Im now in Canada, attending a mosque where we believe a very dangerous group is attending. And, because it was Ramadan, Salahi was leading prayers. Because he had no experience with weapons, Al Qaeda personnel sent him to the Al Farouq training camp, near Khost, where he learned how to use a Kalashnikov rifle and launch rocket-propelled grenades. French actor Tahar Rahim is making headlines for his performance in the film The Mauritanian, which chronicles the true life story of Mohamedou Ould Slahi. Around that time, Abu Hafs explained, it became clear to him that the Mauritanian President would be open to his return from Iran. Force-feeding during the daylight hours of Ramadan, when Muslims are supposed to fast. A few weeks later, Iranian spies told Abu Hafs to call other Al Qaeda officials and inform them that they would be welcome in Iranalthough, like him, they would live with their wives and children under a form of house arrest, sometimes in prisons, sometimes in lavish compounds and hotels, always in the company of the Revolutionary Guard. Donald Rumsfeld told reporters that the men in Guantnamo were among the most dangerous, best-trained, vicious killers on the face of the earth. But after Brandon Neelys first shift, on the day the detention camp opened, no one really spoke much, he recalled. When they removed his shackles, the man, who was shaking with fear, suddenly jerked to the left. There was a really profound sense of responsibility and ethical risk which came with editing the manuscript of someone who was alive but unable to participate in that process, Siems told me. Some of Mohsens bad friends, as Salahi described them, visited Mohsens apartment while he was hosting Salahi. Striking horror, panic, and fear in the hearts of the enemies of Allah is a divine commandment. He added that American citizens should blame their law-enforcement and intelligence agencieswith their satellites, ground stations, millions of spies, and huge budgetsfor the fact that the hijackers had found a security breach as big as a whole fleet of hijacked civilian aircraft, and managed to shove Americas nose into the ground.. So that scared me away, he said. The Mauritanian is stunningly tragic and leaves audiences with a host of questions about how its events were allowed to take place, but another notable issue is why the Obama administration blocked Mohamedou Ould Slahi's release from Guantanamo Bay. ), In October, 2004, Woods girlfriend gave birth to a daughter, Summer. . Why is standing limited to 4 hours? he wrote in the margin, referring to a proposed stress position. (In his diary, Salahi wrote, I was eager to let my predator know, I am, I am.) When the conversation was over, the Jordanians blindfolded Salahi and put a set of soundproof earmuffs on him. Once, he watched an IRF team leader beat a detainee so badly that he had to be sent to the hospital and the floor of his cell was stained with blood; the next time the team leader was in the cellblock, another detainee yelled out, Sergeant, have you come back to finish him off?. And I didnt confirm or deny anything, Wood told me. Couch never met Salahi, but, while Zuley was torturing him, Couch received summaries of each new confession. In time, Yee came to believe that Islam was systematically used as a weapon against the prisoners. Guards mocked the call to prayer, and manipulated Islamic principles of modestyby having female guards watch naked detainees in the showers, for exampleto create tension as an excuse to exact violence. After 14 years. They really know who is who, and, as a result, they were very reluctant to torture me. He identified himself as Captain Collins, a Navy officer who had been sent to Guantnamo by the White House. He was very silly. In October 2016 he made it home after 14 years in Guantnamo Bay, Cuba, where the U.S. government had imprisoned and tortured him as a suspected terrorist. (The phrase Work sets you free appeared on the gates of Auschwitz and other Nazi concentration camps. The lead officer couldnt speak Mauritanias Hassaniya Arabic, and Abdellahi hardly understood the Jordanian dialect, so Salahi translated for them. Wood compliedhe felt that it was the least he could do for Salahi. When a nurse, who spoke only Hassaniya Arabic, filled out Mohamedous birth certificate in the Latin alphabet, she omitted a syllable from his last name. Since then, I have received it, eaten it, and paid for it! He gently held Salahis shoulder, and said, Everythings O.K. Salahi shook his head, and clicked his tongue in disagreement, but refused to speak. Over a three-way Anglo-French-African video call, Mohamedou Ould Slahi and Tahar Rahim are exchanging hearty greetings. (ge) A man who is widely regarded as the most tortured prisoner in the history . Instead, the men stripped him naked, strapped a diaper on him, and swapped out his shackles for a heavier set. The next day, Abu Hafs invited me to his house, in one of Nouakchotts most expensive neighborhoods. A close friend of his had been the co-pilot of one of the planes that was flown into the World Trade Center, and Couch told the Wall Street Journal that he had renlisted because he wanted to get a crack at the guys who attacked the United States. When he saw the governments file on Salahi, he considered pursuing the death penalty. He would be held there for 14 years without charge. Btihal Remli for The New York. His whole reputation rested on this fiction. According to an investigation by Der Spiegel, he preached in gloomy back-yard mosques, and remained in occasional contact with jihadismen whose names and cell-phone numbers would turn up in investigations spanning Africa, Europe, North America, and the Middle East. He was never charged with a crime, although the U.S. government suspected him of involvement in the September 11th attacks. You could always tell when someone got IRFed, as the detainees throughout the camp would start chanting and screaming, Neely recalled. Id come home and iron my uniform, and my roommates didnt know a thing, he said. In Nouakchott, Abdellahis men detained Salahi again in the fall of 2001, at the request of the Americans. And, by the way, I pay my boy, he added, unprompted. I pictured my family already having prepared the Iftar fast-breaking food, my mom mumbling her prayers while duly working the modest delicacies, everybody looking for the sun to take its last steps and hide beneath the horizon, Salahi wrote. But he subsequently forgot the log-in information, and so he never saw a reply. On most days, he searched Salahis name online, hoping to learn more about the case, and to make sense of his own deployment to Echo Special, to no avail. You must be very tough. In public, the Bush Administration and its military leadership asserted that Guantnamo was filled with men who would stop at nothing to destroy the U.S. Government censors redacted names, dates, locations, and other sensitive or embarrassing information. He began to notice surveillance everywhere. He refused, saying that he didnt want to jeopardize his future travel. When Salahis lawyers wrote to him, asking that he inform them of everything he had told the government, he wrote back, Are you out of your mind! Instead, he began to wonder whether what he was actually protecting at Guantnamo was one of the governments darkest secrets: that its highest-value military detainee was being held essentially by mistake, and that his isolation in Echo Special was intended to cover up the hell that had been inflicted upon him. I want to ask you a favor, if it is O.K. . No, its not looking good at all, Salahi said. I was, like, Maybe hes right. (In fact, the 9/11 plot was organized more than a year before bin al-Shibh visited Duisburg.) During the next several days, Abu Hafs travelled toward the Pakistani province of Balochistan. They were everywhere in the mosque, in the police car, twenty-four hours. Among the targets of the investigation was Mohsen, Salahis friend and host. Something is going on.. ; mosques in Duisburg; and his cousin Abu Hafs al-Mauritani. He and his family had spent almost ten years under the protection of the Revolutionary Guard, but, with talk of the Obama Administrations thaw in relations with Iran, Abu Hafs began to worry that he could be traded into U.S. custody. (He escaped through a kitchen door.) He was the first person in his family to attend university. All I had were some numbers of business partners in Mauritania and Germany, he later wrote, but I didnt want the U.S. government harassing those peaceful people just because I had their numbers in my phone. One of the contacts was listed as P.C. In the U.S., it was morning. But the climactic descriptions of what it took for him to "break" are almost . Abu Hafs, however, regarded the Pakistanis as duplicitous. They asked me do I know Ahmed Ressam. The first man off the bus had only one leg. Der hat eine recht interessante Vita, war bei Al-Qaida ttig und soll whrend seiner . He devoured volumes on history, foreign affairs, politics, civil rightspretty much any type of book you could think of, other than, like, romance novels, he said. I keep thinking, Here it comesI am fixing to see what a terrorist looks like face to face, Neely, who was twenty-one at the time, said. You know, when you just fall asleep and the saliva starts to come out of your mouth? Salahi said. His turban was still damp from where his wife had cleaned off other peoples blood. After work, Salahi went to his mothers house. But Wood spent his days in the base library, researching topics that Salahi had brought up in the cell. A fourth was Ramzi bin al-Shibh, the attack cordinator; while in C.I.A. He had spent the morning of the worst terrorist attack in American history lying on his mothers couch, high on painkillers after a tonsillectomy, but when he emerged from the haze he was angry, focussed, and longing for deployment. And now he belongs to the Americans.. For seventy-six days, he lived in solitary confinement, in a cold cell with surveillance cameras and the lights always on. On December 19th, Abu Hafs boarded a bus in Quetta, carrying a fake passport and a suitcase full of cash. Still, Salahi found his Jordanian interrogators to be highly knowledgeable, and they developed a kind of mutual respect. A year in Echo Special shattered Woods ideas about his post-military future. And Steves interest is to impress the girls. In deliberations with Al Qaeda leaders, he decided that the safest place was Iran. I was happy because the one-ton stack of paper the U.S. government had provided the Senegalese about me didnt seem to impress them, Salahi wrote. One day, German officers questioned one of Salahis friends. He was driven around for three hours, to make him think that he was being transported to a different facility. The interrogations always circled back to the Millennium Plot. The U.S. government gathered that in 1991, when Salahi was twenty, he swore allegiance to Osama bin Laden, and the following year he learned to handle weapons at an Al Qaeda training camp in Afghanistan. Once every fifteen minutes, a prisoner tried to hang himself by tying his sheet around his neck and fastening it through the mesh of the cage wall, James Yee, an Army captain who served as the Muslim chaplain in Guantnamo, recalled in his memoir, For God and Country, from 2005. Wood became secretive about his calls with Salahi; Wendy began to suspect that he was having an affair. But his guard suspected otherwise. . The Taliban was rapidly losing ground. . He thought, It must be somebody really importantthe most dangerous person in the world, perhapsto have this special attention, a guard force just for him. He is being held under the authority of Authorization for Use of Military Force Against Terrorists (AUMF), alleged by the US government to be "part of" al Qaeda at the time of his arrest. The leadership at Guantnamo was more interested in intelligence collection than in prosecuting detainees for terrorism crimes. Assalaamu alaikum, he said to Mohamedou. Bush Administration lawyers had taken the position that enemy combatants could be held indefinitely, without trials, and that in order for something to qualify as torture it must be equivalent in intensity to the pain accompanying serious physical injury, such as organ failure, impairment of bodily function, or even death. By the end of the following year, Salahi knew more about classified security operations than any private American citizen. He started in on the books he had been too afraid to request in Guantnamoones about Islam. The cousins had married a pair of sisters, and so they were now also brothers-in-law. I just remember being super excited, because I thought, Im going to be doing something important, Wood told me. As they left baggage claim, Salahi later wrote in his diary, my hands were shackled behind my back and I was encircled by a bunch of ghosts who cut me off from the rest of my company. After. After a few months, he signed up for the Oregon National Guard, on the military-police track. At the time, Slahi had been in captivity for two years, accused of acts of terrorism. The first rumors of a planes operation began circulating among Al Qaeda leaders in 1999. To insure Salahis upkeep, the family regularly gave Abdellahis men money, food, clothes, and gifts. He was terrifiedhe wanted to go back to Canada, where interrogators behaved within the bounds of the law. To dispel notions that the United States was at war with Islam, detainees were allowed to have private meetings with a Muslim military chaplain, and were given copies of the Quran. I was scared to hell, Salahi recalled at his hearing. He let you down! An interrogation memo listed plans to shave Salahis head and beard, dress him in a burqa, and make him bark and perform dog tricks, to reduce the detainees ego and establish control.. It became fashionable for high-profile corporate-law firms to represent Guantnamo clients, pro bono, but many detainees rejected representation, because they thought it was a ploy to lend legitimacy to an unjust detention. With the assistance of German intelligence, Abdellahi told me, we started collecting the maximum amount of information. I'm a really big believer in Joe Biden. Just remember Allah always has a plan. His heavily redacted book about his time in the U.S. facility was published in January 2015. A panel of U.S. national security, intelligence, and other officials cleared Slahi for release in July after determining that he poses But he derived immense satisfaction from the work, and saw in it the kind of moral clarity that Guantnamo had lacked. Military doctors offered to take care of it, but Salahi declined; his release date was only a couple of months away, and he wanted to get the surgery on his own terms, once he was free. One day, Zuley walked into Salahis cell, carrying a pillow. A lot of wise people tell me, Mohamedou, shut the fuck up, dont ask for papers, dont ask. He tried to sleep, but his mind was racing with the expectation of torture at dawn. He said, Canada is amazingthere is no racism, they speak French, and it is just a very advanced country, Salahi said years later, in a U.S. military hearing. He wanted no part of a system in which he might have control over another persons liberty. In July, 2001, according to Scott-Clark and Levy, the authors of The Exile, Abu Hafs handed bin Laden his resignation letter. An elderly white convert warned him to avoid a couple of other white converts, who dressed in religious clothing and talked about wanting to participate in the jihad. I have contact with Osama bin Ladens operative, who was helping launder money. The detainees protested, and so it was decided that every detainee who refused the Quran would be IRFed. While the detainees were receiving medical treatment for their post-IRF injuries, the Qurans were placed back in their cells. The New Yorker may earn a portion of sales from products that are purchased through our site as part of our Affiliate Partnerships with retailers. One night in October, 2016, Woods phone rang while he was in a Safeway in Portland. Not wanting to lose their bounties, the captors sprayed the tops of the boxes with machine guns to open ventilation holes. He added that, as the worlds most powerful democracy, the United States had the means to uphold and pressure other countries to uphold human rights. Several Mauritanians had travelled to battlefields in Afghanistan and Bosnia, and Mahfouz Walid had become an important figure in Al Qaeda; he now went by the nom de guerre Abu Hafs al-Mauritani. In 2004, Steve Wood was deployed to Guantnamo Bay, as a member of the Oregon National Guard. The decision to keep his conversion a secret from everyone in his life made him feel at times as if being Muslim were wrong, even though, in his heart, he still believed. His specialty was in brutalizing detainees who were considered important, but not valuable enough to get them tickets to the secret CIA prisons, Salahi wrote. The room was large and well-furnished, Salahi wrote, with a portrait of the President conveying the weakness of the law and the strength of the government. In the course of the next several days, Abdellahi and his men, citing the concerns of the American government, interrogated Salahi about his time in Afghanistan, his contact with his cousin Abu Hafs, and the Millennium Plot. At other times, the questions originated from material on his hard drive, which the F.B.I. Salahi generally avoids Abu Hafsthey have fundamentally different views of Islam, and he worries that any association could further complicate his life. As two M.P.s dragged him to the holding area, someone tossed his prosthetic leg out of the bus. As the result of a recent court ruling, Guantnamo detainees had access to legal representation, and so, during the next several months, Salahi drafted a diary of his detention as a series of harrowing letters to his lawyers, Nancy Hollander, Sylvia Royce, and Theresa Duncanfour hundred and sixty-six pages, sealed in envelopes and mailed to a classified facility near Washington, D.C. No guards or interrogators were allowed to read Salahis work. Thank you for a wonderful evening!, Ive done it, Igor! Like, what is a motherfucker? Wahrheit macht frei, the officer saidthe truth sets you free. How did they do it?. The hours were unpredictable, with long drives and arduous shifts. The latter, the actor last seen on our screens playing a serial killer in . Other Guantnamo prisoners threw punches and feces and urine, but, according to the classified dossier, Salahis only disciplinary infraction was that, on May 11, 2003, he possessed an excessive amount of MRE food., Salahi often appeared sullen and withdrawn. with you, and that is to tell me five things that you are grateful for today, he told one of them. The Ambassador drove him to Tehrans international airport in a diplomatic vehicle, and accompanied him through the diplomatic channel, through airport security and immigration, right up until the moment he got on the plane. The F.B.I. guard Steve Wood and director Kevin Macdonald. As Michael Lehnert, a Marine Corps major general who briefly served as the detention camps first commander, later testified to Congress, What better way to enrich yourself, while resolving old grudges, than to finger a neighbor who was your enemy, regardless of his support for either Al Qaeda or the Taliban?. The Corrupt World Behind the Murdaugh Murders. A week after Salahi began leading prayers at the Al Sunnah mosque, Ressam drove a rental car onto a U.S.-bound ferry in Victoria, British Columbia. Government officials suggested that Yee was running an elaborate spy ringthat he and other Muslims had infiltrated the military, and represented the gravest insider threat since the Cold War. In the two and a half years since his return, he has received several professional visitorsSiems, his lawyers, and the filmmaker Michael Bronner, who is adapting Salahis diaryand also personal visits from a lawyer, whom Ill call Amanda. No adult in Woods life had ever looked so frightened and so vulnerable. The Bush Administration had decided that the Geneva Conventions did not apply to the war on terror, which meant that the men captured abroad could be deprived of the rights of prisoners of war. The prosecutor assigned to Salahis case was a lieutenant colonel named Stuart Couch, who had retired from the military before 9/11. No prayers, no information about the direction of Mecca. Near the airport parking lot, Salahi stood in a light-blue boubou, the traditional Mauritanian robe, with a turban to obscure his identity. Every time a good member of my present family leaves it feels as if a piece of my heart is being chopped off.. Throughout 2002 and 2003, whenever the foreign minister visited the parliamentary chamber, Badre Eddine demanded to know Salahis whereabouts. I was scared to ask too many questions, I was scared to read a book on Islam while I was in there, or show too much interest., Woods concerns were not unjustified. It was a temporary facility, he explained, while he raises money to build a mosque. For the rest of the interrogation session, he was forced to look at photos of corpses from the aftermath of the attacks. For the next two months, Abu Hafs taught jihadi recruits at a madrassa. In Kandahar, Abu Hafs felt the Americans closing in. In 1998, shortly after Al Qaeda detonated truck bombs outside the U.S. Embassies in Kenya and Tanzania, Salahi took a call from a phone number belonging to bin Laden. According to The Exile, a comprehensive account of post-9/11 Al Qaeda, by the investigative journalists Cathy Scott-Clark and Adrian Levy, who gained access to Abu Hafss diaries, he ghostwrote most of Osamas speeches, religious judgments, and press releases. In 1998, bin Laden wrote Abu Hafs into his will. A couple of weeks into his detention, two F.B.I. Salahi, I wish I were not part of this shit, he said. The abuse wound down slowlyno more hitting, but no comfort items, either, and no uninterrupted periods of rest. Afghanistans civil war entered a new stage, with rival Islamist groups vying for control, and Salahi wanted no part of it. His order for release in 2010 was appealed by the Obama administration, and resulted in another six years in the camp. Wood was the second of three boys. That dictatorship was built in Guantnamo Bay.. It was cheaper to fly to Dakar than to Nouakchott, and his brothers drove three hundred miles to meet him there. ), One night, Salahi awoke to the sound of a tiny hole being drilled into his wall. No, Im an ex-prisoner of Guantnamo Bay, Salahi replied, instantly ending the conversation. The United States released Mohamedou Ould Slahi, the author of a renowned prison memoir, after he was detained for more than 14 years in Jordan, Afghanistan, and Guantanamo, and returned him. In his home country, Neely said, this man had seen some of his friends and family members executed on their knees. The mans response was hardly unique; a military document, drafted ten days later for the base commander, noted that the detainees think they are being taken to be shot., Officially, the job of the Internal Reaction Force was to restrain unruly detainees, to prevent them from injuring themselves or the guards. Medical personnel had noted that Salahi had sciatic-nerve issues; now interrogators kept him in stress positions that exacerbated them. He said he needs fuel, Salahi explained to Abdellahi. Another two years passed before Salahis name caught the attention of Deddahi Ould Abdellahi, the head of Mauritanias security-intelligence apparatus. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, now 50, was arrested in Mauritania three months after the 9/11 attacks, and detained in Jordan and Afghanistan before being transferred to Guantnamo in August 2002, where his long incarceration included 70 days of intensive torture and three years of 18-hours-a-day interrogations. They stripped, and rubbed their bodies all over his, and threatened to rape him. When Abu Hafs reached Quetta, in Pakistan, he found the citys private hospital filled with injured Al Qaeda members. It was a grand compound, white stone decorated with lavish carpets and chandeliers. Mohamedou Ould Slahi, Guantnamo Diary (New York: Little, Brown, 2015). contract psychologist who devised the enhanced-interrogation program, describes this period as an element of Pavlovian conditioning, in which the detainee sees his situation improve or deteriorate in direct accordance with his level of compliance. A lot of these prisoners were actually looking forward to being handed over to the Americans, figuring it would be pretty obvious they werent Al Qaeda. Yet hundreds of them were sent to Guantnamo Bay, which ended up housing seven hundred and eighty people. Salahi, who hadnt been home since 1993, was filled with nostalgia and dread. And then it behaves the same way as the last. When he asked the new regime about Salahi, he said, they just replied, We didnt kidnap himit was the previous government that did it. . His family moved to the capital of Nouakchott when he was a child, where he excelled in school and earned a scholarship to study electrical engineering at Gerhard-Mercator University in Duisburg, Germany. He was a victim of an extremely rare crime: that a country had kidnapped its own citizen and handed it over to a foreign country, outside of the justice system, outside of all legal processes, Brahim Ebety, the Salahi familys lawyer in Nouakchott, told me. 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