Sphere of Influence Aurilian[9] or Aurilite[10] Sunlight Sensitivity. Again, in celebration of their origin, the community comes together and each family builds a snow child. Yuki-Onna are largely emotional beings so any alignment is possible.Size. It is designed for 1st- to 12th-level characters. Melee Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. Others dislike them due to the legends of attacks and disappearances. The composer strove to distinguish each group of characters musically, and several individual characters have their own associated leitmotifs. Water elementalsIce para-elementalsUndeadWinter wolvesFrost giantsFrostwind viragosWinter hags Bheur Hag. The magical kiss of an ice maiden freezes the heart of a mortal, putting it under her spell, but this magic can be broken by the kiss of the victims true love. The magen and living spells expand on an aspect of wizardly life that appeals to me. The Tsar invites Lel to choose a maiden. Spheres Wizard 27 Fighter 20 Cleric 15 [34], Auril's second form was the Brittle Maiden or Lady Icekiss, a 10feet (3meters) tall figure of fearsome feminine aspect with a thin cloak of mist surrounding her and eyes that burned with a cold, blue light. Lesser deity[1] Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden pulls adventurers in a terrifying tale threatening to cover the frozen North of Faerun in everlasting night. [34], Arrogant and vain,[33][22] Auril was incapable of true feelings of love, honor, or other noble emotions,[22] yet adored her ice and all forms of beauty. Snow and ice can be melted only with prolonged contact with fire. Adventure Game Industry Market Research Summary (RPGs) V1.0, TSR, WotC, & Paizo: A Comparative History, Eric Noah's Unofficial D&D 3rd Edition News, An Adventure in Five Acts (AD&D 2E) (Final Update 25 Feb 2023), Ignore/Block Essentials, Paid Registrations by. In the fairy tales, Snow Maiden lived in the Russian city of Kostroma. | d20 Anime SRD Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! | 5th Edition SRD Tome of Beasts. Neutral evil The fifteen-year-old Snow Maiden wants to live with the people in the nearby village, and her parents, Spring Beauty and Grandfather Frost, agree to let her be adopted by Bobyl-Bakula and his wife. Contents Welcome to the Far North Chapter 1: Ten-Towns Chapter 2: Icewind Dale Chapter 3: Sunblight Chapter 4: Destruction's Light Chapter 5: Auril's-Abode Chapter 6: Caves of Hunger Chapter 7: Doom of Ythryn Worship of the Frostmaiden was common in lands such as the Great Glacier[45], the Icerim Mountains[46], Sossal[47] and Vaasa. Holy day(s) 5e A storm maiden is a spiteful elemental that pulls powerful storms into the world through a portal connected to her shrine. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French), Year of the Iron Dwarf's Vengeance, 1485 DR, Year of the Rune Lords Triumphant, 1487 DR, Spells granted by or related to the Frostmaiden, Forgotten Realms Campaign Set (Cyclopedia of the Realms), Domains in Eberron and the Forgotten Realms, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 3rd edition, https://twitter.com/TheEdVerse/status/1228370295649599488?s=20, Forgotten Realms Campaign Setting 2nd edition (revised). Yet this brave face and happiness crumbled dramatically upon their death 20 years to the day after creating the child. Chaotic evil Thus the Snow Halflings were born in compassion, and blessed by a goddess. She explained what she had watched and both were moved to tears. Multiattack. Power Level Only one legendary action option can be used at a time and only at the end of another creatures turn. Killing Dilemma. You have resistance against cold damage. | d20HeroSRD [53], Worship and sacrifices to Auril were sparse in the Sea of Fallen Stars region, isolated to the northern shores. | Into The Unknown | 5th Edition SRD The Spring Maiden looked down on this in awe, and realized that she had left a spark of her own divine self in the child. Snow Maiden calls on her mother, Spring-Beauty, who appears from a lake surrounded by flowers. Keep Your Powder Dry: Firearms for 5E Fantasy CampaignsNearly 40 firearms with customization options for 5E games, plus magic items, feats for gunslingers, and the alchemist character class! Winter Silvanus following the Stormstar Requiem[14]formerly Talos Each creature in the cylinder must make a Dexterity saving throw. | d20HeroSRD Worshipers Many Snow Halfling adults spend their days working hard with their hands, while their minds develop new toys and games for their children. | Fudge SRD Spring and her retinue sink into the lake. Power Level | d20PFSRD | ACK-SRD. Ability Score Increase. 2nd Edition Statistics[7] The Snow Maiden. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Each one depicts a female human knight holding a lance. | d20HeroSRD | OGN Articles | Into The Unknown info)) is an opera in four acts with a prologue by Nikolai Rimsky-Korsakov, composed during 18801881. Actions Multiattack. | Here Be Monsters | 5th Edition SRD A spirit of compassion or vengeance? Copyright 2016, Open Design; Authors Chris Harris, Dan Dillon, Rodrigo Garcia Carmona, and Wolfgang Baur. [77], In the late 15th century DR, Auril encroached onto Umberlee's domain by freezing her chaotic tides. | 13th Age SRD It was presented by the Russian Private Opera (the Opera of Savva Mamontov in Moscow), conducted by Enrico Bevignani with scenic Design by Viktor Vasnetsov, Isaak Levitan, and Konstantin Korovin; Tsar Berendey Grigoriy Erchov, Wizards of the Coast Traveller SRD Basic information Their harvests include tree nuts and berries, while they grow a variety of root vegetables in the harsh soil such as onions and turnips. | PF2 SRD Blue, icy-white | Dungeon World SRD Fury's Heart Symbol A frost maiden confuses and confounds opponents first, then subdues them in her grasping roots. | d20PFSRD Portfolio Worshipers Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store! Winter's Hall [57][58], Auril was one of the deities worshiped by members of the Arcane Brotherhood.[59]. The castle reflects its mistress: beautiful, cold, and unforgivingly deadly. Please enable JavaScript to get the best experience from this site. Elemental Nature. ISBN 13 Author(s) bravo bravo bravo. Worshiperalignments Lesser deity The snow golem seems really neat for filling a niche in the golem family. In snowy environments, the ice maiden can turn invisible at will as a bonus action or a reaction. Title(s) A region plagued by a storm maiden experiences regular flooding and random tornadoes and lightning strikes. She wore a fine, thickly furred gown and frost swirled around her. Symbol You can manifest your cold abilities in a form of wrathful affinity. Yuki, Kyiku, Lotus, Kalt, Fro, Tsh. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! The Snowmaiden was Aida Garifuluna, and Lel was Yurit Mynenko. If an ice maiden loses seven lovers in this way, she transforms into a snow hag. They had passed to Morana and her aunt was not known to let go of what she gathered. . | PF2 SRD [1] From natural wonders, to art objects, to the artists themselves, the Frostmaiden froze them all in magical ice, preserving them from the ravages of time and hoarding them away for her viewing pleasure alone. This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Abating the Storm. Suddenly Mizgir appears and tries once more to win her love. Melee Weapon Attack: +9 to hit, reach 5 ft., one target. Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store! Nowadays, the Snow Maiden lives in Veliky Ustyug, Russia with her (fairy) Godfather or Grandfather, Ded Moroz. Each frost maiden is anchored to the now-dead tree that served as their home as a dryad. The Tsar asks her whom she loves, and she says, "no one." Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store! 2023 Wizards. Demipower But any human name could work. Symbol Appalled by their ugliness, the Snow Queen threw her offspring into the frozen wastes where they live to this day. | Starjammer SRD Some are excepting of them, because of their beautiful appearance and the stories they bring. It is written that, the humans - alone in the frozen woods -. The Snow Queen makes two attacks in any combination of her claws and her ice crown. The wall is up to 60 feet long, 10 feet high, and 5 feet thick, and it blocks line of sight. White snowflake on gray diamond with white border New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. | FateCoreSRD The story has become very famous in Russia, and it introduced the character of the Snow Maiden into popular culture and Christmas/New Year folklore. Your Wisdom score increases by 2Hateful Ice. The current ruler is Tzarina Alyona Ivanov, the 187th wearer of the Frozen Crown. | Starjammer SRD Beyond this yawning fissure, the Caves of Hunger await. Ranged Spell Attack: +5 to hit, range 120 ft., one target. Temperatures. | 13th Age SRD Alignment September 15, 2020 Frightened by his words, she runs off; but the Wood-Sprite tricks Mizgir to follow an apparition of Snow Maiden instead. Cartography You have advantage on saving throws against being frightened. The arctic fox's snow-white coat grants it a degree of camouflage in snowy terrain. A blank-eyed face of frost with hair emitting cold Auril ( pronounced: / r l / AW-rill listen ), also known as The Cold Goddess, The Frostmaiden, Icedawn, the Goddess of Winter, and the Frost Sprite Queen, was a fickle, vain, and evil deity, who was primarily venerated out of fear. Portfolio | OGN Articles | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Second Herald M.Skuratovskiy. | 13th Age SRD | d20PFSRD The Snow Queen can take 3 legendary actions, choosing from the options below. The inconsolable Mizgir drowns himself in the lake. 1e They have their own government, under the rule of a Tzar who claims direct lineage back to the Snow Maiden. [14], Auril and Chauntea were mortal enemies, constantly battling each other. [30], In the late 15th century, Auril had another three new avatars; the Cold Crone appeared as a 7feet (2.1meters) tall, hunched bipedal creature with a snowy owl's head topped by a pair of curled ram's horns. Guard Tower Rooftop Ten-foot-tall, gold-plated statues stand atop the battlements, facing outward. They can live for up to 1000 years.Alignment. Skills Arcana +3, Deception +5, Survival +4Damage Vulnerabilities fireDamage Immunities coldSenses darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 12Languages Common, Giant, SylvanChallenge 3 (700 XP). No longer able to resist, she professes her love for him. Umberlee, queen of the wrathful sea, grew to despise the enduring nature of the ice and, crypt seem as if it stands in an evergreen forest, surrounded by. Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden Finished, the Spring Maiden closed the child's eyes and kissed her on the cheeks, causing them to flush with life. The conductor was Mikhail Serafin, with stage direction and set design by Dmitri Tchiarniakov. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. *** HOW COLD IS IT? Tome of Beasts. Bheur hags, from D&D 5E supplement Volo's Guide to Monsters, dwell in snowy lands and manipulate the weather, wracking villages with bitter cold. This seemingly eternal winter covered the area and extended over Icewind Dale for two years. | FateCoreSRD The residence of the two winter icons is frequented by . Before Snow Maiden can enter the protection of the forest, Mizgir appears. Adjective(s) Traveller SRD This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. Others can simply come into the world as a child from the mother and father. Once held fast, the frost maiden unleashes her freezing scream, watching as the terror-filled eyes of a slowly freezing victim go wide, then glassy, then finally still. Clerics, Specialty Priests, Shamans | Starjammer SRD [38][39] Sune opposed Auril, as she blamed her for the destruction of much that was beautiful. Neutral evil You are also immune to the effects of Extreme Cold, per chapter 5 of the DMG, and are unaffected by difficult terrain caused by snow or ice.Cold Affinity. An appeased maiden may go on to protect the region for generations, as long as her shrine is maintained, or she might wander to other regions, seeking communities in need who understand the importance of maintaining her shrine. And RotFM works fine like that. The sky is overcast most of the time within 10 miles of the lair, and snowfall is common. Spell Description: A hail of rock-hard ice pounds to the ground in a 20-foot-radius, 40-foot-high cylinder centered on a point within range. Saving Throws Dex +9, Con +7, Cha +9Skills Perception +10, Stealth +9Damage Resistances bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from nonmagical weapons that arent cold ironDamage Immunities coldCondition Immunities charmed, frightened, exhaustionSenses blindsight 10 ft., darkvision 60 ft., passive Perception 20Languages Common, Elvish, Giant, SylvanChallenge 16 (15,000 XP). The Freezing. There are some very rare instants of Yuki-Onna forming a sort of clan but these are few and far between. | Fudge SRD And although children often work and help out among the home, many convert their chores into adventures and play as well. [56], Auril was one of the deities worshiped by air and water genasi, especially those who lived in cold regions. LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE For a deeper understanding of this work from the composer's point of view, the reader is directed to his autobiography, as well as to his own incomplete analysis of the opera from 1905. Their skin is always a pale, almost blue appearance, their eyes an attractive and electric bright blue. The Snow Maiden. The Snow Maiden's Reaver was a powerful enchanted bastard sword created by a Chosen of Auril Ihanora the Merciful 1099 DR. LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE Her skin is blue, her hair is long, free-flowing, and white, and a fine gown of white lawn thickly furred with frost swirls about her. | Fudge SRD Auril used frost giants and winter wolves to deliver commands to her cults[35], while frostwind viragos[29] and winter hags[60] were the handmaidens of the Frostmaiden. DOWNLOAD PDF Icewind Dale: Rime of the Frostmaiden PDF: Explore the frontier of Icewind Dale! This is a life where work begins in darkness and ends in darkness, but one that the Snow Halflings find rewarding and fulfilling. Variant LG NG CG LN N CN LE NE CE In response the people strike up a stirring hymn to Yarilo. 1955 Stepan Andrashevich (Tsar Berendey). Theyre lonely creatures, desperate for love but condemned to know companionship only through their magical kiss. Meet the personification of winter's wrath. The Cold Goddess[2]The Queen of Cold and Frost[3]Queen of Frozen Tears[4]The Frostmaiden[2][5]Brittle Maiden[4]Frost Sprite Queen[6]Lady Frostkiss[2][7]Lady Icekiss[4]Storm-bringer[8]Soverign of Summers Lost[3]General of Winter's War[3]Winter's Womb[4]Icedawn[2] This is not the complete section 15 entry - see the full license for this page, Check out our other SRD sites! Cover all the lands with ice. Power Level It is immediately engaging and . The first was a furious figure of action known as The Frostmaiden, the most frequently seen avatar in all but south and east Faerun. | Into The Unknown Solitary Lives. Doll making, toys made of wood or tin, and board games are all popular creations. | Here Be Monsters You know how to have fun, but other halflings often consider you a stick in the frozen mud. To survive in the northern forests requires hard work, and none know this better than the Snow Halflings. [1], Among the northern islands of the Trackless Sea, such as Gundarlun, the Purple Rocks, Ruathym and Tuern, the constant, bitterly-cold northwest winds were called "Auril's Breath". After feasting and celebrations, the children are asked to bring the snow child a present - typically wrapped in brightly colored cloth and ribbon. Yuki-Onna reach maturity at the same time as humans but stop aging in their mid 20s. Spring Beauty Vera Gnucheva, ), 2 clarinets (in A, B-flat, C), 2 bassoons + 4 horns (in F), 2 trumpets (in D, F), 3 trombones, tuba + 3 timpani, triangle, tambourine, military drum, cymbals, bass drum + harp, violins I, violins Watching all of this was the Spring Maiden. 4th Edition Statistics[17][18][19] Northmen Even among adults no gathering is complete without some kind of game, even if it is something as simple as charades. Don't mind the dark stuff or ask. Pale, crumbling bark clings to ragged gray flesh. As she declares her love for Mizgir, a bright ray of sunlight appears, and Snow Maiden bids farewell: the power to love is the source of her demise. Cold, winter Channel divinity A year and a day after consuming the infant, the hag gives birth to a beautiful ice maiden. | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Humbled by her mistake, yet awed by what it had created, she quietly retrieved her divine radiance and blessed these small folk with life and love. For a better experience, please enable JavaScript in your browser before proceeding. Pages And past this icy dungeon is a secret so old and terrifying that few dare speak of it. Arcane Traditions, A Folio of Options for Wizards (5e). Alignment Avatar 9-10: A white dragon attacked my caravan, and I was slain by its freezing breath weapon. Alignment White snowflake on gray diamond with white border[20] | 4 Color SRD (Astonishing Super Heroes) Winter Hall, the Deep Wilds [7][35] Norse god Loki also made Winter's Hall his abode, a place to hide away whenever he fell out of grace with the other Aesir. Portfolio Your Charisma score increases by 2Saving Frost. A spirit of compassion or vengeance? Adventurers determined to make the journey on foot can reach Targos in 2 hours. Hit: 14 (4d6) lightning damage, and the target must . 1. Snow Maiden is enchanted by Lel's songs, but is saddened when he goes off with a group of other girls. His spellcasting ability is Charisma, not Wisdom, as he is a paladin. And let's get this out of the way up front: It is also one the the very best. New Pages | Recent Changes | Privacy Policy. This site works best with JavaScript enabled. [1][78] This taxed the goddess, and as such, Auril became very weak, vulnerable, and self-isolated. The U.S. premiere was held Jan 23, 1922 at the Metropolitan Opera, conducted by Artur Bodanzky, directed by Samuel Thewman, designed by Boris Anisfeld, and with Lucrezia Bori in the title role, sung in French.[1]. Subscribe to the Open Gaming Network and get everything ad-free! This site may earn affiliate commissions from the links on this page. On Red Hill, near the Berendeyans' trading quarter and Tsar Berendey's capital. Let in the winds and the cold; cut down windbreaks and chop holes in walls and roofs that my breath may come in. Slowly but surely, things escalate until everyone in the village is at each others throats, much to the hags delight. 5th Edition Statistics[15][16][2] Power Level Basic Information Further they have developed a wide number of uses for the various trees around them: making sugar, fibers and linens, and even articles of clothing such as shoes and hat rims that can then be used to shape fur hats. Make all Faern fear me. Work darknesses to hide the cursed sun so that the chill I bring may slay. Her eyes burn with a cold blue light, and a fear that compelled tribute to hold their power at bay. Wiki Le Monde des Royaumes Oublis (French). Mothers of Beauty. A creature hit with this damage has their movement speed reduced by 10 feet until the end of their next turn. Some claim an ice maiden can become a swan maiden or a dryad if she keeps a lovers heart warm for a full year. Ice maidens move across icy and snowy surfaces without penalty. | d20 Anime SRD An ice maidens hunger for affection and human contact leads them to harm those they approach, which only drives them harder to seek for warmth, love, and approval. | d20 Anime SRD This effect lasts until. Armor Class 17 (natural armor)Hit Points 82 (11d8 + 33)Speed 30 ft. Moved by their blight, the young goddess summoned her companion, Father Winter. Released Claws. Favored weapon She had cloven hooves, arms ending in sharp, black talones, and grayish-white wolf fur covering her from the neck down. [41] Rellavar Danuvien, a minor elven god of cold, sought to interfere in the plans of Auril whenever he could. In addition to a wide variety of edible plants, Snow Halflings also raise moose and reindeer for both meat and as riding animals. Latest 5th Edition Products in the Open Gaming Store! [30], The Queen of Cold and Frost[3]Queen of Frozen Tears[4]The Frostmaiden[2][5]Brittle Maiden[4]Frost Sprite Queen[6]Lady Frostkiss[2][7]Lady Icekiss[4]Storm-bringer[8]Soverign of Summers Lost[3]General of Winter's War[3]Winter's Womb[4]Icedawn[2], The Frost Sprite Queen[6] was additionally seen as being synonymous with the Queen of Air and Darkness by some communities of fey, such as those of the Shiverpine Forest in the Deep Wilds. The film is available in video reproductions - Film, DVD, and Blu-ray. As an action, you can touch and freeze an area of water that fits within a 5-foot cube, provided there are no creatures in the water. Editor(s) Nature, Tempest Arcane Traditions, A Folio of Options for Wizards (5e). Female: Yuki-Onna are creatures of Japanese origin. Ending their alliance, Umberlee turned to the other Gods of Fury, Talos and Malar, and with their help forced Auril to retreat to the most frigid region of Toril: the Sea of Moving Ice. Made entirely of ice and frost, her body crackled while she moved, with icy blades growing from her form at odd angles an breaking off after growing too long. Sacrifices of food were place upon rafts which were then set adrift in the ocean. Thick Fur. 4-5: I was murdered by goblins in the mountains after they ambushed my caravan. | GumshoeSRD The campaign has two entry points the first set at level one in the Ten-Towns region and the second set at levels four to six with a focus on transitioning from elsewhere in Faern to Icewind Dale. There is a lot going on with Sir Godfrey Gwilym: His alignment should be lawful evil. Winter's Hall, Pandesmos [22][33], In the North[44], Auril was a commonly worshiped, and feared, goddess and an integral part of northern cultures. The Snow Maiden's Reaver possessed a +2 enchantment and possessed a fearsome ability - a chance to turn its targets to solid ice upon a . Armor Class 16 (natural armor)Hit Points 84 (13d8 + 26)Speed 30ft. The first snow hags were daughters of the Snow Queen, fathered by a hill giant lover she denies ever knowing. It was a 3feet (0.91meters) in diamter diamond of ice with facets and a sharp point at the bottom. Dungeons & Dragons, D&D, their respective logos, and all Wizards titles and characters are property of Wizards of the Coast LLC in the U.S.A. and other countries. The Frostmaiden is a lithe, furious figure of action and is the most often seen avatar of Auril in all regions of Faerun except the south and east. | FateCoreSRD An avatar of Auril. Ability Score Increase. The Moscow premiere followed that of St. Petersburg three years later in 1885. A creature takes 2d8 bludgeoning damage and 4d6 cold damage on a failed save, or half as much damage on a successful one. The mad wizards of the Arcane Brotherhood long to possess that which the god of winters wrath has so coldly preservedas do you! [ 9 ] or Aurilite [ 10 ] Sunlight Sensitivity and I slain! Icy and snowy surfaces without penalty the Berendeyans ' trading quarter and Tsar Berendey capital. Weapon Attack: +5 to hit, range 120 ft., one target seemingly eternal covered... To hold their power at bay slain by its freezing breath Weapon and none know this than... As riding animals their ugliness, the Snow Halflings were born in compassion, unforgivingly! With her ( fairy ) Godfather or Grandfather, Ded Moroz expand on an aspect of wizardly life appeals. Atop the battlements, facing outward saving throw Statistics [ 7 ] Snow! 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