Many children and youth are fighting grave illness, and hospitals and doctors are all the life they know. 3. Call everyone back together as a large group and pray for all the requests. Divide your youth group into teams and give each team an egg carton, eggs, and spoons. Materials Needed:You will needmaterials to make diaper trees, bags for bagging the completed diaper trees, and pizza for the volunteers. Divide your students in half, and then line them up, facing each other on the grassy field. Write their names on sticky notes or index cards and place them in the center of each table. The actual expense will depend upon the size of the activity you choose. Your movie night will provide a perfect avenue to invite their friends. Download 3 Free Emotional Intelligence Exercises (PDF) Our culture can be excessively harsh in judging others. 5 Self-Esteem Activities for Teens in Middle or High School. Divide into small teams and have your list separated to give each group a section. Materials Needed: A water balloon relay race is a fun summer game to play. The older students write personal messages to the people they choose. If they answer incorrectly, the question goes back into the mix. Announce the activity to your group as part of a lesson on serving those in need. Center the whole pop-up event around youth activities. Assign a time limit and give a warning as the end is getting close. Check to see if there are any group discounts to help lower the cost. Then you give them the name of the book of the Bible you will read from and tell them what the radius is. Materials Needed:You will need three homes for hosting various parts of the dinner. Assign at least one leader to each room. Lisa Weagle say being named Canadas chef de mission for the 2024 Winter Youth Olympic Games gives her the opportunity to pay it forward with the next generation of athletes Materials Needed: This is a simple carnival game adapted to be played inside and with teams. Then they walk over to the laundry basket without the balloon falling or them holding it in place. Once all the youth have tossed their pennies, the winning team is the one who has the most pennies in their boot. Put the soda bottle in the center to use as a spinner for your wheel. You will need craft paper or poster board, markers, a printer, tape, and index cards. You go until someone gets the box with the special gift. The purpose of this activity is to teach your kids to work together as the body of Christ. If the group is too big, make enough poster boards to divide your group into smaller groups. Morant is averaging 27.2 points, 8.2 assists, and 6.0 rebounds per game for the 37-23 Grizzlies, who are in second place in the Western Conference. Once all teams have attempted each room, the end the team with the most tokens wins. Set up a camping trip at a national park or some other camping area and make a memorable event that your youth will not forget. Materials Needed:You will need notecards, envelopes, and pens. Give each team a shovel. Their story will raise awareness for the agency or home and encourage those listening to do more for the needy. Pray for the unknown and expect the Lord to move powerfully. Once every person has had their turn, you can tally the score or do another round. Most youth conferences offer package deals that will include housing accommodations. We purchased a clean, small trash can at a dollar store. Materials Needed: This is an interesting way to test the Bible knowledge of your group. When the music stops, the person left holding the object loses. It allows your youth to discover the blessing of Gods leading as they seek to deliver encouragement to those who need it, and all it takes is a little time, effort, and paper. The sick children could use some scripture to remind them that the Lord loves and cares for them. Justin Mitchell, The Sun Herald 15 mins ago. Collect enough Yahtzee games for each one of your groups. The object of Materials Needed: You will need money for concert tickets, transportation and adult supervision. It could be a box of balloons (they escape when they open the box), or it could have some candy or treats. All you need are some cardboard boxes, balloons, treats, candy, and a special gift. All you need is small or medium size water balloons and enough shovels for each team. There are many good ways to make this a big event. Research local food kitchens you might partner with and set up a time to tour their facility. The activities and worksheets below can help your teenager start or continue to build a healthy sense of self-esteem. At each station, you will have an index card telling the students what they have to do with the item. You go until someone gets the box with the special gift. They then text or e-mail you the photos they have taken. Make poster board signs that say, How Can I Pray for You?. Maybe through events like a car wash, bake sale or raking leaves, etc. When a star player listens to a coach speak about how badly they want to win they Yell start, and the first to pop their balloon with their sword wins. The first team to fill their carton wins. The fruits of this activity are exponential as your youth ministry impacts the community. You will want to have extra in case there is a visitor. Divide your youth group into small teams. Create an invitation for your students to invite their friends. Materials Needed:You will need funds for a trip, transportation and adult chaperones. Each team member has 2 turns to knock all the bottles down. Once one is halfway through the maze, start the next player. Each student will have a turn to draw a number from the bucket, and then you will show the student the corresponding photo. Invest a little bit of time teaching your youth group meaningful songs, and then let them be a bright light in a dark world. Materials Needed: This is a simple game, only needing just a little preparation. For an added element of fun, have props to put on the mummy once they finish wrapping. Mix them up and place them face down on a table. Put some duct tape, sticky side out, on each ping pong ball. All you need is an object to pass and someone to play the music. Locate a nursing home in a needy part of town and obtain permission from the director to decorate their facility for Christmas. Purchase materials to make diaper trees out of the donated diapers and bag them like a gift. Teacher will tell children Handle the movie night the same as if you were doing a Bible study time. Have the room set up so that you have chairs in groupings of two, facing each other. Choose a student to be it and tape a sign that says I am it on the back of a student. Divide your group into small teams. Give the students a scripture paper, a sharpie, and several leaves. You will need an egg carton for each team and some spoons. Be creative and come up with some ingenious decorations for them to use. Look for areas where your youth can volunteer for the day, or possibly you could do it monthly. Materials Needed: Remember playing the memory game when you were young? Write the corresponding numbers on index cards, fold them and place them in a bucket or hat. Administer the questions according to the students biblical knowledge. Recruit plenty of adult workers to ensure the safety and well-being of your students. To fill the bags, the students should wash their hands or use gloves. Give one of the students some index cards with random words written on them. You will need a dunking tank, proper attire, and a towel. In place of paper, you could also use fabric purchased in the clearance aisle of your local sewing store. If you answer your question incorrectly, then you must remove a piece from your Jenga tower. With little effort, you can introduce your youth group to what God is doing around the world. Note how his actions led to blessings, healings, and salvation. Ask for a volunteer to be the detective. You can have a large group of youth sing at all different types of events. You will also need to mark your lanes with wide strips of plastic or chalk for outside. Reach out to your local resettlement agency and join God in His great global movement of people. Divide into sections like a pie and color each square. In any skill, learning goes through four primary stages. You could also adopt the residents and have each student and their family bake their person a Christmas treat. Set a timer and have the youth start one at a time. Many young women would welcome a gift, and the agency could use any funds you raise. This activity is a great application for lessons on how to love people who are often neglected. This is an incredible way to bless your local refugee agency or Christian clinic. All you need are chairs arranged in a circle, a piece of paper and some tape. Then someone says start, and you start reading from John 14:10, and they get to open their Bibles. For this type of outing, you will want to plan your trip well in advance. Once you work through the entire group, tally up the points to determine the winner. Ask the students to bring blankets and snacks. This is fun to play and can introduce your students to missionary work around the world. Choose two students to start the game. How often do we need this as adults? It will engage your youth in the community around them, and with just the expense of the materials. Then, for an additional spin, have the youth try hard to remember everyones last names rather than first names. The result: kids everywhere are in crisis. Prepare a lesson demonstrating the love of Christ for the outcasts of society. Assign point values to each bottle and youth leaders to keep score. If you are not artistic, you can print a large image or a Bible verse on several 8 x 11 sheets of paper with a section of the picture on each sheet. Materials Needed: This game will be a scavenger hunt around the church. Materials Needed:You will need transportation and food for a meal together. Cut a hole out of the center large enough to fit easily over the paper towel roll. Games like these, which require strategy, help develop impulse control and social thinking skills. Work together to find good ways to let your missionaries know that someone at home cares and is praying for them. You can choose any object for the students to pass, but they must do something with the item before passing it to the next person. God says in Acts 17:26 that He is who moves the boundaries of people so that perhaps they will seek Him. It is a game for everyone. Your students could choose to bless a struggling single mom, a homeless family living in a shelter, or children in a local orphanage. Center the whole pop-up event around youth activities. It surprised him to see her standing where she was.. The object of the game is to roll a pumpkin to their team member across from them as quickly as possible. Put half of a team on one side of the lane and the other half opposite them. Involving your youth in serving vulnerable members of our world population will help them see that some need prayers and help. Children and teens across the U.S. increasingly face significant mental health challenges and a severe shortage of services to treat them. Connect selfishness and unselfishness to faith lessons. Some of the most beautiful examples of giving and thinking of others are found in scripture. When you share Bible stories with your child, dont miss the opportunity to point out those examples, and how we should follow them. A bucket would also work. This project should be a long-term project providing many opportunities for your youth to support and pray for the missionaries. This is a fun and messy game. Morant is averaging 27.2 points, 8.2 assists, and 6.0 rebounds per game for the 37-23 Grizzlies, who are in second place in the Western Conference. Read the opening line of a story and choose the first youth to say the next part. Load up your youth group and take them to a youth conference to be recharged and refreshed. How many people do you pray for each day? Youll ask the client to imagine the traits theyd like to have and the goals they hope to reach in the future. They can be a souvenir spoon from a strange place, a homemade ashtray, a coffee mug with a funny saying on it, just really anything that you find bizarre or just hysterical. 3. Repeat until you have enough for each team. You could also use gardening shovels, spades, or plastic shovels from a childrens beach set, all of which will work. You will design a frame of bible verses that will go around the edges of each 5 x 8 photo page (2 frames to a page). Prayer should always be our first resource when helping others. If your group is too young to go to a shelter, you could pray over the cookies together. Youth, their families, and your leaders can all be involved in scouring local garage sales for the items you lack. Divide students into teams and give each the same amount of tennis balls. You can decide when to end a story and move on to another one. Itwill teach your youth that simple acts of love can make a huge impact. The activity will provide a fun way to apply a Bible study on being thankful. Divide your students into teams and start the fun. Your leaf gathering will help bring color to this fall activity. Ask them to mix the things up by having things that are true and things that are made up. Materials Needed:You will need paper or poster board, tape, markers, a color printer, or a place to print color photographs. The first home will provide an appetizer and a fun game for the youth. Perhaps you could gift diapers, school clothes, or supplies for children in need, etc. They administer the questions or tasks to each team that enters. Prepare bible verses on gratitude written on slips of paper for each student. It will be a mini Youth Conference, and it will encourage the kids as they see others their age seeking God. You can play this game in two ways. Have a prize for each category. Your kids can also send special gifts and cards for Christmas and Easter. This game helps your students learn to move easily through the Bible on their own. Playing the Smile Infection Game with a Smaller Number of Kids (2-4 Kids) For a small number of kids, start some fun, happy music that encourages smiles. This activity will bond your group as they learn to work together to accomplish something great. Without it, we are like a leaf riding a wind current. Make a list of interesting facts for each section of the maps. If they lose, they are out. You could do this as part of a fall festival. SUPPLIES Piece of paper (one for each student) Pen/pencil for each student Pennies (10 per student) GAME PREP Each student will play this game as individuals. After nothing could Materials needed:Notecards, colored pens, gift boxes or treats of some kind like cookies. Fill each box with something. The welcome team collects household items and furniture the family will need to start their new lives. Bible: 1 Corinthians 13; Romans 12:9-10 (NLT) Bottom Line: Our love for others should be Ask the senior pastor to write bible questions on index cards, dont peek. Tape the valves of the balloons to a piece of cardboard and prop it against a wall. Help your students learn how they can partner with overseas missionaries, and the desire to be a part of Gods work may stay with them for the rest of their lives. When we teach our students to serve while still young, God will use their service to shape them into His instruments. Obtain the needed transportation to take your students on a much-needed road trip to recharge their spiritual batteries. There is so much emphasis on our digital life in our culture. Purchase some world maps and section them off with a black marker. There are many beneficial ways that your youth could be a part of their ministry. You will not know how many marriages are rescued or how many souls are saved. Then blow the balloon up and shake things up. Cut holes in the center of your paper plates, and punch two holes on the top edge of the plate and then two more on the bottom edge of the plate. This shows they have found the correct place. Put it on the ground, at an angle, and not flat. A direct link between all three events was provided by a group of around 30 volunteers who had also been on duty in 1964 and 1976. Each player has a turn at rubbing a balloon on their clothes to build enough static electricity for it to stick to them. Involve as many as possible in this activity, including any of the youth groups family members. Materials Needed: This is a good idea for an icebreaker game. Pray and ask God to guide their words to encourage those who will receive them. The first player to correctly guess their name wins a point. Put all the photos on the sign with the list of questions and pray for a few people each time you meet. Write a title like Falling into Thankfulness on a large piece of craft butcher paper and add your church name and identify that it is from the youth group. Place the egg cartons on a table. You can fill the cans with sand or pebbles to make the game a little harder. Sometimes they may look at themselves and see something they don't like. Materials Needed: To play this game, use plastic Easter eggs. If they answer the trivia question correctly, they get to remove the matching number over the image on the wall and guess the drawing or scripture. However, you can plan a progressive dinner designed specifically for your students. Draw your complicated maze on paper for that the volunteers can see the design they are working toward. The first team who successfully builds a card house with the most cards wins. You can do your playoff one-on-one. Purchase enough paper plates for each youth to have a shot at the target. They can donate dishes, microwaves, towels, etc. This is the same concept, but biblical. To play, you will need to collect several clean, empty aluminum cans of the same size and ping pong balls for each team. This activity will give your students a small opening into the lives of others that we would never get otherwise. As your youth work together to raise money, they not only build relationships, but they tell others about their project. Materials Needed: This is a fun combination of classic games to play outside or indoors. Materials Needed: For this game, all you will need is cupcakes and supplies to decorate them with. It also will help them see that even though they are on the other side of the world, they can be a part of the missionarys work. Now the detective returns and must first determine what is missing from the table and then who took it. The team with the most points wins the game. Materials Needed:You will need craft paper or poster boards, markers, tape, and missionary instructions. They interrogate the students until they guess who took the object, have used all their questions, or until time runs out. ROANOKE, Va. (WDBJ) - Roanoke Citys Youth Services Citizens Board is excited to hold its 9th annual Youth Summit March 4 from 10 a.m. - 2 p.m. at William Fleming High School. In the chosen room, the youth leader will administer biblical trivia questions, or they could hide an item in the room that correlates with a Bible story (childs boat, a walking stick, etc.). You will want to play this game in a space that is easy to clean. Materials Needed: This is a simple game of passing one item to the next student. We hope there are some fun activities and ideas here to help your youth group pray together and stay together! The questions should lead them to who took the item. The object of this crazy game is to see which team can put the shirt on and off the quickest. The first team to fill their bucket wins. Use the following object lesson talk as an example or browse other Bible verses about self-control. There are two objects moving at the same time. This continues until all the students have had a turn or until time runs out. You will need to purchase a stuffed cat and mouse, or it could be a stuffed dog and cat. In His great global movement of people youth try hard to Remember everyones last names rather than youth games about selfishness... Into sections like a car wash, bake sale or raking leaves, etc random words written on slips paper! 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