Here's how lusty, fiery Venus Leo matches with other Venus signs. A waxing and aspected Moon will normally suppress the bad effects of Venus for almost any ascendant. A lover can have either a stimulating time or a completely exasperating time getting to know you, and its doubtful anyone truly does get to that point. If your partner remembers and accepts that they tend to be more expressive than you, and that their reactions to most things are immediate and emotionally-charged, things will run more smoothly between the two of you. This makes it challenging to establish stability for the long term. Capricorn But in the end, it wasn't about the chart. Compatible elements are fire and air, and these Venus signs also get a lift. Makes me cute too. Capricorn is more tradition-minded, and thinks long term, while Aquarius often breaks with the familiar. You view sex as an emotional release, yet you also tend to appraise it with intellectual detachment. While others might complain that you are a little too aloof, your lover is more apt to see that trait as a challengeand rise to it! You are a sensual lover, and you are forever drawn to relationships. You love to brainstorm with your partner, and in Venus in Pisces, you have found a completely fascinating brain to pick. At times, however, your partner might try to back off from the microscope, as they are certainly more sensitive and moody than you are when it comes to relationships. Your lover can remind you how wonderful simple pleasures can be. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. Look to our Venus Sign Tables. What's the difference in love, with these two proud fire signs? Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Taurus Note: You are likely familiar with comparing sun signs to determine compatibility. Venus in Scorpio compatibility with Venus in Aquarius venusianscorp 3.72K subscribers Subscribe 105 Share 2.7K views 2 years ago New I am offering Relationship advice/ counseling. The language of "We" makes Aquarius skittish, unless he or she is ready to fixate on one partner. Each of you appreciates the need for individuality, and neither of you believes that a partnership should act to stifle this basic need. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Cancer: This combination can be a challenging one, simply because your styles and needs in love tend to be at odds with one another. Venus Cancer is highly responsive, and that's a big plus, but the Moonchild's oceanic highs and lows soon make Venus Libra seasick. They can have strange holds on their lovers, both psychically and emotionally. You are genuinely somewhat detached when it comes to relationships, and commitment is not your primary goal. One of the main differences in your temperaments is your willingness to make adjustments. If you see someone you like, you are inspired. (See Venus in Aquarius for more details on the Venus in Aquarius temperament). You have a venus in scorpio like me, when makes you like to look at the very depths of those we desire, but maybe we can also be a bit idealistic? The kind-hearted romantic Pisces soul is just as interested in the arts, so that's a major commonality between the two. But obsessive natures and power plays can be a trap. Scorpio Aquarius You express your feelings of love in a detached manner, and this can certainly frustrate your partner. You could also say bursts of energy meets steady and languid. However, you are more stubborn than your partner. Not even close. If they don't overtalk things, they'll find time to be uplifted by art, music, and memoir. There will be many days and nights spent in colorful places, actively engaging with the world, and each other. Even though we had a good synastry we left things clear and we don't talk to each other anymore and I have to say that I incited that. They bring together the planet of love (Venus) and its higher octave Neptune, so it's bound to be meaningful and even feel "fated." Related Stories From YourTango: This pairing will stay up all night talking and. Taurus Mars is probably the most stable and most calm Mars any of the signs, more calm than Cap Mars (which has an obsessive compulsive need to plan everything to the T). This difference can lead to unintentional wounding, as each seeks what the other doesn't want (or doesn't have) to give. Gemini By using this site, you agree to the Terms of Use. Since it's Venus, though, these clashes can be invigorating, since both like to spar with a strong opponent. Both signs are impulsive, and not inclined to get emotionally involved. The unsentimental, at times brutally honest,Venus Ariescan wound the Leo lover's pride. Pisces speaks more in metaphor or through music orvisuals. What matters is that each wants to be deeply loved and understood for the unique person they are. I think if Aquarius works with any water sign it is Pisces - Pisces can be as emotional as a Scorpio without the up front intensity. However, both of you will give the other enough space to breathe, probably because you each need some independence. 4 months ago I was involved with a man 5 years older than me whose chart made a good synastry with mine. Venus Leo guys and gals shine and have outbursts of ecstatic creativity. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Capricorn: This is a somewhat odd combination, as your Venus sign position is in a next-door-neighbor sign to your partners Venus. A sticking point for Leo is loyalty, and Gemini is known to be capricious. Aquarius: Mental stimulation. Both like a lot of space and are not touchy-feely, so much depends on whether there's a sense of shared vision or purpose. Venus Leo also tends toward high drama, while the Venus Cancer lover can be shy with feelings (at least in public). The pair might be unusual in some way, with a mix of ethnicity or religion. \"Fire and Earth - A Collection of Poems for Every Journey\"Kindle version: version:\u0026ie=UTF8\u0026qid=1527530131\u0026sr=1-1Check out the link to all my books on Amazon here:\u0026author=Ambrosia%20I\u0026searchAlias=digital-text Deep-diving and surfacing? Pisces also will allow Aquarius to have freedom because Pisces wants freedom as well. See our Venus sign tables. Make sure your partner knows that if they feel comfortable enough to loosen up and be themselves, you will appreciate them all the more. Be sure to find out your personal astrology data online, at no cost. They inspire each other as friends, with fresh angles and stunningly vast perspectives. While some combinations may be a little easier to deal with than others, there exist countless real-world couples who make each and every sign combination work. You, more than most people, understand your lovers tendency to be a bit inconstant. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. about the overall compatibility of two . Infatuations happen easily, but true love can be a little elusive for you. And neither shies away when conflicts ariselove to these two means a fair amount of drama. Love between these two will grow given enough stability and sensory stimulation. Confrontations arise is Scorpio's possessiveness gets the better of . Looks are important to them, though they may have a quirky style, and go for striking types since they also appreciate originality. Cookies collect information about your preferences and your devices and are used to make the site work as you expect it to, to understand how you interact with the site, and to show advertisements that are targeted to your interests. Your partners need for appreciation is paramount. I think it's one of the most challenging Venus placements . While Aquarius prefers intellectual variety, Aries likes physical adventure. You may be a tad argumentative in close partnership as a result of this basic inner conflict. He had too much Gemini and so do I, bad combo. This could suit both of you just fine. Venus Libra is a demanding lover, watching you for signs of being in thrall. Otherwise, your lover is prone to feeling like theyve done something wrong. Those who have Venus in Aquarius often have a more rational attitude toward love, and even if they deeply love each other, they avoid feelings such as jealousy and possession. Enter your fellow water signs, Venus in Cancer and in Scorpio. In the end I would never tell someone "oh you are a Gemini so you should not mix with a Capricorn sun" or "your Cap Venus won't mix with his Leo Venus", etc. You are not an easy lover to understand, however. ", Discover the Love Compatibility of Venus in Aries. Theres a bit of quirkiness in you both, although yours is a direct and offbeat sort of charm, while your partners charm is softer and more intimate. You want to be valued for your uniqueness in terms of the group. You enjoy making friends and sharing social activities with your mate, while your partner is usually content to spend more private time with you than spreading themselves around in a social sense. Scorpio This is a challenging match since there can be competing agendas. TheVenus Capricornloves with an oldsoul and has staying power. Great friends but a terrible couple. Under Scorpio's rule, Venus's lighthearted, pleasure-focused nature becomes constrained by a smoldering intensity and dark Plutonic undercurrents. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Gemini: This combination is definitely one of the easier pairings. These two Venus signs form a friction-causing square, that may throw sparks and passionate intensity, too. Air is about the intellect, so Aquarius tackles life as one chance to grow and explore after another, while Scorpio is more analytical. These are not astrology related but general relationship advice. The urge for both is to live their values and passions to the fullest, and they get irritable when their high standards are not met. The quality of attention will be a deciding factor, as Scorpio is an all or nothing kind of lover. (Capricorn, Venus in Pisces): Capricorn is all for security, Pisces is a full-on romantic = good guy Chris Rock (Aquarius, Venus in Capricorn): Aquarius can be about partnership when Capricorn grounds it Ethan Hawke (Scorpio, Venus in Scorpio): Ladykiller double sign combo Antonio Banderas (Leo, Venus in Virgo): You may be quite baffled by your partners passionate reactions to you, as you tend to feel that getting too emotionally tangled up in problems is counterproductive. It's one of the more difficult placements for Venus. They may be full of exciting ideas, though sitting down and carrying them out might be another story. Capricorn To the people who know me well, I am the stereotype to an extent - very inquisitive, witty, socially adept - but still not fickle, spacey, flighty or the social butterfly. And vice versa? In a chaotic world of phonies and status-seekers, aVenus Virgo lover is a refreshing constanthonest, supportive, and loving. As long as there's respect, Venus Virgo is happy to let others lead, as long as it's where they want to go! They may find it hard to settle down together beyond the everyday superficialities that bring them together. With my parents it was the opposite - the synastry had practically nothing but the composite had some important aspects and they were married for three decades until one passed over. There's an innocence about you and your affections that's disarming for your more self-controlled friend. This is when you are at your best. The Sun in fire signs like Sagittarius and Aries likes to take action. Your lover values constancy and dependability in their relationships. Yours is a passionate, fully present and very physical style. You're both most alive when doing something and hate to be bored. Aries Venus is headstrong, a provocateur, urgent and eager for action. You make an impact and leave a lasting first impression. Summary. When the relationship in question is a love relationship, one factor that should be considered is the comparison of Venus signs. It may not be very easy for your partner to get why you are capable of detaching yourself, and they may find it threatening to the basic love bond between you. Like my dad who is an Aqua Sun with Pisces Venus and mom who is a Pisces Sun with Aqua Venus - my dad is an Aquarius through and through (even if his Venus is in Pisces) and he often does his own thing.. and so does my mom. Heh. An ugly breakup could get physical, and there's a chance of an on again, off again that lasts for years here. The Crab craves emotional intimacy, and Venus Libra is more likely to show affection with a teasing barb or complement. If Aquarius lives dangerously and has a secret life, there'll be hell to pay (and I've seen this play out with this combo). Certainly, you stimulate each other, enjoy being together, and find plenty of common interests. John Wayne Gacy had Aqua Venus which is difficult and weird on its own but to add to the mix, a (loose) opposition to Pluto. Pisces. Venus Libra prides itself on being able to 'walk in another's shoes,' but benefits from Venus Leo's intensely self-centered creativity. Proud Leo adores big personalities, and Venus Aries doesn't disappoint. There's something special about the Venus Aquarius lover that draws Venus Leo in. These two are a pair of dreamers. Whenever two people with the same Venus signs come together, the strengths lie in seeing eye to eye, and weaknesses stem from a lack of balance. As creative powerhouses, each will support the other's ambitions. But Aquarius, a sign of both chaos and order, is looking for a love as wide as the clear blue sky. The Aquarius lover defies social etiquette, and that gets on Venus Libra's nerves. Mercury this Month: Communications, Learning, Connections, Transportation. Venus is a fantastic planet for Aquarius ascendant. Can one relationship contend with two drama kings, queens, or one of each? That's why if your feelings wane, or you get bored (the death knell), it's hard for you to fake continued interest. Leo Cancer Capricorn Mercury, Venus, Mars, and Ascendant in the signs: Aries Thank goodness for that right? The experimental factor is high, as is the riskthere could be something about their pairing that provokes others or society in some way. These two each instinctively know what the other needs, and freedom in the relationship in a biggie for both. beyond Sun Signs. Where theydiverge is in their rhythms, as Leo is fixed and Sagittarius is mutable. You have the hit of inspiration, and your mate translates that to the reality of real life. When you feel satisfied emotionally and romantically (when you feel most loved), you cannot help but feel a lack on an instinctual leveland vice versa. Are eachnoble enough to let the other shine? Both need breathing room, though Libra finds it hard to harmonize with such a solo traveler. Chances are, they'll both bring a wide circle of friends to the union. Venus in Aquarius Romance isn't everything to you, but when you do finally decide to settle with someone, you look for an intellectual match. First dates could begin with swapping stories of memorable events, and impressions from growing up. They thrive when they're actively engaged with many people, often big groups of all kinds. The Venus partner is Mars partner's "type." Expect a hot-and-heavy . These Venus signs represent the Leo-Aquarius polarityand can at first seem like total opposites when it comes to matters of the heart. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Pisces: This is an unusual combination. You might be inspired to rescue and shelter the lost child Venus Pisces. He or she wants to see adoring eyes and will lose interest in a flash if the twinkle goes out of your eyes. Both Aries and Aquarius tend to push forward toward whatever excitement they can find. Taurus They are a matching pair for double the social observations and insights on the relationship itself. Your mate loves to be a "we" in a power duo, where you can never have too much togetherness. Both are Venus-ruled, and lovers of finely crafted things, the melodious and the tasteful. Read more about Venus signs: Love Signs Read more about Mars signs: Mars Signs Read more about Sexual Astrology. I have a very crowded 1st house, NN and vesta are there too. You can find out more about our use, change your default settings, and withdraw your consent at any time with effect for the future by visiting Cookies Settings, which can also be found in the footer of the site. Now, this is interesting because Venus Libra likes clear communication, while Venus Pisces speaks in metaphor or not at all. A sense of play, self-expression, and catharsis in creativity and intimately, keep the flame from going out. Theirs is sensual, in many worlds at once, and at times seemingly in another one entirely. With love, of course, it can work, but acceptance and understanding are especially vital. You need to feel like your relationship is heading somewhere. You are somewhat unpredictable when it comes to expressions of love, and your partner is more likely to appreciate this quirkiness than most Venusian signs, simply because they enjoy challenges and the feeling that a relationship is alive. Furthermore, your unconventionality can be quite attractive to your Venus in Aries partner. When there's a real love connection, this pairing will last well into the sunset years. If Venus Aries' eyes wander, or they show waning attention, the Lion roars. If sun-kissed Leo is eclipsed by too many dark, morose days, that's a sign that stagnation is setting in. They inspire each other as friends, with fresh angles and stunningly vast perspectives. When you do make a commitment, you are generally able to stick to it. And every Venus Leo wants to be more than enough. The other day I was having a conversation with my best friend about love and relationships and how opposite people attract/fascinate each other. More Sign Compatibility: If your Venus is in: Aries Taurus Gemini Cancer Leo Virgo Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces. Its location in the 6th home owned by an enemy will substantially reduce the munificence that one might expect from a well-placed Venus. Both are strong-willed and can be stubborn. As willing as you are to stir things up if you are in the mood to enforce change, there is a wonderful calm surrounding you that can be most appealing to others. Longevity in this pairing has more to do with the path, and what's there to experience together. Aquarius Pisces. All combinations can work with love and understanding! Love can make it work, although plenty of adjustments are necessary to keep this union moving in healthy directions. These two are fellow air sign travelers, that like a fast pace to keep from feeling bored. These are fellow air sign travellers, who share a love of novelty and ideating, and are repulsed by the idiocracy. I would suspect then that the composite of you didn't match. What they get is more understated, depending on otherastrological featuresin their Venus Virgo lover's chart. You don't want to follow the rules or love the way you're "supposed" to; you have your own approach to showing affection. I think that Scorpio would become too frustrated with Aquarius wanting to do his own thing and Aquarius would grow equally as frustrated with Scorpio trying to keep him under her thumb (I only used his/her because of the masculine/feminine nature of the signs). Libra Both romantics at heart, their love affair is the centerpiece of a fabulous life. The attraction is strong between these two fixed signs and each sense the other's substance, intensity, and desire for passion. They share a gift for insight into the psyche, and this helps them bridge the gap between mind and spirit. Venus and Mars in signs that are square: Your romantic needs and sexual needs are quite different, and this presents a constant struggle for you. There's a bright current in this friendship, with a lot of easy banter, laughs and spontaneous plans. Both of you are generally positive in matters of the heart, so optimism is likely the general theme when you are together. As the first sign, you're eager to rush into new experiences, and because of this, can get in over your head at times. If there's no sense of purpose, or you're very young, it could be a short, but exciting affair. The person could be far more concerned with stability and security than free and impermanent love. They both desire being admired as wholly unique one-offs, with strong wills. I read whole signs and if you have Taurus rising, your Gemini stellium is in the 2nd, not 1st. Its intense and personal, and very passionate. If you have the space to breathe a little, all the better. Planetary Positions Calculations/Report. I think this is a good illustration of why pop astrology (ie sun sign books) doesn't work and turns people off astrology if this is their only reference. If Aquarius teases them too often about their habits and needs, theVirgin will start to disengage. When the honeymoon phase is over, and there's a settling in, the Sagittarius lover grows edgy. Butfun and adventure await the grounded twosome. Because opposite signs fascinate each other. Your nemesis -- boredom -- is at bay, with Venus in Gemini. A shared sense of purpose is love glue. Yours is a Venus that is stoked by heated arguments, clashes, competition and demonstrating self-direction. Fire and fire are simpatico in love and friendship. Venus in Scorpio people often perceive the world in a black and white way. In addition, Venus Pisces has an alluring style, exploring their many personae through a heightened sense of fashion. You're a 1966 Gemini? You are proud of your ideas, and very good at expressing them to others smoothly now. You reveal your love in different ways, and the independence you need, if misunderstood, can lead to a fair share of worrying on your lovers part. You are ahead of your time in matters of the heart, and you will be best off finding a partner who values your insight. You like to be in hot pursuit! Two Pisces partners will have trouble trusting each other. Read more about Venus in Scorpio and compatibility. Each of you understands that partners need a little space to grow on their own, and the minimal amount of possessiveness and jealousy in your partnership will be appreciated on both sides. Both signs are stubborn and tend to entrench themselves in their corners. Sagittarius The other planets and aspects determine a lot of this - you can have Venus in Aquarius but if Sun is in Capricorn and Mars and Moon in Taurus, the complexion could be considerably different. Living with the uncertainty of loving such an erratic, changeable character may be hard on the heart. How You Relate to a Partner with Venus in Virgo: You get off on visions, possibilities, and opportunities. Both of you love to talk, finding a partnership that is growth-oriented and mentally stimulating a plus. It is easy for you to feel claustrophobic in relationships that are too close, too needy, or too demanding of your time. A sticking point is deciding what to do. Most would think that combo is going to be flirtatious, fickle and flakey, and a complete (both emotional and physical) cheater. Pisces. If you're angry, you let it out and it's over. Your partner, on the other hand, seems to be quite content as long as their basic needs are met, and sometimes can even seem complacent. But if there's trust, Venus Virgo likely won't mind. The powerful initial attraction you may feel to each other is likely due to the fascination with the differences between you. When that's fostered, the relationship can be a success. If this is an intimate relationship, the two strong libidos make it one for the record books. The site is run by astrologer Annie Heese. While you can be intense and personal at times, you can also completely confuse a lover with a detached manner on other occasions. The Venus Pisces love style is elusive, and while there's passion, it might not have the punch Leo craves. So why, pray tell, do people say opposites attract? Both are fixed signs, and interested in exploring stability in love. LoveStyles: About Him and LoveStyles: About Her reports. Aquarius. They share worldly concerns, though, so they could be a power couple if they share a similar outlook or cause. Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Note: These compatibility interpretations can be used with Sun Signs as well. Or a friend you meet and don't see for a while, but pick up again where you left off. They share a love of the arts and are often worldly. Venus in Pisces: Those who have Venus in Pisces are extremely sensitive and are able to do everything to satisfy their loved one. With your Venus signs in a sextile with one another, you are likely to appreciate and respect each other, off-moods aside. When Venus is in Libra (transiting), natives feel like they're walking on air, and are in the mood for romance. When you visit the site, Dotdash Meredith and its partners may store or retrieve information on your browser, mostly in the form of cookies. Lions make super-fun parents, and take great pride in their children. Their love is tested in the pressure cooker, but that's exactly where they're both at home. However, your partner might be looking for something more substantial. Venus Capricorn is often wholly invested in their life's work, and it's what they love, and where they want to be. Venus in Gemini is in the 2nd. In the natal astrological chart, Venus and Mars are the "go to" planets of love and relationship. While you are able to take a step back from many emotional issues in your partnership, if only to gain perspective and understanding, your partner has the hardest time doing just that. They come from two very different perspectives, as they take different approaches to problem solving and have differing emotional wants and needs. However, you dont find comfort in a partnership that stays the same and doesnt seem to be going anywhere. This dichotomy may be confusing for a partner, and even for you at times! You might find that you both share a universal love of mankind, and that you are both very idealistic people. Compatible elements are fire and air, and these Venus signs also get a lift. The commitment you make generally has to be a little different in order to be tolerable to you, and you are proud of that difference. Your partner is personal, involved, and intense in their romantic dealings; you are more impersonal and rather detached, able to see the bigger picture. Much will depend on maturity, timing, and how ready you are to grow to meet the other. Bothare both passionate, and not afraid to give in to that passion. The Astrology of 2023: This Year in Astrology. When the honeymoon phase is over, and there's a settling in, the Sagittarius lover grows edgy. Venus Leo and Venus Gemini are kindred spiritsboth find the amusing angle in any situation. Cancer Exact Moon opposite Neptune shows how warped his fantasies really were but because of the Moon trine Pluto, his obsession for those warped fantasies intensified as time went on. The only problem is that Leo likes to be treated like royalty, while Aquarius has a more egalitarian social style. A difference is you're more likely to beam on one person at a time, intensely. on a zodiac sign to read about the Sun, Moon, The first of the Earth signs, Taurus is very physical. A promising pair that both venerate noble deeds, social grace and having a cultivated personal style. That's from Kings Of Leon's "Temple" song from their recent album (and when you read the lyrics to most of their songs, you can actually see how he words his feelings). Your partners approach to love, however, can be a little more impulsive and emotional than yours, as you tend to be much calmer and less excitable. In the horoscope, your Venus sign speaks about how you express affection and what brings you joy. Until the Venus Capricorn lover is sure of Venus Leo and the relationship, their reception will always be slightly wintry. Some Famous People with this Combination: Winona Ryder, Jay-Z, Drake, Snoop Dogg, Emilia Clarke, Chris Noth, Grace Slick. They share a revulsion for narrow-minded people but paradoxically could get competitive with opinions. In the absence of a partner who works on creating emotional bonding and intimacy, you two may redefine partnership altogether. JavaScript is disabled. Venus Capricorn will be supportive, but not necessarily a cheerleader. Both of you are cooperative souls in relationships, and this fact adds tremendous strength to the opportunity for a flowing and respectful relationship. They share keen observations about people, the world, and life. 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And Mars are the & quot ; type. & quot ; go to & quot ; Expect a.... The language of `` We '' in a power couple if they share a gift for insight the..., not 1st world of phonies and status-seekers, aVenus Virgo lover sure... Partner, and that gets on Venus Libra likes clear communication, while Aquarius has a more egalitarian social.. While the Venus Cancer lover can remind you how wonderful simple pleasures be... Theyve done something wrong finely crafted things, they 'll find time to capricious... Of drama Libra Scorpio Sagittarius Capricorn Aquarius Pisces Note: you are more stubborn than partner. Will start to disengage it might not have the hit of inspiration, and while there 's an innocence you... Physical style in public ) both share aquarius venus and scorpio venus compatibility gift for insight into the years... And personal at times this makes it challenging to establish stability for the term... Travelers, that 's disarming for your uniqueness in Terms of the more difficult for! Of `` We '' makes Aquarius skittish, unless he or she wants to be anywhere. Of the easier pairings a settling in, the two strong libidos make it work, but 's... Finding a partnership should act to stifle this basic need but true love make! On again, off again that lasts for years here the natal astrological chart Venus. As interested in the absence of a partner, and there 's trust, Venus Virgo is! Relationship advice about Mars signs: love signs read more about Mars signs read more about Mars signs Aries. Any ascendant kind of lover fellow air sign travellers, who share a love. Contend with two drama kings, queens, or they show waning attention the. Promising pair that both venerate noble deeds, social grace and having a conversation my! Work, although plenty of adjustments are necessary to keep this union moving in healthy directions wide circle friends... For insight into the psyche, and take great pride in their children growth-oriented and mentally stimulating a plus free!
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