Plainfield, Indiana, United States. And I said, 'What the f--k are you doing here Get outta here. "The patrol was being dispatched to a sexual assault that had just occurred," Det. But there was nothing to pull the entire picture together. O'Leary was charged with that woman's rape and yet another similar sexual assault in Washington. Act like nothing bad had happened. "At that point, we were wanting to see what was in the house," said Grusing. But she never thought about it again until the FBI called her. Marie's treatment was found to be "coercive" and "cruel", according to the An Unbelievable Story of Rape article. That -- for that truck to be in that neighborhood in Lakewood, and also be in mine? If it hadn't been for the work of two female detectives, working across the continent, the truth may have never surfaced. Grusing scoured area police files for similar attacks and found a report in nearby Lakewood that was labeled a home invasion. "48 Hours" correspondent Maureen Maher asked Mary. It had cost her the newfound independence she was savouring after a life in foster homes. Peggy, too, was mystified by Marie's demeanour. She agreed, so they left her alone for a few minutes. Police refused to believe one of Marc O'Leary's victims - until they discovered her picture among a haul of explicit 'trophy' photos on a serial rapist's camera. The trailer is on YouTube. Maher asked. She was raped at the age of 18 but, instead of being treated as a victim of a violent and traumatic crime, she faced charges herself which could have been punishable with up to a year in jail. Peggy discovered a programme called Project Ladder, designed to help young adults who had grown up in foster care transition to living on their own. "It was very hard for me to process it," she said. After a pause, Marc O'Leary opened the door. The subject line was pleading: "Sex Aslt Similars?" "have actual photographs -- as disgusting as they were, of the actual rapes ended any speculation as to whether we had the right guy," said Prosecutor Weiner. Maher asked Grusing. That's what he was counting on," said Det. He was not a registered sex offender. "He's only behind bars because of the work that you did together," Maher pointed out. That's what he said, 'We got him,'" she said. At 8.15am, Detective Galbraith knocked on the O'Learys' door. And it looks like the registered owner gets in it with a female," said Det. There, a 65-year-old woman told police that she had been raped in her apartment by a man with a black scarf. "At this point in time, you do not believe he was involved with it in any way," Maher noted to the detectives, who replied, "No.". Are Perfect Match's Joey and Kariselle together? . Unbelievable is available to stream on Netflix now. Detective Galbraith couldn't believe what she was reading. Though O'Leary was careful when committing crimes, he wasn't so careful as to not eventually be caught. Don't call or I'll shoot you," he told her. During an interview with Sgt Mason, he said: "It wasnt her job to try to convince me. Marc O'Leary Colorado Department of Corrections He was accused of 32 counts of sexual assault. Maybe it was the attacker waiting for the woman to fall asleep? He had a military career that took him all over the world, from Washington State to Korea. Marie backed down. "What do you think should happen to someone who would lie about something like this?" But what happened to that woman was far worse than the detectives could imagine. Many of them they recognised, but one they did not Marie Adler. Galbraith and Hendershot turned to DNA to identify the serial rapist. As Amy struggled with Marc O'Leary's arrest, a few miles away, a detective broke the news to Mary. "Don't know," he replied. O'Leary says even as a child he had rape fantasies, but didn't act on them until he was in the military on a tour of duty in Korea, where he tried, but failed, to rape two women. What had attracted the analyst's attention was the location of the pickup. We were always bouncing things off each other" (via CBS News). "So in his closet we came up with his shoes," Galbraith said, showing them to Maher. And in the snow, a single shoeprint. "Did he threaten you with the pictures?" She was forced to pay a $500 fine and plead guilty to lying about being raped. He would break into his victim's homes at night with his 'rape kit' and assault them repeatedly for hours. The man introduced himself. There was a perfect match in Lakewood. This is something she later regretted. In a report not previously made public, Sergeant Gregg Rinta, a sex-crimes supervisor with the Snohomish County Sheriff's Office, wrote that what happened was "nothing short of the victim being coerced into admitting that she lied about the rape". "She called and said, 'I've been raped,' " Shannon says. "She was very brave.". Then she admitted making the story up. Galbraith and Hendershot both stay in contact with the women Marc O'Leary attacked. But there was a clincher: the woman in Galbraith's case recalled the camera that the attacker had used. "Had you ever heard that name before?" This dental device was sold to fix patients' jaws. That made for three attacks in two years. Specialties: Omni Channel Commerce, Direct to Consumer Marketing, including SEO/SEM, Internet Identity, and Positioning. "I wondered if they were victims of sexual assault, if they were even alive anymore," said Galbraith. He gained entry through an unlocked sliding door. Did you want to just get in your car, go over, bang on the door and take him right then?" After O'Leary was linked to Marie's rape, Lynnwood Police Chief Steven Jensen requested an outside review of how his department had handled the investigation. He gripped a gun. She had grown up in a number of foster homes, being moved from place to place often with no explanation, and was separated from her siblings on and off. "It's too late for that," he replied. "You know, I didn't -- I didn't sleep well that night," said Galbraith. Owner. Except that it wasn't. After Marc has been arrested the police find a 75gb hard drive that is password protected and Marc refused to reveal the password. As David listened, he realised the details were unsettlingly familiar. It was a small, single-storey home in a run-down neighbourhood. "Absolutely, there's more," said Hendershot. The descriptions of the attacker were similar. Galbraith explained. The case also formed the basis for a book, A False Report: A True Story of Rape in America published in 2018, and was explored in an episode of the This American Life podcast. View Marc O'Leary's business profile as Vice President, Operations Distribution at Prudential Overall Supply. "It was like I'd just eaten Thanksgiving dinner," he said. There it was, on O'Leary's left calf: a dark birthmark the size of an egg. Mason wasted little time confronting Marie, telling her there were inconsistencies between her statements and accounts from other witnesses. Could the detectives connect O'Leary's truck with the blurry image of the white Mazda in the surveillance footage from Golden? The treads matched the footprints in the snow in Golden and outside the window in Lakewood. ", "We attempted a sexual relationship, but things did not go very well in terms of chemistry," Amy explained. "She remembered hearing a noise, and then a masked person came into her bedroom, straddled her, and he threatened to shoot her. They compared investigations. As always you can unsubscribe at any time. Marc Patrick O'Leary was charged with more than 30 counts of sexual assault, kidnapping and burglary. I knew she had an alarm system, but she never used it. Marc O'Leary, a former military man, had stalked and preyed on women that lived alone. Three Lakes Trail. Galbraith came across a victim she didn't. As a teenager, Marie moved in with Shannon McQuery and her husband in Bellevue, east of Seattle. She was an 18-year-old woman, whose identity we are not revealing, living just outside Seattle in Lynnwood, Washington. But none of what the victim recalled was enough to break open this case and Galbraith -- now leading the investigation -- was deeply frustrated. According to the article, Marie had previously experienced both sexual and physical abuse in her early life. Marie eventually sued the Lynnwood police department and settled, after investigations revealed its handling of her case to be a "major failing" (via All That's Interesting). "And so we knew if we could find the right person and they were wearing that shoe or had that shoe we could be a little bit closer.". There was more. "Hidden in plain sight is how I would describe it," said Galbraith. Energy stocks are gold in the market, according to "Shark Tank" investor Kevin O'Leary. Boston New York City Houston Chicago Los Angeles . Jonny Grusing took the lead, playing to O'Leary's ego. As for threatening jail and a possible withdrawal of housing assistance, "These statements are coercive, cruel and unbelievably unprofessional," Rinta wrote. Marc O'Leary Received More Than 327 Years in Prison For His Crimes In October 2011, Marc O'Leary reportedly pled guilty to 28 counts of rape and associated felonies in Colorado. "No idea whatsoever.". A funeral mass will be held on Friday, February 24th 2023 at the Holy . It turned out Grusing's team was tailing Michael O'Leary, Marc's younger brother, who looks an awful lot like him. Jeffrey Mason had also received a tip that Marie was unhappy with her apartment. I'm gonna call the police,'" Pech said. "What are you feeling? When questioned, Marie's account of the rape had some details that didn't completely add up. Hassell transmitted the image to Galbraith. "Trying to figure out what is it they have in common that would make them targets for this particular individual, that was very frustrating.". Finally, he brought Mary to the bathroom and ordered her into the bathtub. Is he gone? She had been charged with filing a false report, which is why she was here today, to accept or turn down a plea deal. It was tofu to somebody who wanted steak.". "I wake up now and I can imagine good things happening.". Maher asked Pech. They were both cops, after all - he worked for neighbouring Westminster Police Department. "I just knew in my heart that that was -- that was it. And that we need to understand that, as strange as some circumstances seem, they can be true.". But when he looked closer, he saw it was a failed rape attempt; the victim describing a masked man. "I mean, you got the truck. Trophies. "And he makes the decision he's going to let her go for a second and check the room. "And ultimately, she was given a citation for false reporting.". One detective later wrote in a report, "The shoes were lying next to each other near the end of the couch, on the soles as if placed there (not disturbed).". "48 Hours" correspondent Maureen Maher has a rare look inside the mind of this predator, and the female detectives determined to hunt him down before he could strike again. "He wasn't expecting us," said Galbraith. At home she avoided the bedroom, choosing to sleep on the couch with the lights on. In the kitchen, he went to the knife block and removed a blackhandled blade from the top row. Rape Crisis Scotlands helpline number is 08088 01 03 02. In O'Leary's phone, they found that he had called one woman numerous times. Copyright 2023 CBS Interactive Inc. All rights reserved. "Marc needed the other person to be scared.". "So this is the bulletin that -- the crime analyst in Lakewood held up at the conclusion of our meeting," Galbraith said. Marc O'Leary was a brutal rapist who was caught by police, Jailed for the maximum amount of time allowed by law, Marc O'Leary will never be freed, Ex-military man O'Leary stalked his victims before committing his rapes, A birth mark on his leg helped trap O'Leary, A large backpack found in O'Leary's house, The camera he used to take pictures of victims, O'Leary was meticulous in his planning, which helped him evade capture for so long - but he was not foolproof, O'Leary was caught by police but showed no remorse, The pick-up truck O'Leary used gave away two significant clues that helped Det. So, too, his methods. "This victim was very articulate. Marc O'Leary was a serial rapist across Colorado and Washington from 2008 to 2011. Grown the Dust Bowl 100 from a 40-participant inaugural event in 2020 to an 800-participant, nationally recognized event . The police questioned her repeatedly and started poking at inconsistencies in her story, once again highlighting that the justice system isn't necessarily set up to accommodate those that have experienced trauma. probably be a little bit difficult to find. A serial rapist on the loose in the. "Turned out to be glove impressions that were alongside the railing outside of the apartment where the Westminster victim lived," she said. In this written statement, she described calling him while still tied up. "And then he decided that he was going to use his military training to figure out a way to stalk his victims," Grusing explained, "to not be caught, and satisfy this urge that would come.". "He said that he would be willing to answer questions. The description of the attacker was almost exactly the same. Bound her hands behind her back. But he certainly wasn't counting on them looking for help, which they did, when they formed a task force with local prosecutors, the Colorado Bureau of Investigation and the FBI. "I kinda felt like, 'Do any of my cops here look like -- look like this guy? It was a young woman - far younger than the Colorado victims. Unbelievable arrived to Netflix on Friday (September 13), bringing the story of teenager Marie Adler (played by Kaitlyn Dever) to screen. "We have a truck that's in that same two areas and now we gotta see who it belongs to and who is this guy," said Grusing. A detective sat through more than 12 hours of footage. It wasn't just the police who seemed to doubt Marie's story; her foster parents also questioned her behaviour in the aftermath of the attack. Serial rapist Marc O'Leary's victims ranged in age from young women to a grandmother - but his M.O. "Other than that they were women," said Maher. "No," Pech replied. Her strength fuels the work Galbraith and Hendershot have committed their lives to. "I can't imagine ANY justification" for making them. And he seemed to like that," said Grusing. At his December 2011 sentencing, O'Leary reportedly told the court, "I'm standing here because I need to be in prison. Bet you wish you could have shot me. Maher continued. "Did you ever see that violent side of him?" "I actually felt emotional. Galbraith said. Her attacker brought a pair of pink high heels and made her wear them while he took photos of her with a pink Sony Cyber-shot camera. Maher asked Agent Grusing. "He was pretty chivalrous and protective," she said. Ontario Court Justice Richard Humphrey, shown in a court sketch, reads his verdict over Zoom on Tuesday at the . Ultimately Marie ended up retracting her statement, saying she'd made it all up and admitting that it might have been a dream. September 16, 2017 / 7:04 PM It's possible that this could have been a result of finally getting into the hard drive mentioned in the final episode of Netflix's Unbelievable. So, too, did O'Leary's truck. Later that day, Mason talked to Rittgarn, his fellow detective, and said that - based on Marie's inconsistencies, and based on what he had learnt from Peggy and Jordan - he now believed Marie had made up the story. Detective Galbraith also found that O'Leary was linked to another unsolved case, finding the victim's name in an encrypted file on his computer. She wanted to take a lie-detector test. The show made a pretty big deal about McCarthy (Marc O'Leary) having an encrypted hard drive so I'm wondering if that part was fiction. [5] The investigators used similarities in the attacker's methods, along with photos found on O'Leary's computer, to link O'Leary to the five rapes in both states. He planned to install a surveillance camera nearby and wanted to make sure that nobody was around. Those victims were raped in Colorado towns Golden, Westminster, and Aurora. It went to the FBI lab here," Galbraith explained. It was hard for Amy to believe. "And there's no fear in your life now associated with it?" We also may change the frequency you receive our emails from us in order to keep you up to date and give you the best relevant information possible. Unfortunately, if police officers had believed O'Leary's first victim, it's possible his serial rapes wouldn't have continued for as long as they had. Maker asked. Three weeks before the attempted rape, a woman had called police to report a suspicious pickup truck parked on the street with a man inside. was always the same. The photo showed a 6ft 1in man with hazel eyes. It was him. A month after that, the 59-year-old widow was raped in Westminster, some 10 miles to the north. And tell him that he was not supposed to be there and this was not going to happen.". Work Experience. She left the state, got a commercial driver's licence and took a job as a long-haul trucker. Alone. "We would always hug and she would look you right in the eye.". Kevin O'Leary's last-minute 'confession' made the Crown case at his wife's trial, prosecutor says At closing remarks Friday, defence lawyer Brian Greenspan meanwhile accused the Crown of . "She's willing it not to happen at this point?" Marie didn't meet her gaze. He's right there. After comparing notes and getting to work, it soon became quite clear that they had a serial rapist on their hands. But Detectives Galbraith and Hendershot believe it doesn't stop there. Produced by Chris O'Connell, Lauren Clark and Lindsey Schwartz [This story first aired on Nov. 19, 2016.] A plea deal was struck: Marie agreed to forced counselling, paying a $500 fine and was placed on supervised probation. Just after noon, the agents saw a woman and a man who looked like O'Leary leave. "We could laugh at each other." He entered a plea of guilty to 28 counts of rape and other related charges, and was sentenced to 327.5 years in prison the maximum that could be passed by law. On the day she reported being raped, Marie phoned Shannon, her former foster mother, after getting back from the hospital. Investigators found a pair of Adidas ZX 700 shoes in O'Leary's wardrobe. They were a perfect match to those shoeprints found near two of the crime scenes. "I try not to live a paranoid life. "But I didn't show him fear in any real way, and he knew I wasn't scared. Her husband just happened to be a police officer over in a neighboring town. This glove pattern was found in the Lakewood case. They knew they finally had the right O'Leary in custody. The trail started in Aurora, east of Denver, on October 4, 2009, with the 65-year-old woman. He pleaded guilty to five rapes and over 20 other felonies. And it had her address. Also, computers, hard drives, thumb drives, media cards, which produced hundreds of images, photos of victims. But O'Leary was caught in 2011. A week later, Galbraith, Hendershot and Aurora detective Scott Burgess gathered around a conference table. He wore a grey hoodie, baggy grey tracksuit bottoms and grey slip-on house shoes. Two police officers from different precincts banded together to find him after his DNA linked him to multiple crime scenes. That's not accurate. The police failed to properly investigate, and failed others in the process. Marie met Mason at the Lynnwood police station and turned in a written statement, describing what happened. He tied her hands loosely behind her. "He was counting on the fact that we wouldn't talk to one another, that we wouldn't reach out, that we wouldn't communicate. Afterwards, he ordered her to brush her teeth and wash herself in the shower. "I told him that our profilers were very interested in him, because of how intelligent he was. "Which you were not expecting?" "Did you ever consider that he may be a serial killer and not just a serial rapist?" And he was so sick.". Marie was just one of O'Leary's many victims. The task force finally had a viable suspect in Marc O'Leary, and Agent Grusing's team didn't have to wait long for things to pick up fast. And remember that Adidas shoeprint in the snow in Golden? The pickup was a 1993 white Mazda. This was definitive proof that she had been telling the truth about her attack from the start. The pink Sony Cyber-shot camera was found on a bookshelf in O'Leary's home office, Marc O'Leary's ex-girlfriend: "Something was off between us", Breaking into the mind of a serial rapist. Detective Stacy Galbraith approached a long, anonymous row of apartment buildings that spilt up a low hill in a Denver suburb. How would she find justice for her? Maher asked. "Did he have any prior criminal history whatsoever?" "Well, I think the big thing is just that rape victims don't have to be ashamed," Mary said. He was 32 years old and 220lb. The prosecution's offer was this: if she met certain conditions for the next year, the charge would be dropped. Confused, the agent told the man he was canvassing the neighbourhood to warn of a burglar in the area. Both of their departments assigned the detectives to work together on the cases. +38 (0412) 55-02-23 "I'm ready, and I'm praying and hoping that we don't lose him somehow and someone else gets hurt," she replied. In 2008, O'Leary (above) entered the house of an 18-year-old foster child known simply as Marie. Marc O'Leary to Grusing: You know, after awhile the-the f---ing monster kicks in. Meritt Weaver, right, plays Karen Duvall, based on real-life former Golden police Detective Stacy . I don't see why they'd add that bit in, especially since it was toward the end, if it weren't a real fact in the case, but I can't find anything about it online. In her case, it was because of the trauma brought on by the rape. She waited like he told her in that bathtub, cold and frightened, for more than an hour. "And did you contact that police department in Washington?" This is a popular trail for birding, hiking, and running, but you can still enjoy some solitude during quieter times of day. On, '' said Grusing and it looks like the registered owner gets in it a! The day she reported being raped, Marie 's account of the rape that police Department, got commercial! Home in a written statement, she described calling him while still tied up Duvall, based on real-life Golden! Unhappy with her apartment by a man who looked like O'Leary leave committed lives. He knew I was n't scared. `` area police files for similar attacks and found a report in Lakewood. 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