You preference is not a moral standing. But why do you want them to walk from their car to your door and back again regardless of the weather? In the bike example, you could text and say hey, Im picking up my bike from near your house, do you want to go to the park for a bit? or even hey, Im in [neighbourhood] right now getting my bike, do you want to hang out for a bit? (without specifying where). The house was never in fact very dirty and usually was fairly presentable even without the deep-clean, but my mom was ashamed and embarrassed by any perceived imperfection that she thought others would notice. Once, I answered the door, lights out, my girlfriend and I in pajamas and on drugs and, Im really high right now and was not expecting you, was not enough to deter about 45 minutes of awkwardly hanging around the living room answering curious questions mixed with small talk. Its definitely been the type of thing where they expect four people to join them for their birthday dinner and BAM, Clueless Cousin is there already. What Happens If You Put Salt In The Corners Of Your House? Like theres a huge difference between dropping by unannounced and saying something like Cable at my new place wont be hooked up till next week, can I watch Nurse Jackie with you at your house on Sunday? But navigating that kind of thing can be pretty tricky, and you do have to kind of gauge how close the friendship is and what the other persons preferences are before you say something like that. I can usually drop by before moving on to my next event. Instead they will be evasive. And if you are sleeping or sick or busy when they pop in without calling first, too fucking bad. Then you can say, What are you doing later/tonight/this weekend? and theyll say, Hannibal marathon with X and Y, want to come? or even, I was thinking about heading down to the new brunch place, and you can try something like, Ive been meaning to check that place out! which is not QUITE inviting yourself along but can land you an invitation. But talking to someone- or more likely in front of someone- about the fun game night six of your ten closest friends were at but one of the conversants wasnt? Not every surprise visit was unwelcome. All of it. So far it seems to work. 3. If you could just not do that, that would be awesome. First, apologize for coming over uninvited at an inconvenient time. THEM: Oh man, well definitely come along next time!. My partner had a, You should come to our party next Saturday! Sure! conversation at a party, and, being Irish, she figured it was a friendly fun thing that people say and promptly forgot about it. ", but if you let them know you're interested too, they'd be more than happy if you came. If I am picking you up at a certain time, best practice dictates that you are at the door, ready to go. Wanna join, Wee_Ramekin?). I have a sister-in-law with family like this. 2. Sometimes I want the advice. I dont know if there are specifics that make that difficult to implement in this case, or if its just not the norm in your social group, but in many groups its a common social convention that a lot of people follow anyway. I am firmly in camp Ask, but my midwestern relatives are not. It also depends on how involved the last-minute thing Im invited to is. Has their baby barfed on me/Do we spend a lot of time in each others houses? Those good old days are likely to have sucked for people with anxiety disorders/other mental health issues/chronic pain/chronic fatigue. But I also know which of my friends are ok with it and which arent. LW, it seems possible that your workmate also regards home visits as a level of intimacy that is too much for a co-worker. I asked her something along the lines of oh gods, what have you been thinking of me these last months, with all the details and no invite? If a loose, friendly group regularly go out for lunch at work, or meet for drinks afterward, it's probably alright to come along one day. Friend: Is that poop in your sink and on the wall? Those mental issues existed twenty, forty, and sixty years ago, too. For any other reason just tell the truth, tell her you want to watch your favourite movie with her or cook together or whatever that may be of interest for the both of you. I dont know why, still. Fancy a glass of wine at mine"has worked on me. I do it just because sometimes things do come up at the last minute, its easy (for me at least) to bungle scheduling when social plans are made far in advance. Then, and this is the important part, drop way WAY back in your efforts to get together with her. YEARS! I wouldnt have shown up unannounced (or just email announced) if we hadnt already had plans. Frequently saying no is going to cause problems with even the most dedicated Asker, so the prudent course is to say it strongly once, even if the idea of occasionally saying yes isnt awful. Shes also introverted with a limited social energy budget. She enjoys learning about relationship and communication skills in order to develop her own and others' relationships. But usually those friends are limited to the small number of people who have seen me ugly cry. I say invite T.! if people are really always deflecting blame away from themselves and harming the relationship, there are ways to get that point across gently, as part of a dialogue, without silencing. As I said, I find these conversations miserable. I so need to have more people over so this happens more often. Thanks for the reply, thats really helpful to think about. (I have no qualms about putting the dogs outside if I spot proselytizers or door-to-door salespeople coming down the street, but I wont put the dogs out if someone is already inside the yard.). I then, with friends who I had invited, discussed details of the plans and ideas and asked for opinions. Werewolves not Swearwolves. dont surprise anyone in their sanctuary Like, dude. He will get the point. Because, as noted, she is a giant crapsack. The dropping by for a hug comes over as very needy. I cringe looking back on friendships where I was getting soft nos for literally months and cheerfully failing to put them into context (Hmm, maybe this person who is always busy and never calls me back doesnt want to see me! Also for saying goodbye to the people you just visited. Yeah the idea of being judged for passing through and not stopping and diverting your route to go see someone every time? He is autistic and not great at social relations (and frankly, he is an apple that didnt fall far from the tree in that regard). *et cetera*. (when i say something i would have expected to be invited to i mean something others in a similar or seemingly less close relationship with them were invited to. Becoming more adept at these important social skills is not impossible, but it takes motivation and hard work. If it turns into a huge social thing it tends to be bad. We should hang out later!, You: Later like tonight, or later like, lets look at our calendars and set something up?, Them: This was great, we should do this again sometime., You: I agree. Want to hang out? Seems like she might be ahead of the curve then, haha. I grew up in a small town where unexpected visits were totally normal. The calling out thing troubles me. Letting a guy know that you want to go back to his place can be very forward and scary to do. Or better yet, they would drunk-call me at midnight screaming WHERE R U? I would tell you upon arrival that when you want me to leave, just say so (blunt person as I am, it might be phrased as the moment Im a bother, sweep me out). Here is how I think of this in my brain, if I am making plans I am always attempting to make plans to 1. I have a people-energy budget made out for the week, and when people show up without asking, it annoys me at best-and also can be exhausting, depending on how high cost my week has been-and just the disruption to my budget without warning makes me annoyed. 18 He Wants You: He'll Make Random Excuses To Talk To You. Some things, like the wedding situation below, I get. Newly married. People in my life have been annoyed I dont come to something when they know I was in the room when they were talking about it. And to the subject of unexpected visits. If he is into you he will definitely show up as he will want to protect you. If again he is a gamer, you could suggest you want to have a game night at his house. Ahaha. Obviously a glass of water isnt an imposition, especially if youve been riding a bike around, but it feeds into number 1. In that happy, low key tone, you could say something like: A broader issue in whether inviting yourself is okay is how much will people like your company once you're there? Id appreciate any words of wisdom you can share. Cant reply to twomoogles here, so Im getting as close as I can. Hey QA, I had a relationship with someone who would get similarly furious if I turned up early or unannounced and I eventually realised it was part of a wider tendency to controlling and emotionally abusive behaviour (and with another ex it was that plus masking infidelity). Im definitely a Guesser in the Ask vs. You could say Im going to go to X Comic Book Store that day, want to join me? Youre not inviting yourself along on their day, youre inviting them along on yours. Guess Cultureplays a part, where Askers figure Why not, the person can just say no! and Guessers are like Arrrghhh how can the person not know better/I find it very difficult to say no to a direct request. So Im glad that you wrote in. Now should the advice-giver start badgering me to see whether I followed their advice, thats something else again. Thank you for this post! Constantly. In the other case making plans was nearly impossible and incredibly inconvenient, so dropping by felt like a nice surprise. Go to a bar or a party that is near his house. and there are a few people at church Ive invited. Its best to assume theyre not into drop-ins unless they make it clear they like that kind of thing. I'll check it and issue an invitation to you when it's convenient for me to host you. I think the general pattern was that the kids took on as much of the arranging as their age and ability allowed, and that gradually increased as they got older. They lived an hour and a half away. The vast majority of pies are not baked to shame the nonbakers. If she says 3pm pick something fun to do, and leave your house at 3:15. This may help put to rest frustrations I sometimes feel about issues where my preference runs counter to that of most people. Dont just show up. I can think of lots of reasons, some of which have her unhappier with the work drop by. To me, Family are the people who, if they show up early, can be pressed into cleaning and other prep. *deep breaths* More answers below Cheryl Robinson-Atwood Former RN (1996-2009) Author has 2.4K answers and 1.9M answer views Dec 13 Sponsored by Forbes Advisor Best pet insurance of 2023. In general I dont talk about plans with Alice from which Bob is excluded in front of Bob. 1600, masturbate to porn; 1630, cleanup; 1700, SO arrives. So if any of the people they had carefully arranged in their schedule/chessboard had the temerity to break pattern and show up early or try to clean under the bed or anything that threatened to bring the two sides of their lives together theyd explode with rageand since they couldnt talk about the actual cause of their anger, they often used bullshit nonsensical excuses, like, When you sweep for dustbunnies under the bed it implies you think Im a disgusting person. (Instead of: that is where I keep evidence about my affairs. maybe they thought i wouldnt like it, maybe they knew i was busy, or maybe? Then she's probably looking for an exciting night between the sheets. Usually one would suggest meeting at their own place or wait until the other person is doing so, I guess.|To a friend? but people are not always logical. My friends are well aware that they can show up. I have wet hair from my recent shower, and there are piles of laundry all over the living room. I totally understand that shame cleaning is a thing and I know the shame aspect of cleaning comes from a wide array of sources both personal and cultural and have felt/done it myself in certain circumstances. Come for dinner tonight at 8:00 is an invitation, Come by later is Hey, glad to see you, we should catch up at length soon. I havent spent time in Brazil, so I dont know if thats a Brazilian thing or a dudes-who-grew-up-with-M-specifically-where-he-grew-up thing but it is a real thing, and M. has had to rethink and clarify it for American friends now that he lives here., Its absolutely a Brazil thing, hahahahaha. If we visited someone, it was meticulously prearranged and we would show up on the very dot of the agreed-upon time not a minute sooner, not a minute later. Me: Actually, I was sleeping. Day. So we were both missing eachother and thinking the other didnt want to be friends anymore. The point is to let them know that someone is at home, yet while not opening the door to a potential home invasion. I dont think I know anyone without a cell phone, so let me pick up the random stuff that wanders out into the family room and put it back where it climbed out of. But you might have luck with at least some friends. A group of friends may be totally open to new people joining them, but are so close with each other they unintentionally give off an air of being exclusive. This tactic has become so commonplace that many police departments counsel residents to always answer the door via intercom or by asking what the visitor wants (while keeping the door closed). In re: not knowing stuff is happening, I think that, a lot of the time, is a function of how plugged in you are to a persons day-to-day happenings, whether in the meatworld or on Facebook or what-have-you. My rule of thumb is to not go anywhere where I have not been expressly invited (kind of like the vampires in the Captains hilarious trailer). That will give him the idea that you are busy and likable to people, and he will have more interest in you. Maybe Im misinterpreting because I dont know the LW or her friend but it seems much more intense than to say hi. Yeah, definitely my building has a lock on the front gate that can only be opened with a key, no buzzer/code to punch in/etc., so my friends have to text me in order to get to my doorbell anyway; I would rather they just text me and have me run out to the car to save them the trouble of parking! What does the Bible say about a grandparent's role, and how can grandparents be a blessing to homeschoo . yes exactly on the no clear rule. i have had friends who text, i am walking past your building! ), This doesnt mean it cant be okay in specific workplaces, or with specific people! If shes low on spoons then the choice between feeding us and changing me vs tidying up, then the housework will have to be deferred. You can go on and be as creative as possible and If you are good at your cooking game they will definitely be impressed if they say yes to your invitation. I'm currently working with clients who live in Ontario, Canada: Copyright 2006-2023 I wouldnt make any polite noises. Reddit and its partners use cookies and similar technologies to provide you with a better experience. About three weeks out, I did a last run through the response list, and figured out that one friend who I had been discussing the wedding with had never responded. They allowed me to make soft nos and those soft nos were more often accepted, because hey, were asking if youre free right now so if you say no well go do our thing and move on with our lives instead of sending a bunch of follow up texts trying to lock you in to a date. One caveat to this is if you KNOW youre going to be near me every Saturday at Noon, and you start texting me every Saturday at 11, I might get annoyed. You can also drop a simple text letting him know you are looking forward to seeing him, to casually confirm the date ahead of time to ensure the plans are still on. Her friends tendency to just withdraw a little makes it unlikely that asking will yield good results. That suggestion is for adults who dont know each other all that well, not close friends like your son and T., and not children. Maybe if you were really good friends with someone and didn't do it too much it would be fine, but otherwise try to avoid it. Followed by pedicures and an outdoor screening of Clueless? Hey, you seem upset, is everything OK? I wish you all the best in working this through with your counsellor. Copyright. sent a text saying they were in the neighbourhood and was it ok to drop by, that (as the Captain says) is totally not the same as inviting themselves over which is what the friend has accused them of. Look, there's a good chance if she's agreed to come over, you'll end up in bed together, and the last thing you want is to bring her into a lair of disarray. as possible. Youre feeling chills and fantasizing about going home with him. And this has been proven time and time again. But Im always thanked for double and triple checking with him because I understand that his particular brand of anxiety can say yes lets definitely plan to do this and then the day of be I really want to do this but I cant do it today. might no longer be. Thats allowed too. You want to leave open the lines of communication, but otherwise treat her as you would a casual friend you were getting to know for the first time. 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