Another key component of my plan is stress the importance of our game mammals here on State and private lands that these species are an important food source to many families and that word, eradicate should be banned from our food source management plan, we should create an Industry that incorporates wild meat into processed products like, sausage, jerky, burger, etc. Solid waste is one of the largest issues we face right now. Providing land and sharing the cost of infrastructure is one way to lower costs. Every land use decision has to be based around a future of rising seas and stronger storms. Project site was mass graded and designed to have a combined drainage system with a shared roadway. The Council members asked questions of the applicant regarding the Certificate of Need criteria. And I believe that that is one of the best tools that we have to increase the cost of traveling to Hawaii, reduce numbers at some of our overcrowded sites, and raise money for our infrastructure and natural resources preservation. This power granted by the Kauai County Charter led to a last-minute surge in testimony from residents advocating for Fern nuenue Holland, a community organizer and leader against developers plans to build a hotel at the site of the former Coco Palms resort. 3. The County needs to streamline the permitting for affordable housing. We need to improve our port security and get drugs off our streets while we work to address the issue holistically with counseling programs, on island detox and treatment centers and housing first solutions. We must support our County Planners engaging with Dept. While I think that the State and Federal governments can play an important role in helping support both agriculture and domestic manufacturing for the County, I see our primary role in stimulating the economy as reducing the cost of housing, investing in vibrant and walkable town cores, and ensuring that real farmers are paying very minimal property taxes. This is one of the most major issues that we face on Kauai. Council can best help by approving funding, encouraging action through paying attention and supporting progress. Climate change is here to stay, its going to be a huge problem in future generations and its going to get worse but we are human beings a we a smarter than that. He is excited by his unexpected resurrection to the County Council, claiming he hopes to serve as a good check in his local governments system of checks and balances. We need to continue to better manage and balance the number of visitors that come to our island. Provide more opportunities to discuss items on the council agenda prior to legislation being proposed. Theres a lot of great aspirational policies in the DMAP that require strong private, non-profit, and state partnerships. The other candidates for seven positions are Addison Bulosan, Bernard Carvalho, Felicia Cowden, Billy DeCosta, Luke. Funding the new facilities or repairing our aging infrastructure is the largest barrier often requiring council approval of grants or bonds. I would continue to work with the State and Federal representatives to support options that will mitigate the impacts of climate change on Kauai. Larger properties can benefit with the application of probable upcoming Plantation Camp Zone housing for workers. We must be cautious to not exhaust our landowners/homeowners ability to adapt to inflationary pressures that are likely to continue. Christopher Calio is the president and chief operating officer of Raytheon Technologies Corporation. Students can become entrepreneurs and also work for somebody. Kauai County Subarea Health Planning Council ---DRAFT--- Meeting Minutes February 14, 2023 2:00 PM Hawaii Time Virtual Zoom Meeting and Physical Location at the Keoni Ana Building, 1177 Alakea Street, Suite 402 MEMBERS: Jillian Kelekoma, Nicholas Pananganan MEMBERS ABSENT: Jen Chahanovich GUESTS: Ruth Baker Those are immediate questions that we need to answer in the budget coming up., Facebook In addition, we must look at our housing policies and modify those that are prohibiting workforce housing. I would look at what jobs are critical to the operation and safety of the island as top priority and then start moving money and making cuts that allow room for change to be made and new projects to be implemented. We can move unspent CIP funds to other projects during the budget process and we can ask for status updates at any time and I have done both. The weaknesses and challenges of our agriculture sector became even more evident during the worst parts of the COVID pandemic. Resorts have a more enduring impact. I will work with the Department of Public Works, and other departments, to understand the ways that the council can ensure funding and needs are met for planned infrastructure projects to move them forward in a timely manner. Kagawa replaces Luke Evslin, who Gov. I meet organizations where they're at . Farm eco-tourism can grow. Delays in permitting only adds cost to projects. So we really need to analyze, Well what do we do? Making sure out County keeps us with proper maintenance of our four wastewater treatment plants which were built before 1980 and that we fund the necessary upgrades to our current systems; even if that means increasing sewer fees. These tiny worker homes can have revocable permits but are a necessity for effective food production, harvesting and distribution. Supporting our farmers markets and possibly expanding program. Also look at all areas to divert waste from going into the landfill. Having a working relationship with the Engineer and Deputy Engineer ensures we are working very cohesively together. We need to address overcrowding and transportation options to our visitor destinations like the current Northshore shuttle program that is currently being discussed with the hope of implementation soon. This is the first decade since statehood where home construction on Kauai has fallen far below our population growth and its this lack of homes that is the driver of our exploding costs. Kauai lost its most popular County Council member on Wednesday when Luke Evslin resigned to accept Gov. Forcing luxury homes into sales is not likely to achieve the goal of transforming a property into a home for our existing working population. TVRs on Kauai are taxed at $9.85. Spending money allocated to Kauai otherwise other islands will take our portion and Kauai will lose out. It will be sad, if a local family (2-3 generations) needs to sell their vacation home because they cannot afford the taxes. While the FAQ of the Airport Master Plan says that airport expansions do not induce demand, in Barnes v. Dot, the Ninth Circuit Court of Appeals found that the FAA has knowledge that there is at least a reasonable possibility that increasing airport capacity would lead to increased demand, but that they chose to gloss over it. The consultants seem to be doing the same thing for the Lihue Airport Master Plan. Please check out my website at to see a full list of policies that Ive worked on and a list of proposed policies for the future. I hope we can invent a noiseless hybrid type of airplane in the future. Maintaining functioning infrastructure is the core bread and butter of county responsibilities. 6. I love this island, I put my name on the ballot to make an effort for positive change. To be fair to everyone and with the county I would support a Tax. And the motion failed both times. The budget is our main responsibility and balancing and or cutting the budget to ensure all areas of our counties responsibilities are met. But some do like longtime Kauai politician Ross Kagawa, who has been chosen to fill a vacancy on the Kauai County Council. In order to empower our community to practice waste diversion practices we must establish a recycling program and a Materials Recovery Facility. I totally support the Kauai Destination Management Action Plan which is a well-developed plan that brings forth the need to better manage and balance our tourism industry with our local infrastructure, natural resources, and our residents. At this point we need to look at what resources we have and start creatively using them and also look at what we dont have and create it to meet our needs while simultaneously planning on a way to make money from outsiders. I do not support any tax rate increases or changes at this time as I do not believe increases are necessary to balance the countys budget. I believe that my life experience, education and passion will benefit Kauai and I will be a strong voice for our community. impacts. And a primary barrier for many businesses right now is attracting and retaining employees which stems at least partially from the high cost of housing. In the tourism industry, we must continue to focus on regenerative and restorative visitor experiences that continue to empower our local businesses and organizations. Explore for more info! This will enable local families to better provide for their extended families and create resilience for the ongoing economic challenges. Whats most important to me here is to learn from the many stakeholders in our economy who are working on diversifying our economy, taking the best ideas from the collective and doing what I can to support moving them forward. Preserving our open space, Forest areas to create a carbon to oxygen footprint. My government experience is based on making sure that any infrastructure projects will need to be to be well planned out and supported at all levels of government with strong input from our community. There is a maze of changing regulations that are best served by following a quick timeline to avoid the next limitation. During my terms in office, I have introduced numerous resolutions for performance audits but could never get the required votes to get it passed. Somehow, somewhere one or some of these regulations is going to have to relax. We must continue to assist local businesses and community organizations as they pivot away from importing raw materials to sourcing local materials. Serving Kauai these last four years has been the greatest honor of my life and I am incredibly grateful to the voters for giving me this opportunity. The problems we face are graver than ever, but I am confident that we have the tools as a county to reduce the cost of housing while transitioning to a zero carbon economy and to do it all while improving our quality of life and strengthening our communities. However, making a real difference for our islands and our planet, more importantly, requires each of us to make meaningful behavioral changes; the kinds that may take away some of our conveniences and may even cost us a little more of our time and energy. Most of our primary facilities were built in a different era, with different regulations with many too close to the shoreline. If we could agree that the long-term goal is sustainability then we would need to work backwards to see how we can begin making moves in the short term to move us in that direction. This is an opportunity to put somebody like Fern on the Council to show other people that representation matters and that they should be able to feel like they can put their name in the ring and be given fair consideration.. I believe we have to make sure we take care of our pensioners, first responders and County employees first. In that same Tax Review commission memo, the chair of the commission writes that Adjusting RPT rates to capture more revenue from high-value houses and non-resident owners can produce tens of millions more dollars per year that counties can use for growing needs. Raising the vacation rental rate by $1 to equal the resort rate will raise $4.5M which can be used for much needed affordable housing projects in Waimea, Lima Ola, Kilauea, and elsewhere. The county recycling program needs to be refreshed as soon as possible. kauai obituaries july 2020 19 3407 . Creating an inventory of homes which would add to the supply would then bring down the demand and stabilize the prices of the housing industry, basic economics. The 2016-2018 Kauai Tourism Strategic Plan (KTSP) was unique among government sponsored reports in its clear-headed recognition that we are over capacity for tourism, that we need bold change, and that we should strive to keep our visitor count within 23,000-25,000. This sets up a more regenerative visitor economy. High land costs require most owners to have employment or some other primary source of income. 1) Respect for our Natural and Cultural Resources 2) Support Native Hawaiian Culture & Community 3) Ensure Tourism & Communities Enrich Each Other 4) Strengthen Tourisms Contribution. 2. Lihue, HI 96766 . If elected, my first priority is to help our council be part of the solution. During the COVID-19 pandemic we addressed our budget shortfall by utilizing our rainy day funds or reserves, deferring most of our maintenance items and not filling as many of the vacant positions we had as possible. Keeping all taxpayers in mind when making decisions that uses everyones tax dollar. Here are some examples: We are currently doing some of this work through the Rice Street Business Association with our revitalization of Downtown Lhue. Continue to support the Mayor in this area. Our solid waste crisis is on a timeline and we need to act now. To add on to question 8. Traffic, poor maintenance of public infrastructure, and abuse of natural resources are just a few consequences of overtourism. I understand the major issues our community deals with related to drug abuse and addiction on Kauai. I am a strong advocate of performance audits. of Water to ensure water distribution expansion plans line up with plans for increased density and infill development within our town centers, as well as for other housing development in the larger town areas. QUESTION #4How would you effectively manage the County Budget and operations for the short term and long-term sustainability? Housing is easily the biggest issue that we face on Kauai, and I believe that the county has to pursue an all-of-the-above strategy to help solve the crisis. So must we! The next step will be to develop measures that can be brought before the council as bills and resolutions that will help to facilitate the needs that are identified. I would love to partner with the Kauai Chamber for a point-source reduction challenge among businesses to reduce pressure on our landfill. One house on Kauapea Road pays roughly the same or more taxes as all the houses along the perpendicular village street of Kilauea Road on which I live. Kauai County Council. As a Council Member I would be committed to addressing these things. Early engagement with stakeholder groups is step one of effective policy development, in my view. Any additional density on agricultural land (like the constant push to allow ADUs on ag land) increases the value of agricultural land, increases the likelihood of non-farm development of that ag land, and makes it less likely that a farmer can pay off a loan or mortgage on the property. Our policies assist Habitat For Humanity and Permanent Affordable Living as two valued non-profit development partners of homes for purchase. Anything we can do to incentivize home construction within and directly adjacent to our existing towns will help alleviate this pressure on our agricultural land. Maintain and improve visitor satisfaction of their experience on Kauai. We have gone through numerous discussions on the siting of a new landfill namely the Maalo site in Hanamaulu. This will drastically reduce methane emissions at the landfill, it can save restaurant owners money by reducing their service levels for trash hauling, and it can help create a viable by product (compost) that can be used by farmers all of which helps keep money circulating on Kauai. The work of going after grant funding falls mostly on County Department heads and they do a great job along those lines. Its necessary for our quality of life and for getting us to a place of thriving and not just surviving. In line with these five general principles, Ive introduced or co-introduced the following legislation over the last two years: Eliminate all fees for affordable accessory residential units (ARUs); Provide Kauai homeowners with free septic systems; Prohibit community covenants from restricting against additional units and long-term rentals; Allow the construction of ARUs in the Lihue town core; Reduce the building code requirements for tiny houses; Eliminate minimum lot size restrictions for multi-family homes; Allocate 2% of real property tax revenue annually toward affordable housing (still in process); Incentivize residential space on top of commercial space through tax exemptions; Create a tiered tax structure to allow us to increase tax rates on high-value vacant houses and vacation rentals to fund affordable housing and incentivize those units to convert to long-term rentals (still in process); Increase the vacation rental property tax rate to disincentivize vacation rentals and apply nearly all of the money raised to affordable housing (measure failed). Efficiency is his byword. I understand we have the lowest property tax rates in Hawaii, and the entire nation. We absolutely must focus on maximizing waste diversion to address our landfill problem. I was unable to access the Airport Development Plan Chapter of the Lihue Airport Master Plan and the Implementation Plan Chapter, both I feel I need to better understand areas I may oppose. I went to Kapaa Elementary, Kapaa Middle and Kapaa High School. Lastly, we need to modify the agricultural dedication process, especially for small farms, to ensure that bonafide farmers are paying minimal taxes and that wealthy land owners arent using the system simply as a tax haven. Kauai, along with every other state and county in the country, is facing strong long-term fiscal headwinds from two sources: demographics and infrastructure. Joint-venture affordable housing project involving 36 multi-family units (AHE Group) and 32 single-family homes (Habitat for Humanity). Enough tourists as is. For the 14 years that I have served on the Kauai County Council, I have always had an open door policy for the business community. My ideas are focused around establishing a stronger circular local economy that empowers our small businesses and entrepreneurs. We are out of time. We also deferred a significant amount of road repairs and road resurfacing. For this reason, I am unwilling to raise any Real Property Tax rates in the coming seasons as it is imperative to avoid collapsing our businesses and property owners that are unprotected by a valuation cap. More County Housing Projects- We must push for more housing for local residents by supporting replicating successful projects like our 30-unit Kealaula transitional housing, our 53-unit Pua Loke affordable rentals and our multi-phase, multi-unit Lima Ola project in Ele`ele that includes senior, single family and affordable housing. 4) We need to build the infrastructure for more townhouses and condos in Lihue. The technology is available and we need to get up to speed with what our options are. Once we have identified the actual number of legal accommodation units, we need to reassess their impacts to our communities and tax them accordingly. This is a state-wide effort that has and will defiantly make a difference for us all. 4. Im committed to having an open- door policy and look forward to working with our businesses. However, we fell two votes short of the five votes needed. #1 were over capacity for tourists. There are old cane haul roads that should be evaluated for best potential to create alternative routes. Climate change is quite possibly the biggest threat we will be facing for the unforeseeable future. Reducing imports and expanding the agriculture sector, if done correctly can be a major step in addressing climate change. Kauai County has a mayor-council form of municipal government. Yes we need to improve on eliminating illegal transient vacation rentals from operating on Kauai. I would prioritize projects and tackle projects one at a time. Since we have a problem with pesticides and herbicides, I want to continue with whatever agriculture we have going now. If we run out of room at the Kekaha landfill without a new landfill ready to go, we may be forced to temporarily ship our waste off island at incredible cost to taxpayers. I would work with our State and Federal counterparts to secure adequate funding for our County. Please view at your own discretion. 3) We need to continually strive to make it easier for families to add on additional units (ARUs or ADUs) for their parents, children or long-term renters. We need to reestablish this pattern as it is essential to best governance. An over-arching action is greater collaboration between the State and County to offer a unified policy reshaping visitor activity to recognize they are visiting a unique culture rather arriving in a theme park to entertain themselves. Working with the State to ensure irrigation water is available to all prime and potential agricultural lands. But, rather than trying to micromanage the Administration, I spend the bulk of my time thinking about and working on policy that I do have discretion over. My commitment is to passionately advocating for our people and for our islands; using my experience and dedication to work on protecting and improving the quality of life for all our residents. This comments section is a public community forum for the purpose of free expression. references explore and understand land use, zoning, and permitting with the objective being to create a white paper. I will be responsible in how I manage our county budget and operations. Recruiting and retaining qualified staffing is a continuous challenge. The County Councils biggest responsibility is balancing the county budget every year. According to the Department of Business and Economic Development, the average daily rate for TVRs in 2022 is $386.74 compared to $279.70 in 2019. I believe there are ways a Council Member can find pathways to those solutions that will support increasing local production, sourcing, processing, and distribution. I support the improvements to terminal holdroom, public and employee parking expansion and the ticket lobby improvement project if they are to accommodate existing passenger numbers and not increase them. I will be responsible about how we move forward with our operations as well, ensuring we are planning for the long term but ensuring we meet our short-term needs. Our County Planners are gathering critical public input in order to draft our first Kauai Climate Change Adaptation Plan which will guide development, natural resource protection and community resilience in the face of climate change-related impacts. Increasing taxes on vacant homes and TVRs can both discourage that practice (and get more homes on the market) and help ensure that we have a revenue base to get through the fiscal ice age. [I will try to] make sure our mayor and his administration are doing all they can in all areas and be supportive, Kagawa said. We need to work with our Mayor and state delegation to work towards this. This is one idea that could create more jobs and solve one of our biggest problems here on Kauai. Increasing the size of the airport makes no sense to me unless we plan to increase the size of our island along with it. broward health medical center human resources phone number; . These products can be made a certified community kitchens in partnership with our local slaughter houses. As an individual council member, I have been regularly and actively raising this issue with the County Administration. My lifelong experiences as a community organizer for economic and social justice has taught me how to work effectively with many different organizations and people. Getting together with the State to support (perhaps w/ land & water) the establishment of agricultural community villages for our homeless interested in growing food for their own survival for starters. As we successfully provide this item locally we could move toward exporting it and accomplish two goals with one project which is moving toward food sustainability and create income via an export. Its not a coincidence that KIUCs electricity rates are the lowest in the State AND that we have by far the most renewable energy on the grid. While there is not clear research evidence showing or disproving the concept, I think its reasonable to assume that increased capacity will likely induce demand for traveling to Kauai or vice versa, that limiting capacity would limit arrivals. In the time of the thirsty sugar crops, towns were built in the wetlands which are now returning to having routine flooding areas such as Kapaa and Waimea, as examples. All local sellers source from local vendors, thus fulfilling the circular economy. In order for us to move forward, we have to do a combination of three things: 1) restore pre-existing agricultural systems 2) utilize innovative agricultural practices 3) help our community of consumers choose local produce first First, we must restore pre-existing agricultural systems by empowering local businesses and community organizations. Regular updates from the Administration at Council meetings is one way to provide the public with an opportunity to be engaged in government operations. The plan contains the following six objectives: 1. Our County should also work in partnership with private entities wherever possible to create additional wastewater treatment facilities. Making sure all communities from Kekaha to Haena including Niihau is treated fairly and equitable in receiving funding towards projects. Monitor these projects on a regular basis on our council agenda. At the moment, that is the only element of the proposed Master Plan that I support. Make the rentals of bikes affordable to our visitors weekly rates. Mahalo for taking the time to send out this questionnaire and Mahalo for all that you do to help Kauai County. While there is talk about airport expansions, tourism management and focusing on the right visitors, we fail to acknowledge the horrific impacts that tourism is having on our local residents. Not everyone gets a second chance. We are only a few years away from our landfill life cycle. I will be following this issue diligently and am interested in public opinion. Kauai Community College could be a valuable partner in this effort. real property taxes. Over the last 20 years, nearly 40% of new homes were built on agricultural land and less than 1% in the multifamily zoning districts in our town cores. LIHU'E In a procedure unique among Hawai'i counties, Kaua'i County councilmembers unanimously voted Wednesday to approve raises that will likely affect some of their own salaries. Ross Kagawa. We need more charging stations. Instagram. I believe its critical to have early engagement so that we can draft the best bills possible. It was I hear theres a big surplus. My goal is to be proactive with our administration and work with each department to understand how we can create more efficiency in our systems. We need to expand composting capacity, create diversion incentives for generators of commercial green waste and food, and address residential green waste and food waste which make up 28% of landfilled waste. I went to KCC and the University of Hawaii to receive my Political Science Degree. not just property tax breaks, but significant state tax breaks. E-mail sent to Councilmembers and Council Services Staff for inclusion as TESTIMONY: 2. I want to continue to serve and ask for your support. There was a net increase of 133 TVRs on Kauai in 2022. We have thousands of ADC ranch and farm lands out on the Westside that needs to be revived. As we push development into our agricultural areas, were forcing residents into longer and longer commutes. Having spoken with Hawaii DOT Airports division, my understanding is there has been a change of understanding regarding the sentiment of the community and they are willing to propose far more modest improvements and am waiting for such confirmation in a press release. Our landfill is depleting and we need to have a program established. I believe that the first step in dealing with transient accommodations on Kauai is to enforce existing laws and eliminating all illegal transient vacation and short term rentals. If we continue on this trajectory, we will end up consuming our agricultural land for home construction while exacerbating traffic and the cost of government services (its a lot more expensive to maintain roads, provide trash pickup, police/fire protection, etc when its spread out thinly). Kauai County Council. This is relatively close to DMAP policy A.2, the Universal Fee Model. Lihue Airport was built as an inter-island facility rather a trans-Pacific airport, so I accept that changes are needed for our aging airport to better manage even the volume we currently experience. $3.5m) of real property tax revenues to our Housing Development Fund. The. Read more Mahalo for reading. If were serious about preserving our Kaua`i quality of life, we have to be willing to do our part as responsible stewards of our island home. I am currently well engage in our business community and will continue to interact to ensure their interests are heard and acted upon. Of airplane in the future site was mass graded and designed to have employment or of... Mahalo for taking the time to send out this questionnaire and mahalo for all you! ; re at as we push development into our agricultural areas, were residents... Through numerous discussions on the ballot to make sure we take care of pensioners! 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Eagle Country Obituaries, Aspirina Para Quitar El Celo, Middletown, Ohio Police Reports, Articles K