Well, he can give us mental health stressors, he can give us anxiety and depression and other things like that, and that's where emotional resilience comes in. Two Rooms Refurbished at Beehive House in Salt Lake City, When reporting about The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, please use the complete name of the Church in the first reference. Episode References:David Morgan's book: Enduring The Refiner's Fire, Jane Clayson Johnson's Silent Souls Weeping. Required fields are marked *. And so you have a different place you belong up here on the counter, instead of in the garbage can. You are now leaving a website maintained by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. If you are interested in contributing a video to our library, please contact us at [emailprotected]. And here we are still curving. Ekbergs family observed that she was able to make decisions with greater confidence as she participated in the emotional resilience class. Latter-day Saint congregations are organizing virtual and in-person meetings based on local conditions and direction, allowing group members to connect in meaningful ways even if they are physically separated. And I know that's the way He still feels about me. If you would like to stay on the page you are viewing please click Cancel. We all experience emotional hurt and heartache, and this is a course that will help provide a resource for help and a strength in the Savior because thats what its about the gospel of Jesus Christ.. If you think that I just can't do this, there's no way that I can persist in this trial, then it doesn't matter how much strength you have in you, it doesn't matter how much you're actually capable of, if you don't believe you can do it, then you're done from the beginning, because you won't-you simply won't try. Another 10 languages will be added in March. And so you talk about accepting stress and the ability that it has to strengthen us and to make us better. And then He's got these lines that are drawn over to the right hand side, and on the right hand side are these Christlike characteristics, things like patience and tolerance and understanding and diligence. I completely agree. We need to have a burden. "We are imperfect beings each trying our best." And I think that's what you described. . And that goes backSatan not only attacks our identity, he attacks our sense of purpose as well. And sometimes you're going to fail in a colossal fashion, and that's okay. We are desperate to find him some help. ", And I think that everybody listening probably is like, "I know exactly what you're talking about." It's not a backstop, in case we sin, he says, "You're going to sin. And Heavenly Father knows that. And we all know a little thing about vaccines right now, that's a very, very applicable analogy. Because it's funny that you said, you know, when you prayed and asked Heavenly Father to take this thing from you, because like I said, I've had these like health challenges. Exercise Faith in Christ (My Foundation) It's going to make you stronger, and it's going to make you more like me in the long run.". It's 100 miles, you know, and when you think "Well, I can't run 100 miles," you probably can, it might take you 20 years to do it, but you can do that. And usually, it's because I'm afraid of doing something, I think, "Well, I can't do it." So how do wehow do we better respond to that kind of thing? Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church include Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Find a Better Job and Education for Better Work.. Scriptures: Triple Combination, D&C/PGP Translations, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, Emotional Resilience Training Is Now Offered Globally, Advertise with LDS365 / Affiliate Program, Read or download on the Gospel Library app under Life Help.. And so where are the stressors coming from? And my dad said to me, "Morgan, I don't know if you've noticed, but change is hard for you." To help you navigate the unique mental health andwellness challenges presented by the COVID-19 pandemic, the UCSF Department of Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences has put together a collection of short videos focused on ways we can protect and enhance our ownemotional well-being. And so when I have days where I feel down and depressed and you know that I am not worthy or whatever, I try to remember that feeling. So what can I give you and still let you have the rest of that stuff?" So tenacity is importanttenacity, which is this idea of just keep going, when it gets difficult, you keep going. Another thing that you write about that I thought was profound is this idea of negative affect. Your email address will not be published. For more information on the use of the name of the Church, go to our online, 16ae3c5ec227b62926e57481021412b44e0d0f2e.jpeg, Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience, 10f68afa729f7813745c54ed52b75f3395476da0.jpeg, dac7a40799d317ad82cc0d7e028b782d51fc5b4e.jpeg, 5b0218ee95f77b0ac812b8dce82cadcef542908a.jpeg, d7906dd5d56bdab0803d2e09c42c486d0b73401f.jpeg, de3cbb0f08ea8c5bd140eb7ed324f3ed2e35ccf2.jpeg, 2224d64673851197a3022808c67fdd3428eead2a.png, organizing virtual and in-person meetings. On the bottom left corner of the video, you should see a symbol of a gear for video settings. unless you can have parades in the rain, right? The request to develop the manual came prior to the COVID-19 pandemic, Hagey said. "How do I grow food and so that I can survive from day to day?". How do we describe this?" Fresh questions about oxytocin as the 'love hormone' behind pair bonding. But we like consistency, as human beings. . And how have you seen that in those that you've worked with? Sundaythis last SundayI was in Young Women's, a meeting with our young woman's class. The Lord loves you, and He cares about your welfare.. And he did not like swimming at all. This belief cast us as observers instead of actors in our life story. There's a temptation to avoid it altogether, because it's unpleasant to go through that. He served a mission back East and he's an excellent teacher. Thank you, Morgan. I love the way you put that because that same friend, we were talking and she said, "I feel like when these things happen, immediately my response is, what have I done wrong?". And like you said earlier, here we are, literally in year three of this. Well, and Iyou're absolutely right, Morgan, I think this is something that's probably touched all of us at one point. He is the author of multiple books, including his most recent book, Enduring the Refiners Fire: Emotional Resilience for Latter-day Saint Trials. And when we're on the path, we're on the covenant path and doing the best we can and striving our best, when we still experienced the significant issues, I think we can confidently say that this is part of Heavenly Father's plan to help us become more like Him. You know, and the same thing with mental health. To download media files, please first review and agree to the Terms of Use. Some of the roadblocks that I talked about, things that keep us from persisting are fear of failure, rigid thinking and lack of self confidence. While adversity is an inevitable part of life, trusting in the Lord, reaching out to loved ones and learning skills for building emotional resilience can help us weather lifes challenges.. David, welcome. But we need to . Participants are encouraged to reach out to their local Church leaders to find out when groups are meeting in their areas. And when the rains came, it wasn't until then. And so he said, "Okay, well, I'll try." I know for me, David, there have been people in my life that I really love and care about. Well, and I love how you say in that quote that I read that all of us have been pressed to our limits. I know the Lord knew we needed the blessings found in the self-reliance groups at such a time as this.. Perfectionism: Will I Ever Be Good Enough? And he gets asked to speak in Church when he's like 12 or 13, right, his first talk, and he probably had a panic attack, he's freaking out the night before. Absolutely. Designed by Elegant Themes | Powered by WordPress. I really, really appreciated it myself. Enter your email to receive updates on our LDS Living content, 2022 LDS Living A Division of Deseret Book Company, Apostles around the world: See where Church leaders traveled in February, Here are some of the Churchs widest-reaching welfare and self-reliance programs you may have never heard of, FamilySearch announces a new free RootsTech after-party event for young adults, The ability to adapt to emotional challenges with courage and faith centered in Jesus Christ., Helping yourself and others the best you can., Reaching out for additional help when needed.. And Arthur Fonzarelli was the the coolest guy there. Elder Bednar talked a few years ago about a man who bought a four by four and got it stuck in the snow and then he was super embarrassed because his wife had told him not to buy the truck and he bought it anyway, and so, and he couldn't get it out. And I think it's part of our Heavenly Father's intention for us, especially in 2022, because we have fewer other challenges than our ancestors did. So procrastination can get you and also what I call "Lack of sustained effort." I thought that this was so interesting, you talk about kind of what this concept of negative affect is, and then also that we can cultivate a tolerance toward it, and you will do a much better job of explaining what this is than I could ever do, so if first of allif you could kind of lay the groundwork and then maybe talk a little bit about how we can cultivate that tolerance. ", And it leads me to act proactively instead of just being acted upon. One of the things sometimes I'll beI don't if "Criticized" is the right word, but when people will say, when I talk about mental health and the gospel, they'll say, "Well, don't just tell me to pray harder, and to read my scriptures more, because that's not a solution that doesn't, you know, that doesn't fix mental health, you need medication, you need therapy, and stuff like that.". And He's going to say, "This is why, Morgan, when you prayed, and said, 'Heavenly Father, take this from me,'" He said, "No, I can't do that. Credit: The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints A family smiles for a portrait in Ghana. Sometimes people have very ingrained behaviors, even those that might be influenced by brain chemistry, and feel helpless to do anything about it. And I say, "Absolutely. Accepting and living I can get up and make my bed today. And just because we try to quantify everything, you know, chemically and physically and scientifically, it's not chemical, and it's not physical and not scientific, it's spiritual. And he's like, "But then, it doesn't matter what it is, if you give it a little bit more time you end up loving it." "We can often feel overwhelmed by stress, anxiety, depression, grief and other emotional challenges," President Bingham said in the video. You are about to access Constant Contacts (http://visitor.constantcontact.com). To download media files, please first review and agree to the Terms of Use. Right. And maybe again, we might free up more of that emotional energy to address and to move forward. And we sometimes wonder if we'll ever feel normal again. For example, watch this video about perfectionism that the manual highlights in a chapter on stress and anxiety: All the videos and manuals for the Churchs self-reliance courses, including Emotional Resilience, can be found here. Meeting virtually presents special challenges to maintaining full engagement, connection, and belonging. And so I would, I think it was Elder Holland, when he talked about years ago, when he did his "Like a Broken Vessel" talk, which was kind of the watershed talk on on mental health, probably one of the first times it's been addressed at depth in general conference, and the Church has dramatically increased its reach and resources for mental health, some awesome stuff in Gospel Library, and on the Church's website for mental health resources. In the video, she said that before taking the course, she had difficulty knowing her purpose and dealing with her emotions in a healthy way. 2 Timothy 1:7. Well it wasit was several years ago, President Nelson was in a training with General Authorities, it was back before he was president the Church, he was president of the Quorom of the 12 Apostles, and one of the brother and asked him, "How do we dealHow do we help people deal with pornography issues, because that's become such a serious problem in the church, and without the church? Of Regrets and Resolutions (My Foundation) Finding Strength in the Lord: Emotional Resilience teaches gospel principles to strengthen you spiritually, while also developing healthy coping skills to meet lifes challenges and opportunities, said Bishop Grald Causs of the Presiding Bishopric. It was around this time two years ago that we first began to hear the word "Coronavirus" or "COVID." Hope Ya Know, We Had a Hard Time, A Bigger Truck? And that is what we're going to talk about together today. Right. Some people have risen above and become stronger, others have struggled. And I know that they have like, wonderful hearts, but it's like they feel like, for whatever reason thatand I think part of it is that, you know, they say that when people are dealing with depression, it's hard for them to feel the Spirit, and so then they feel like they're, you know, not capable of feeling God's love. And you may not get an answer that moment, but I'm confident if you continually ask for that, if you're regularly ask for that, you are bound to have a tremendous spiritual experience where you feel Heavenly Father's love for you. So being all in is, it's an actionable word on my part, it's saying, this is my opportunity to be the best I can to do the best with what Heavenly Father has given me, and then to return to Him confidently and saying, "Here's what I did. That sounds uncomfortable." And so I like the kind of reframing of you know, maybe there's a reason that He's not taking it from me. Overall, the course is fantastic, and we all see how this can be leveraged to bless many lives, said Kelly Scotts of Geneva, Switzerland, who participated in a pilot session. Another 10 languages will be added in March. The linked site has its own terms of use, privacy policies, and security practices that differ from those on our website. The point is, if I engage in a healthy diet for a year and exercise regularly for a year, I'm probablyI'm very likely to see you know, positive changes in my health. But man, we've got to start thinking differently because just like you've experienced, and just as I've experienced, change is inevitable. And so I just kept thinking, "Okay, this is going to change," or "This change isn't going to last long," you know. And we need to remember, this is a, like an ultra marathon that we're running here. I heard recently, I was talking to a friend who had been to see her endocrinologist and the endocrinologist said that she had seen eight times the number of women since the beginning of the pandemic with autoimmune issues, because of the additional stress that the pandemic has brought into people's lives. So they're very, very frightening experiences. We have sent you a confirmationemail. ", And that encapsulates everything for me. Some rights reserved. We need to do like Elder Bednar counsels and says, "Teach me how to hit curveballs." I could be on the Olympic procrastination team. LDS EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE CLASS SESSION 1: Grateful in any Circumstances Nelleia Eisha Travels 276 views 1 year ago LDS EMOTIONAL RESILIENCE SESSION 1: He is Building a Palace Nelleia. And I'll stand next to you the whole time, I'll hold your hand, whatever you want to do. So fear of failure is one of those that sometimes we don't even start, because we're afraid that we're going to fail. To turn on captions in the language of your choice, please follow the instructions below. Download a photo or video by clicking or tapping on it. And then as He helps us along, we become better. . And so he was like, "You just have to give it a little bit of time." You can read more from David on LDSpsychologist.com, and in his new book Enduring the Refiners Fire: Emotional Resilience for Latter-day Trials, which you can find on DeseretBook.com now. For Emotional Resilience class, a Self-Reliance Program of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saintshttps://www.churchofjesuschrist.org/media/video/201. This manual is an addition to the family of self-reliance manuals that are used in self-reliance courses. And of course, Satan's going to capitalize on that and say, "Well, yeah, see, because you're not doing what you're supposed to. Learn more in the article "Finding Strength in the Lord Through Emotional Resilience Training: Self-reliance program Other self-reliance programs offered by the Church are Personal Finances, Starting and Growing My Business, Find a Better Job and Education for Better Work., Learn more in the article Emotional Resilience Training Is Now Offered Globally., Your email address will not be published. A new manual and videos are available for a course in emotional resilienceoffered by The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints. I don't know if that's part of the difficulties people need to experience in order to become more like their father in heaven, but just this idea that we are not worthy, we need to lose that idea. The linked site has its own terms of use, privacy policies, and security practices that differ from those on our website. So, and I hear you, I don't like change either. . They can also be viewed on the Gospel Library app under "Life Help." Physical copies of the manuals are available for purchase at Church distribution centers. You know, we're sitting in nice homes, many of us, and have access to these things. Becca Developed Emotional Resilience and Felt Christ's Healing Church Newsroom 168K subscribers 14K views 11 months ago Becca shares how she developed emotional resilience by taking the. But now you are Bonnie's toy." Over time, Becca felt that the course helped her strengthen her connection with Heavenly Father and better understand her covenants. And so, so even good things, effective things done for not enough time, can lead us to think, "Oh, that doesn't work." To download media files, please first review and agree to the Terms of Use. I'm convinced that when we get to visit with our Heavenly Father, when all this is done, He's going to show us all the difficulties that we hadI picture on this, like this big whiteboard, and on the left hand side are all the challenges that we faced. In many cases, it is seen as too ethereal and personal to be examined with scientific rigor. Emotional Resilience. And then when we haveI think when we have an unstable self concept, and unstable sense of identity, which is basically like a shaky foundation, then you don't want a lot of motion upstairs either, right? As he helps us along, we 're going to sin began to hear the word `` Coronavirus '' ``. And maybe again, we might free up more of that stuff? by the of! Imperfect beings each trying our best. & quot ; we are imperfect beings each trying our best. & quot and. To our limits first review and agree to the Terms of Use, privacy policies and... And also what I call `` Lack of sustained effort., when it gets difficult you... That the course helped her strengthen her connection with Heavenly Father and better understand her covenants running here I... Belief cast us as observers instead of just being acted upon in those that 've... 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