/AvgWidth 441 LITHOSOLS (I) Other soils which are limited in depth by continuous coherent and hard rock within 10 cm of the surface. collected and analyzed from different land sat imageries, SRTM data, topomaps Habitats however have been degraded, mainly by grazing of livestock as well as cutting of trees for firewood and clearing of land for planting. 6, annual R value ranges between 376 and 465 MJmm/ha/year. xref 0000004979 00000 n This paper illustrates application of a locally produced geogrid material for strength improvement of expansive subgrade soil. 14a. Google Scholar, Amsalu T, Mengaw A (2014) GIS based soil loss estimation using RUSLE model: the case of Jabi Tehinan Woreda, ANRS, and Ethiopia. Based on their inherent characteristics, cambisols are erodible of all soil types in the area. Soil erosion is the main drivers in the world and Ethiopia in particular. and map erosion vulnerable areas using RUSLE model. Water Resour Manag. Basement rocks are composed mainly of Tertiary lava flows, although there are also Quaternary basinal deposits at the northern end and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits on the northern coast of Somaliland. The authors thank Worabe Agricultural Research center for facilitating the required resources to complete the field work. Its index is defined as mean annual soil loss per unit of erosivity for a standard condition of bare soil, no conservation practice, 5o slope of 22m length. The conditions that favored soil development in Ethiopia : Of the 18 major soil associations existing in Ethiopia only few are important from agricultural development point of view. Slider with three articles shown per slide. Lack of moisture and shallow profile preclude cultivation of these soils. These soils are formed from volcanic material and, with proper management, have medium to high potential for rain-fed agriculture. The final soil loss was estimated by multiplying each parameters value based on the following USLE model flow chart (Fig. Schweizebart, Stuttgart, pp 310316, McCann JC (1997) The plow and the forest: narratives of deforestation in Ethiopia, 18401992. Moderate soil loss was estimated from pellic vertisols followed by Lithosols. overgrazing and exploitation of biomass for firewood, construction and other One sub-watershed fall under Moderate classes (510 ton/ha/year). 121142). /Flags 32 Soils developed over the lava deposits are mainly lithosols, while regosols are predominant on the Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal deposits. Bagegnehu Bekele. From the gross soil erosion, 43,762 ton/year sediment yields have been estimated at watershed outlet. Catena 37:309318, Article 0000001480 00000 n 8), which is within the ranges of Bekele et al. Geomorphology 57:95116, CrossRef Therefore, the soil erosion could be reduced if the current land use land cover scenario is considered. https://doi.org/10.4236/nr.2014.511054, Amsalu A, Stroosnijder L, de Graaf J (2007) Long-term dynamics in land resource use and the driving forces in the Beressa watershed, highlands of Ethiopia. However, erosion rate fall under low and very low erosion severity classes, moderate erosion was estimated from vertisols and Lithosols. 15). The only purely endemic mammal is a gerbil, Gerbillus acticola. Soil is the most crucial but highly vulnerable natural resource in the world (Lal 2001). The result reveals that from the gross 456,415.60 ton/year soil erosion, 43,762 ton/year were estimated at watershed outlet. Soil erosion risk and sediment yield assessment with universal soil loss equation and GIS: in Dijo watershed, Rift valley Basin of Ethiopia. Gently sloping (25% slope) and sloping (510%) are the dominant slopes in the watershed which covers 31.8% and 31.4% from the total watershed, respectively. Finally, the raster map has been reclassified based on their erodibility values. where SDR denotes the sediment delivery ratio and area of the watershed. [dubious discuss][5]. According to the Fig. The soils of Ethiopia can be classified into five principal types. There are very few permanent watercourses. Lack of moisture and shallow profile preclude cultivation of these soils. /Type /Font 0 0 0 667 667 722 722 667 611 778 722 278 500 667 556 833 The moderate soil erosion in Litho sols should be managed by applying the practices of increasing water-holding capacity through inter-cropping, mulching. Ras Dejen (4,533m), Bwahit (4,430m) and Silki (4,420m) were formed from the outer core of this ancient volcano. From September to February is the long dry season known as the bega; this is followed by a short rainy season, the belg, in March and April. 7, 273291 (2021). Soil erosion is a serious problem in Ethiopia. This indicates there is a need to quantify the rate of soil erosion for the study watershed. BB has led overall research activities like proposing research, data compilation, data entry and processing, data analysis, and interpretation of the result and writing up full manuscript. Reg Environ Change 14:253266, Haregeweyn N, Poesen J, Nyssen J, Govers G, Verstraeten G, Vente J, Deckers J, Moeyersons J, Haile M (2008)Sediment yield variability in Northern Ethiopia: a quantitative analysis of its controlling factors, Helldn U (1987)An assessmentof woodybiomass,communityforests,landuseand soilerosionin Ethiopia. Management factors under different land use types were obtained by transect walk from south to North and East to West direction. CNRPacini Editore, Pisa, Demlie M, Ayenew T, Wohnlich S (2007) Comprehensive hydrological and hydrogeological study of topographically closed lakes in highland Ethiopia: the case of Hayq and Ardibo. [1], location of the Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands, Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands. Aside from this, the trees produces a milky substance, which is used for ink, for the purpose of writing charms, to be worn on any part of the body as a cure for those possessed by evil spirits, and to prevent their entering those who are not previously tormented with them. The milk of the genwarar was also used in the treatment of lingering sickness. Slope steepness is classified into five classes. The lowest soil erosion on Molic Andosols could be due to their good aggregate stability and high permeability to water which make these soils resistanttowater erosion. Agricultural land has been classified into six slope classes and combined with land use and the corresponding values have been assigned to each slope classes. 8). GIS layers were formed in raster format for both Environmental (RKLS) and management factors (C and P) as input for the USLE model to generate the contribution of individual factors grid. We all have agreed to submit our final manuscript for Modeling Earth Systems and Environment Research journal and approved the submission. The volcano is believed to have spread over more than 5000m2 and resulted in a thick sequence of basaltic lava some 3,000-3,500m thick that was deposited on Precambrian crystalline basement. Mangroves occur along the coast, in muddy wadi mouths and inlets. With proper management, they are of medium agricultural potential. endobj 13). Based on the 30m30m resolution of DEM, the slope of the watershed is classified into 8 classes as shown in Table2 below with dominantly Gently sloping and Sloping followed by Strongly sloping and Very gentle sloping (FAO 2006). 22 sub-watersheds(A, C, D, E, F, G, H, I, J, K, L, M, N, O, P, Q, R, T, U, V, W and Y) fall under low soil erosion classes which covers 90.74% of the watershed areas. GREYZEMS (N)Other soils having a mollic A horizon with a moist chroma of 2 or less to a depth of at least IS cm, showing bleached coatings on structural ped surfaces. They are often referred to as skeletal soils or, in the United Nations FAO soil classification, as lithosols. Gleysols having permafrost within 200 cm of the surface, Other Gleysols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surface, Other Gleysols having a mollic A horizon or a eutric histic H horizon, Other Gleysols having an umbric A horizon or a dystric histic H horizon, Other Gleysols having one or more of the following: a calcic horizon or a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface, or are calcareous at least between 20 and 50 cm from the surface, Other Gleysols having a base saturation (by NH4OAc) of less than 50 per-cent, at least in some part of the soil between 20 and 50 cm from the surface. In the central highlands of Ethiopia, the main soil parent material is olivine basalt of tertiary age. endobj 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 In Ethiopia, the causes for land degradation are lack of effective watershed management system and poor land use practices (Setegn et al. Ayalew L, Yamagishi H (2004) Slope failures in the Blue Nile basin, as seen from landscape evolution perspective. Lithosols were defined as: "soils other than Histosols that were limited in depth by continuous coherent and hard rock within 10 cm of the soil surface." May is a hot and dry month preceding the long rainy season (kremt) in June, July, and August. 0000000836 00000 n Other soils which are limited in depth by continuous coherent and hard rock within 10 cm of the surface. 7, the soil erodibility for the watershed ranges from 0.14 to 0.35 metric tons/ha/MJ/mm. National Conservation Strategy Secretariat, Ministry of Planning and Economic Development, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia, Tamene L, Vlek PL (2008) Soil erosion studies in northern Ethiopia. where, Sy=Sediment yield (ton) at the watershed out let, E=total erosion (ton), A=Watershed area (ha), Sy=456,415.60ton/year *(1/123,3950.2), Sy=43,762 tons/year. As shown in Fig. The result reveals that most of the watershed erosion severity evaluated under very low and low soil erosion severity classes covering 97.3% of the watershed areas which is due to the effect of mixed plantation of various trees and terraces. Other Arenosols showing lamellae of day accumulation, Other Arenosols showing ferralic properties. from nearly 0 in south and central parts of the area to 504.6 t/ha/yr in Ethiopia), where resources, facilities and trained scientific manpower are scarce, and where food is in short supply. Uncontrolled land use, deforestation, over cultivation, The current soil erosion was compared with the original USLE model result. 1995). Soil erodibility (K) is the intrinsic susceptibility of a soil to erosion by runoff and raindrop impact. The slope steepness, land use land cover, soil type and conservation practices contributed for moderate soil erosion in the study area. https://doi.org/10.1007/978-94-017-8026-1_1, Shipping restrictions may apply, check to see if you are impacted, Tax calculation will be finalised during checkout. Updates? Renato Gerdol is greatly acknowledged for reviewing the section on vegetation. Central and local government authorities are acknowledged as well for providing assistance and data. This introductory chapter reports about the main geographic and geomorphologic features of Ethiopia. These outliers are part of the Day Forest and Mabla Mountains above 1,100 m in Djibouti. Trop Ecol 45:209221, Stocking MA (1996) Soil erosion. 2} } \right), $$, https://doi.org/10.1007/s40808-020-01017-z, Soil erosion and sediment yield assessment using RUSLE and GIS-based approach in Anjeb watershed, Northwest Ethiopia, Application of revised universal soil loss equation model for assessment of soil erosion and prioritization of ravine infested sub basins of a semi-arid river system in India, Geospatial assessment of soil erosion intensity and sediment yield: a case study of Potohar Region, Pakistan, Estimation of soil loss using remote sensing and GIS-based universal soil loss equation in northern catchment of Lake Tana Sub-basin, Upper Blue Nile Basin, Northwest Ethiopia, Soil erosion estimation using RUSLE and GIS techniquesa study of a plateau fringe region of tropical environment, Estimation of soil erosion and sediment yield concentration across the Kolleru Lake catchment using GIS, Estimating water erosion using RUSLE, GIS and remote sensing in Wadi-Qandeel river basin, Lattakia, Syria, Potential soil erosion estimation and area prioritization for better conservation planning in Gumara watershed using RUSLE and GIS techniques, Spatial distribution of soil erosion and sediment yield in the Pra River Basin, https://doi.org/10.3844/ajessp.2015.245.255, https://doi.org/10.1186/s13717-019-0188-2, https://doi.org/10.1007/s00267-012-9904-8, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.catena.2005.03.012, https://doi.org/10.1111/j.1440-1770.2011.00489.x, http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 Soil erodibility (K_factor) was estimated based on Kaltenrieder (2007) soil erodibility estimation for different soil types adapted to Ethiopian condition. Soil erosion is the main drivers in the world and Ethiopia in particular. Sci Total Env 486486:164179, Osmaston HA, Mitchell WA, Osmaston NJA (2005) Quaternary glaciations of the Bale Mountains, Ethiopia. As compared to the watershed average annual soil loss rate, 11 sub-watersheds such as R, F, N, C, J, I, G, O, D, A and B have erosion rate of 3.1 ton/ha/year which is above the watershed mean (2.2 ton/ha/year). Extract from "Legend of the Soil Map of the World", 1974, UNESCO, Paris. The mean annual soil losses of Dijo watershed range from 0 in the flat slope to 38.09 ton/ha/year from steep slope areas with the annual average soil loss rate of 2.2 ton/ha/year. https://doi.org/10.5897/IJWREE2018.0820, Bekele B, Gemi Y, Habtemariam T, Ademe D (2020) Assessment and documentation of indigenous and introduced soil and water conservation practices in the case of Silte and Gurage Zone, SNNPR, Ethiopia. J Ecol 23(7):13281335, WBISPP (Woody Biomass Inventory and Strategic Planning Project) Southern Nations, Nationalities, and Peoples Regional State (SNNPR) (2011) A strategicplanfor the sustainabledevelopment,conservation,and managementof the woodybiomassresourcesWoodyBiomassInventoryand StrategicPlanningProject. 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 0 The Ethiopian xeric grasslands and shrublands ecoregion is a semi-desert strip on or near the Red Sea and the Gulf of Aden coasts in Eritrea, Ethiopia, Djibouti and Somaliland. The annual mean soil loss rate for each woreda was estimated and each woreda erosion severities were compared with the tolerable soil loss limit. Northeast Afr Stud 2(1):119133, Poschen P (1986) An evaluation of the Acacia Albida-based agroforestry in the Hararghe highlands of Eastern Ethiopia. Salinity and sodicity hazard characterization in major irrigated areas and irrigation water . The study of Bekele et al. Quantitative and qualitative analyses were used. Mean minimum temperatures range from 21 to 24C, and mean maximum temperature is around 30C. In our study watershed, terraces were majorly implemented conservation measures through mass mobilization and Sustainable land management project (SLM) (SZFNRD 2018). The lowest erosion rate from Molic Andosols. The Average annual rainfall and average R_factors were estimated for the entire watershed. 0000003545 00000 n [3] The endangered Gabal Elba dragon tree (Dracaena ombet) is found in the ecoregion's mountains above 1000 meters elevation. 1999; Veihe et al. I would like also to thank the colleagues that shared with me the hard life in remote areas and the students that contributed with substantial, basic data. << The high soil erosion risk in the study area is associated with the topography, particularly slope steepness at Northern parts of the watersheds. GIS Based Soil Loss Estimation Using RUSLE Model: The Case of Jabi Tehinan Woreda, ANRS, Ethiopia. Xerosols having an argillic B horizon; a calcic or gypsic horizon may underlie the B horizon, Other Xerosols having a gypsic horizon within 125 cm of the surface, Other Xerosols having a calcic horizon within 125 cm of the surface. Anyone you share the following link with will be able to read this content: Sorry, a shareable link is not currently available for this article. The prevailing soil types are described and soil erosion data are reported and analyzed. Quiz. Soil and water are crucial resources for agriculture, especially in arid and semi-arid rain-fed areas, yet farm-level economic impacts and the factors influencing the adoption of measures for. Environ Manag 50:679694. 2003). The lower value of P (0.1), the more effective the conservation practices. Add your e-mail address to receive free newsletters from SCIRP. The slope steepness influences the flow velocity, while the slope length describes the distance from where the origin of erosion to the point where deposition occurs (Renard et al. Berhanu et al. Drier sections of savanna found at lower elevations of the Western and Eastern Highlands contain tropical dry forests mixed with grassland. [1] Djibouti's Day Forest and Mabla Forest preserves protect small enclaves of montane forest and woodland in the Goda and Mabla mountains. Elevation generally increases westward towards the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands. 0000002547 00000 n The major part of the Simien Mountains consists of remnants of a Hawaiian-type shield volcano. Vachellia tortilis, Vachellia nubica, and Balanites aegyptiaca grow as scattered trees or shrubs on the sandy plains. 537, Wischmeier WH, Smith DD (1978) Predicting rainfall erosion losses: guide to conservation planning; Agriculture Handbook No. Without their hospitality and collaborative approach this work would have never seen the light. /Type /Font Because of moisture deficiency and coarse texture, they lack potential for rain-fed agriculture. (2009) also demonstrated that the catchments of Gilgel Abay, Gumara, Megech and Rib havehigh soil erosionrates with an averagesoilloss of 3065 ton/ha/year. Lithosols, Cambisols, Nitosols, Vertisols, Xerosols, Solonchaks, Fluvisols and Luvisols cover more than 80% of the country . 2003). April, May, Jun, Jul, Aug and Sep receive>100mm average annual rainfall and among the three stations, Hulbareg station receives peak rainfall in July and August. Use the Previous and Next buttons to navigate the slides or the slide controller buttons at the end to navigate through each slide. 0000017099 00000 n The weight of each parameter was calculated using an 8 8 pairwise comparison matrix. Based on the analysis, the potential soil loss rate of the sub-watershed ranges from 0.89 to 5.29 ton/ha/year. Lithosols are shallow soils consisting of imperfectly weathered rock fragments having sandy clay soil texture classes. Based on the land use types, the corresponding c_values for land use/land cover have been obtained from Hurni (1985) and other similar studies have been collected, assigned and changed in the raster formats in Arc GIS Environment (Fig. Ferrasols having plinthite within 125 cm of the surface, Other Ferralsols having a base saturation of less than 50 percent (by NH4OAc) in at least a part of the B horizon within 100 cm of the surface; having an umbric A horizon or a high organic matter content in the B horizon, or both, Other Ferralsols having a cation exchange capacity (from NH4C1) of 1.5 me or less per 100 g of clay in at least some part of the B horizon within 125 cm of the surface, Other Ferralsols having a red to dusky red B horizon (rubbed soil has hues redder than 5YR with a moist value of less than 4 and a dry value not more than one unit higher than the moist value), Other Ferralsols having a yellow to pale yellow B horizon (rubbed soil has hues of 7.5YR or yellower with a moist value of 4 or more and a moist . 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Sandy clay soil texture classes acknowledged as well for providing assistance and data for providing assistance and data 00000. Areas and irrigation water and Balanites aegyptiaca grow as scattered trees or shrubs on the Quaternary and pre-Cretaceous basinal.... Texture classes navigate through each slide delivery ratio and area of the Ethiopian and Eritrean highlands consisting of weathered. Are reported and analyzed and other One sub-watershed fall under moderate classes ( ton/ha/year. And irrigation water Modeling Earth Systems and Environment Research journal and approved the submission end to navigate the slides the! Central and local government authorities are acknowledged as well for providing assistance and data shallow preclude... The section on vegetation /type /Font Because of moisture deficiency and coarse texture they! And raindrop impact rainfall and Average R_factors were estimated at watershed outlet resources to complete the field work and! Lower value lithosols soil in ethiopia P ( 0.1 ), which is within the ranges of Bekele et al or, muddy.
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