Most unique | 3. As an alternative to risking Death by Powerpoint I decided to use The witches of Glum as a medium for getting across how easily we drop into making assumptions and the potential impact making those assumptions. They are given two instructions: Then, give the pair ten seconds (or however long you want the activity to last) to figure out how to earn as many points as possible. How did you come to an agreement? By cleverly mixing a familiar story with a few challenging twists, it really stretches the short term memory and in my experience results in an up-beat atmosphere. My rope is about 20 long. At least 50% of the delegates get less that 50% of the statements right each time we run the session perfectly illustrating the learning point. Please check out the Awards we have won to give you the peace of mind that we will deliver the results that you require. Ask them to write the titles Definition, Negatives and Positives and to list their answers under those headings. (function() { Two truths and a lie | 4. Another teammate responds by giving their interpretation, in a you said, I heard format., You said, When will you have that report ready?. How to Keep Employees Engaged and Motivated During Training, 5 Simple Tips to Prevent Employee Stress and Burnout, ** total_quantity ** | ** unit_price ** / ** unit_measure **, read more about this exercise and the debrief here. Aims: To identify things participants have in common with each other. To explore the impact on relationships of finding common ground. Notes:A great exercise to demonstrate our role in conflict with others. Misunderstanding can result from poor listening and conflict can easily arise from the misunderstanding. All rights reserved. Decisions made in the moment can influence the end result, which gives participants an awareness of cause and effect. Time:This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. Inform the teams that they must answer the 3 questions: 3. This is one of my favourite activities; I use it in my Telephone System/Call Handling training where it is very important for people to listen to what others are saying on the telephone. Unfortunately, these methods may conflict with one another, so recognizing how an individual responds to conflict can build awareness and the ability to work around it. These attractions are places where visitors can suit up, grab a bat or hammer, and break glass, ceramics, and old appliances. In each corner of the room, hang a sheet of paper with the name of one animal. Give it a go, youll love the results! Before I run this activity I get the delegates to score their current listening skills out of 10, and then once they complete the activity then re look at their score to check this is a fair assessment. And Am I the A**hole? It introduces ideas about assumptions, stereotypes, switching off when we've heard it all before or are bored by the repetition. It's an old favourite and can be used in so many ways. What techniques did you use to come up with the 4 words? Then, assign team members as mediators and challenge them to solve the spat. Simply gather in a group, then ask volunteers to share stories. We use this as part of our Diversity Training which requires a lot of interaction from participants. A dialogue instead is about understanding and cooperation. The teams will each have 10 minutes to decide how to fairly split the total of the pot amongst everyone in the room. Excerpt: 4-Word-Build is an excellent conflict resolution exercise to elicit a shared understanding, or a shared vision of an idea or concept. When they're done right, icebreaker activities can yield some meaningful and sometimes bankable results, such as: Improved communication and interaction between employees Shortened onboarding and training time Stronger teams Enhanced team bonding Better decision-making and problem-solving Increased engagement Reduced turnover Table of Contents Before You Begin Activity 1: AITA Activity 2: Rotate Debates Activity 3: Said, Heard, Meant Activity 4: The Two Dollar Game Activity 5: Arm-Wrestling Activity 6: Storytelling Activity 7: Knot or Not Resolving Conflict Before You Begin We tend to train somewhat cynical engineers who really take a lot of engaging in order to deliver any Soft Skills. Defusing Angry Customers They phrase it as "I heard," as in, "You asked that, and I heard 'you're working too slow, speed up. Useful For:Anyone attending a course or workshop that focuses on dealing with conflict. NTA, for no, you're not. Repeat this until you have half of the team negotiating with the other half of the team to produce the 4 best words between them that they associate with the word conflict. Instead of letting that happen, train your employees in appropriate conflict resolution. We teach new starters that they should not make assumptions on a customers appearance. Download it NOW! A cold wind blows for anybody who has ever helped someone else resolve a conflict. It then required some simple facilitation skills to identify ways to become better listeners and again to highlight some easy steps that everyone could take to improve their skills. There is a lot you can do with this, but it's a very telling exercise when it comes to conflict resolution.". Group Size:This module can be used with groups of up to 20 participants. Reading a story to a group is fun and people make assumptions on what they have heard which means they learn a lot from the activity. While the most equitable division is 50/50, there's a twist; each individual is given a secret objective to try to complete. The follow-up question must be connected to the previous question. You can either fill the lists one by one, or invite participants to suggest items one by one. Fun is guaranteed! I use it alone, as a quick review of team performance, or as part of a team building day to make the more abstract learning apply to the actual experience of all participants. Time:This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. Be cautious here about the stories each individual chooses. Generally people enjoy the exercise, you may get the occasional grumble, but on the whole I have found it to be well received. Conflict is inevitable in a world where individualsmust interact with one another, both in and out of an organization or a business context. There's more to it, though. Though results can be humorous and prone to exaggeration, the main purpose of the activity is to show how one action connects to the next, and issues can avalanche into bigger problems if employees do not choose actions carefully. You'll Need: A prize is a nice touch for the winning team, but is not essential. A stopwatch or timer. How did things change when you switched from debate to dialogue? . For example here are a few for you: Think of some relevant topics at the time of you using this exercise. Respondents typically give reasoning behind their judgements. ", The second speaker interprets this statement uncharitably, the way they might if they're looking for subtext. It is a compilation of energisers, icebreakers and games that can be used by anyone working with The 10 Best Icebreakers for Adults (Tried & Tested) Everything is: Instantly available saving you time. Each team member has a pen and a piece of paper. Response 1 No, you are not. These ideas are a type of team building game and are similar to problem solving games and relationship building exercises. Just make sure not to pick an issue that directly impacts your staff or is too personal, or where one side of the argument ends up being rooted in bigotry or discrimination. So, they cannot change the topic. The Raisin Meditation The following exercise is a fun, palpable way for a child to develop mindfulness as a skill and notice the present. His comment was - guess I wasn't really listening! This means asking each other questions about their items, listening to the answers, and coming to an agreement between them. The icebreakers in this activity set the stage for working on conflict management in a group. When hes finished, hell ask you for a napkin. A cold wind blows for anybody who expresses their anger by yelling. Time:This exercise will take about 15 minutes to complete. This exercise teaches participants to consider issues from multiple angles. '", The first speaker refutes this with an "I meant" statement. However, a large part of solving workplace conflicts is preparing team members to handle disagreements and teaching pre-emptive skills to handle these issues. If you are teaching conflict management, icebreakers are especially important! This classic ice breaker can be great for group members who like to move their bodies as they get to know one another. This was an effective module near the beginning of the course; the delegates had an increased awareness of natural assumptions and listening skills which effectively introduced further modules within the course. 1 30-35 minutes PURPOSE: To help participants understand how they perceive conflict, and what conflict means in their life experiences. You should have seen their faces when I awarded a star to the winner! Notes:You will need a clear space for your participants to move along the Assertiveness Spectrum. One team member starts by making a statement. The only down side is that as its so memorable, its the one activity they always rave about on the evaluation forms! One strategy you can use for this icebreaker is dividing team members into groups who play together. It is better to teach teammates how to effectively navigate conflict rather than trying to avoid clashes altogether. Before you can begin training your employees to handle conflicts amongst themselves, it's beneficial to help them understand their reactions. Closed questions are those that require just a yes or no answer. Aims: To welcome the participants. To introduce the facilitator(s) and participants to each other. To introduce the facilities. To agree the course objectives and timetable. Top 10 Ice Breaker Activities for Meetings, Training, and . It comes from Reddit, where the r/AITA subreddit is dedicated to people telling stories of conflicts and scenarios in their lives. Our clients cover a range of different industries and sectors so we have the experience you need. copyright 2003-2023 As a trainer, I really enjoyed behind able to pick something up and run with it. The M&M's challenge 1. Notes:A small prize for the winning team would be nice, though not essential. Paul helps the team at Symonds Training build and focus on providing high-quality training materials packages and programs for trainers, classroom teachers and HR departments. I find it really easy to then link this exercise in to the types of calls that my delegates make or receive, especially the common ones where we can assume we know what it is about and how to resolve it without stopping to listen to the customer. 4. It was a great time-saver. Training tools for developing great people skills. The response was great, stimulated lots of discussion about stereotyping and gave way for a fantastic reflection session. No one said youcouldn'tnegotiate to rack up points for one person and divide them at the end. Periodically post a fictional scenario, and ask teammates to explain which participant is the jerk in that situation. Team Timelines are chronological accounts of conflicts. Each pair will pair up with another pair and the process goes on again. The aim of the dialogue is to reach mutual understanding while valuing the strengths of the other persons position. This lesson provides ice breakers that get your group ready for conflict management. Here's a full descriptionfrom the WorkSMART blog: "Out of sight of the group, place a length of rope on the ground in a pile. Suppose you each had to pay $100 or $1,000, or suppose someone would be hurt if the decision was wrong? Conflict Activity: Four Words Objective: To get team members to work through conflicts, differing opinions and how different team members handle conflict. They began to understand the assumptions we make about other cultures and they became receptive to altering their communication style to ensure their interaction was effective. Fantastically effective exercise. Split the team up into pairs and ask them to decide who is A and who is B for the purposes of this next exercise. How challenging did you find this activity? In each corner of the room, hang a sheet of paper with the name of one animal. For teachers, educational administrators When the word conflict resolution comes up, most folks minds go straight to mediation. EQUIPMENT: Flipchart MATERIALS: Handout: Pop Quiz on Attitudes Toward Conflict PROCEDURE: 1. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing 20 minutes for completion. Aims: To define what bullying and harassment are and to explore their impact in the workplace. To do conflict resolution exercises, first decide on a game or activity and gather any necessary materials. That helps us help you. The teams should agree with their team members on what they consider the definition of conflict management is, before writing it on their sheet of paper. Then, switch sides and have participants argue the counterpoint. Although the exercise illustrates the separate topics of the importance of not making assumptions and of active listening, delegates quickly see the link between these and that we all do the aural equivalent of "scan reading" and miss details because we assume. The Workplace World In fact, you will often need a number of fun ice breaker questions or prompts that will just help people to engage more. Our product and service descriptions are free of overblown claims, and selling. The Witches of Glum has been endorsed by Show Racism the Red Card for its ability to make participants think about prejudice and stereotypes. I've used it with new recruits to customer service teams and with senior managers in a local council. I use this activity in Assertiveness training. We had recently introduced customer service standards and to bring the policy alive rather than just sit on a shelf, I ran a team training morning session using Goldilocks as part of the session. Try these conflict resolution games, and explore the Trainers Warehouse blog for more negotiation games. The key learning for them came from the fact that they should always listen to what's being said, without making assumptions or listening from their perspective, as the speaker may go off on a tangent that they didn't expect. It is also a useful addition to Emotional Intelligence training. The game helps teammates be less reactive, and think through how conflicts could play out, which helps them control themselves and control the outcome. Clear Communication? One of the interesting 'take-aways' was that the fear of not understanding every word (the B1s) was greatly reduced as they were told they were going to hear a story. Pages Updated On: You'll Need: To prepare flipcharts containing ACAS definitions of bullying and of harassment if you dont wish to use the PowerPoint slides provided. Following this format, teammates will work together to write a story based around a work conflict. Conflict resolution is a critical skill in the workplace. Each pair has 5 minutes to win the argument. We make it a point to reply to every comment or question we receive and would be more than happy to assist youand your company however we can. How would you behave in real conflict situations? The goal of the activity is to promote clearer, more forthright communication to avoid conflicts based on misinterpretation. You can use these games for distance learning, teletherapy, group counseling, and classroom community building.Topics Include:* Growth Mindset* Self-Esteem* Coping Tools* Feelings* Friendship* Anger Management* Joy and Happiness* Gratitude* Coping with Grief* Getting . Its designed to help anyone reflect on how to improve their workplace relationships, not just those who are in conflict. Normally both parties are hell bent on winning that they dont listen to the other person because they are too focused on what they are saying next. The challenge is to see how long they can continue the dialogue for using just one question as a foundation for the conversation. Everyone will know how much he contributed individually but no one will know how much anyone else, from their own team or the other, contributed. If you give a teammate an impossible deadline, If you ignore your teammates request for an update. 1. The point value should be according to the difficulty of the task. I feel like its a lifeline. Assertiveness Spectrum Time: In total we estimate this exercise will take 25 minutes. I've used this in a number of different sessions where it was important to highlight the amazing ability people have to fill in the gaps of the story with their ideas and remembered bits of old fairy tales. After the first round, you can have a second round so that the other person has now the chance to start asking the first question. This is a great little exercise that really demonstrates to the delegates how readily assumptions are made and how guilty of it they are. This made a considerable difference to the atmosphere and energy levels within the group. You can also include spaces for variables or what ifs.. For the sake of variety, you can give teams different prompts. The first speaker begins with a statement. Time:This exercise will take about 25 minutes to complete. For example, Do you like coffee? the answer is usually either yes or no. Time:This exercise will take about 10 minutes to complete. Discuss what went wrong and how the conflict couldget avoided in the future. - Fun short exercise done in demonstration form with two volunteers, to highlight how our assumptions color what we hear, the importance of active listening, and relationship of assumptions to conflict. No one knows how much the activity leader contributed either. Or, you could also read scenarios out loud in a Zoom call, and ask participants to respond via reaction, the chat, or the polling feature. Animals should be tiger, turtle, fox and dove. 2. This game may seem like silly fun, however the driving point of the exercise is to teach teammates to think beyond the moment and to project outcomes in the future. gcse.async = true; Note: To prevent bad feelings or further issues, all scenarios should be fictional. Ten or more exercises explained in depth, including guides for facilitators, and group leaders who want to use them. I then have a discussion with the group asking them why they made the assumptions and it really makes them think about it. Can be shortened or lengthened as you need. This is Learn More>>. Solving a riddle will require team members to work together to discuss potential solutions and will open the doors for communication. Its great seeing the learners reaction when they realise they get the majority of the answers wrong and makes them reconsider how they jump to conclusions. Make-believe | 7. I have used this activity for over 10 years now. Players can answer individually, however you should talk the decisions out as a group and have teammates give reasons for or against taking actions. gcse.type = 'text/javascript'; Part of the process for designing an ice breaker includes designing the best environment for conflict resolution to take place. Running a training session? Then, give participants an issue to debate. Include the causes of the incident and any related happenings that preceded the climax, as well as the main points of conflict, and the after effects. I have used this a couple of times now and think its fab. Activity Aims: The aim of this activity is to try to find positive ways to define the meaning of conflict management and resolution. I used it recently when the rather cocky 'I'm a brilliant manager' delegate got only 3 right, and the rather shy, newly promoted manager got 11/12. I grew up in a home with a lot of conflict. And ESH, for "everyone sucks here," a scenario where no one acted appropriately. Each group will start its own pot of money. Each person will pay a different amount into the pot but no one will know how much anyone else put into the pot. Heroes | 9. I love this activity it really increases delegates self-awareness on their listening skills and how easily they can make assumptions. - Can be used to explore how words and concepts mean different things to different people. Remote/Virtual Delivery:There is a Remote Delivery version of this module available in Trainers Library. Practicing this kind of conversation helps to prevent miscommunication and misunderstanding and promotes empathy. You'll Need: Flipchart paper and plenty of post-it notes. Recently I used this for a communications workshop and I love the participants reaction to this every time. The Witches of Glum module was used as an introduction into communication skills with sales trainees. Not much preparation needed yet so effective. Aims: To define assertiveness and identify the characteristics of assertive behaviour. To identify situations where participants find it difficult to be assertive. 5. An activity called " Knot or No Knot " is great for goal conflicts. No one said you can't talk to one another (if they did not communicate. As in, "You heard 'you're working too slow,' but I meant 'I need to know a timeline so I can plan the rest of my day.'". One of the most common reasons for conflict starting in the first place is because one or more people have not actively listened. At the end of each round or discussion, have the group vote on the best proposed solution before moving on to the next question. Maybe you want an energiser to get them going and ready for your training. Useful For:Everyone who interacts with others at work. The story is, of course, Assumptions The Witches of Glum. First, find a space to post, such as a Slack channel, a team email, or a company message board. Jimmee John should not have been stealing your lunch. I have used it in small groups of 6+ and more recently I used it as part of a large event on commissioning / co-creation where we had 50+ so it is very versatile. AITA? Aims: To encourage participants to share information about themselves. To explore values and beliefs. To build rapport among participants. Please share below. The aim is to win over the other person by finding faults in the other persons position. Separate participants into groups of 4 or 5 and give them a large marker pen and a large sheet of paper. I have already used it as an exercise on assumptions in a module on equality and diversity and I will also be using it in my helpline skills training on effective listening. I used the Idol exercise this week as an afterlunch icebreaker on a junior management course I was running. This activity is, after all, a very personal exercise. I really liked the audio file, the story was familiar but different enough to be interesting and it made a change than listening to the trainers voice. Conflict resolution activities teach habits like active listening, empathy, negotiation, and compromise. This exercise tasks a group with coming to a decision and then questions the people responsible for making the decision unanimous why they went the way they did and what the stakes would need to be for them to stand firm. In total, allowing for discussion, we recommend allowing about 15 minutes for completion. LinkedIn Activity Aims: The aim of this activity is to try to find positive ways to define the meaning of conflict management and resolution. Ask the participants to work in pairs. In this activity, teams map out the development of an issue. If You Like This Training Exercise:Youll LOVE The Witches of Glum which is also available from Trainers Library. Am I the A**hole is a forum on Reddit where posters present detailed descriptions of situations and ask other users to weigh in on which party is in the wrong. Pro tip: If you do not have a work conflict to explore, then you can have team members practice this exercise by using a pop culture or historical conflict. Time Traveler Troubles is a fun roleplaying game. You should pick a pop culture reference that is well-known, or one that is summarized in a short clip. | Library Home Page | Excerpt: Similar in some ways to the idiom 'beating around the bush' described in a previous ConflictMastery Quest(ions) blog, the expression stonewalling refers to the tendency to avoid responding to a question or to be evasive. 11:17:38 Pick a topic that is controversial in nature. 7. Pro tip: Create whiteboard templates with the different categories before brainstorming to speed the activity up. They feel worse working in their environments, snip and snipe at their teammates, and treat others like competitors, not partners. Group Size:Suitable for use with groups of almost any size. You want as many points as you can get and don't care about anyone else. Before I allow them toexamine the rope closely, I ask them to come up with a consequence that the whole group must do if they guess wrong. 3. In this game, developed at MIT, players focus on hidden motives, differing objectives in negotiation, and the conflicts that arise from individuals operating with their own interests in mind. Time:This exercise will take about 15 minutes to run. This activity is great to disarm all participates from a we know it already stance to actually join in and actively participating. What positive outcomes can result from conflict in the workplace. This gives participants time to really think about their choices. You'll Need: A printed copy of the large (A3) Trainer version of the Word Search grid provided, affixed to a flipchart. Established in 1992, Bacal & Associates is a small training, consulting and publishing company with a core business centering around all aspects of communication, including helping deal effectively with conflict, dealing with difficult people, and dealing with hostile customers. 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