonnet and spotted dress, clucked away happily. But for the time being they feel like the concerns of another time, another galaxy. Comrades means something. And women and girls around the world will be the better for it., From a closer proximity, and speaking before the Christchurch attacks, Gayford told me that what he found most impressive was his partners grip on the minutiae. Half a lifetime and seven weeks ago, I watched Ardern as she sat on the porch of Te Whare Rnanga, the Maori meeting house at Waitangi. Sometimes, what youre promoting are things like wellbeing, these ambitious but intangible things. She doesnt want to lower the bar, to be someone who only has regard to political measures of success and says, Well, Im only going to set these ambitions, and talk in this way, because I dont want to be judged harshly for not having achieved them., When Ardern was made leader of the Labour party in 2017, she and Gayford were struggling to start a family. The images were just as powerful. Let that be the legacy of the 15th of March. acinda Ardern grew up in the conservative, rural North Island town of Morrinsville. It does feel as if the passage of time has extended. When I ask her which day last week a particular foreign dignitary spoke to her, she says, Times a bit of a blur for me, with a sardonic laugh. For a school project, Jacinda interviewed former Member of Parliament Marilyn Waring and was very impressed by how friendly and helpful Ms Waring was. Its very genuine, and people warm to that. Approximately.. Including some rightwing radio hosts from the United States just so you know that Im being fair and balanced. And so I see that there was a weight of expectation there. Jacinda became the second woman ever elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth, the world's largest international political youth . By the way, I have used "comrade" because it is how union members referred to themselves throughout the 2009 meeting. She knows what she wants, she knows where shes going, she fessed this morning and said shes a progressive. (2) a profit-and-loss system of accounting. Its the story of four people, all of whom attend the same wedding in New York, all of whom see one of the guests sit down and refuse to get back up, seemingly entering a catatonic What do NZ fans really think of Fran Littlewood's debut novel? E papaki t ana ng tai o maumahara ki runga o tautahi. But personally, Id prefer a lineup of self-described liberals governing like socialists, rather than a group of proud socialists governing like neoliberals. Those interviews took place in early February, and I followed the prime minister as she commemorated the 1840 signing of New Zealands founding treaty, between the British Crown and the Mori chiefs. Armed police are everywhere. I stand here as a very proud member of the great socialist democratic Labour Party, proclaimed New Lynn MP Deborah Russell. Really, upholding the community standards that theyve set themselves, I think, is what people are asking for Were asking for them to invest in ways to prevent the kind of harm we saw in the aftermath. It is just 10 days since a terrorist attack in Christchurch took the lives of 50 people at prayer. Use the key to unlock the secret message! She had just seen her partner return to his spot in the third row of plastic seating with Neve propped up on his knee, having just had a nappy change in the back seat of a car around the corner. And have people say, Wheres your ambition?, Under New Zealands proportional system in which people get two votes, one for their local politician and one for a party, as in Germany a single-party majority is near impossible. Yes.. Ardern became a list MP in 2008, a position she held for almost ten years until her election to the Mount Albert electorate in the . Thats it. In the hours after the attack, in which an Australian-born white-supremacist shot dead 50 unarmed people in two mosques, Ardern said that this was an act of terrorism. Branko Marcetic is a Jacobin staff writer and the author of Yesterday's Man: The Case Against Joe Biden. A handful of words have been highlighted in bright orange. We cannot simply sit back and accept that these platforms just exist and that what is said on them is not the responsibility of the place where they are published. The answer lies in our humanity. In 2007 Ardern was elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth. Jacinda is apparently known not just for her considerable intellect and political nous but also her hair - evidently Scoop thought so too, deeming it worthy of inclusion in this photo of recently confirmed Labour Rimutaka candidate, Chris Hipkins. But she is done with that kind of question. It was shortly after 11am and the speeches, from local elders, from politicians, echoed back and forth across the lawn. They do it mostly because they want to confuse you. It was half a lifetime ago, she guesses. Terrible bone structure. Ardern agrees. And is New Zealand Labour returning to its semi-socialist roots? But, no, I didnt think about particular words. Cabinet is a massive beast. Of the Blair years more broadly, she said: What you do with policy, it demonstrated to me, can be completely overshadowed by decisions in principle. I think, as leaders, sometimes were unaware of our reach and power, she says. We never have been. The strength of capitalism can be attributed to an incentive structure based upon the three Ps: (1) prices determined by market forces. Haere atu r. Jacinda Ardern's graceful departure is the personification of modern democratic ideals Van Badham The New Zealand prime minister's bold and resolute leadership neutralised hoary stereotypes. She wooed the world with talk of kindness and compassion, while at home ruling like a dictator. [Applause] Thank you very much. Ardern was grinning. Jacinda swapped her after school job at the local fish and chip shop to work for New Zealands Labour Party in the 1999 General Election. This is at the Youth Socialist conference, she was the president in 2009, and she used the word comrade 15 times in eight minutes. But I am pragmatic about how much time that sometimes takes. The optimism tends to win out. Its nice that Labours not afraid of the word socialist anymore. The 2009 union meeting is relevant not just because Ardern was president, but because the official resolutions outlined progressive answers to the financial crisis aka the global financial crisis or GFC. These stories, they now form part of our collective memories. Racism exists, but it is not welcome here. People have remarked upon the way weve responded, but to me there was no question. But even the ugliest of viruses can exist in places they are not welcome. If there are words that proved defining, they were those spoken by 71-year-old Haji-Daoud Nabi, who moments before being shot dead addressed the gunman from the door of Al Noor mosque, saying: Hello, brother.. He called his wife. The word progressive is a dirty word, to be blunt, in my philosophy. The Herald reports:. But even when we had no words, we still heard yours, and they have left us humbled and they have left us united. Jacinda only got into power because Winston Peter's liked to cause problems for the National party. She keeps talking and she talks fast. We may have left flowers, performed the haka, sung songs or simply embraced. Looking for your kid's next great read? The elements of that surprised me, says Ardern today. Yeah there you go. (The tides of remembrance flow over Christchurch today.). And how often should the reset occur? Can I give you an observation? After resources aka your income and wealth has been "redistributed"what happens when some people start accumulating more income and wealth than others? When the shooting began, he threw himself to the ground. Labours guarded but seemingly genuine attempt to try on the socialist label could be a positive step if it helps further demystify the word, particularly in a country still stumbling around in the hungover haze of a decades-old neoliberal binge. Given Ardern and her comrades had progressive answers to the financial crisis, those answers might now be used to guide us through the turmoil and hardship of post-Covid-19. Her partner is Clarke Gayfo She is very vocal. Arderns Labour-led coalition government was under constant scrutiny: could she achieve the transformational reform shed promised, when every change in the law meant scratching the backs of her coalition partners? 17 April 2021 9:00 AM There she goes, New Zealand's Wonder Woman, striking a model's pose on the cover of yet another women's magazine, Thrive, dedicated to the wellness mantras Ardern herself spouts. Ardern took that on, too, in her parliamentary speech on 19 March, four days after the attack. Let our Puffin Ambassadors tell you why you should pick up Coastwatcher, a thrilling adventure novel for 9+ readers. (So let us gather with love, in peace, for this family, so that they may truly live again, so that we all may truly live again.). This framing has, in turn, largely been rebroadcast by the press, which has painted a picture of a budget dyed the deepest red.. There is evidence of her having said comrade. Simple, she says, nodding her head. It still makes me laugh that Vogue came up with that, she said. Jacinda Ardern, former Young Labour president and political advisor, has just been elected president of the International Union of Socialist Youth - a group encompassing socialist, social democratic and Labour Party youth organisations from more than 100 countries. You just have to. But we can be the nation that discovers the cure. Shes not putting on an act. Pressure was mounting over a failure to meet targets on a flagship house-building scheme. 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